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The Healing of America Prologue: A Moral Question

Before You Read: Predicting (P1 !

Prologue= A speech or section of text that introduces a play or book

"hat can #ou e$%ect to find in a %rologue&

An introduction and some information about the book or the author.

Before and After You Read: Predicting ' Returning to Your Prediction (%1(!
Before You Read))) Make a prediction After You Read))) Edit it so that it more closely follows what Reid says in the prologue and write your new version here

!his book is about the healing of America. "o # think the moral $uestion is doubting the medical problems in the %nited "tates and comparing the medical system in different countries to the %nited "tates.

Reid visits wealthy& free market& and shares evidence from doctors& government official& healthcare experts& and patients all over the world. 'e compares different medical system. !he %nited "tates is a powerful country in the world& but his health care system doesn(t count.

After You Read: )hoose two details that stand

out to you * !he one area where the %nited "tates un$uestionably leads the world is in the spending.+ * ,hen it comes to medical care& though& Americans are shelling out the big bucks without getting what we pay for.+

As we known& the %nited "tates is one of the strongest and richest country in the world& but unfortunately& even though we pay lots of money for our health care& we still getting less than what we pay for. And that should be considered.

After You Read: *sing +arrati,es to -llustrate a Point (%1.!

A%%l# this conce%t to the %rologue of The Healing of America) "hat is the %ersonal stor#& "hat idea does the stor# illustrate& /iscuss this 0ith a %artner and 0rite an ans0er here&
Personal "tory !he author & Reid& was hoping to find some relief for his ailing right shoulder& and he has tried a couple of treatment in different countries. 'e illustrated the health care system in the %nited "tates has excited lots of problems

!his story illustrates the idea

Reading and "riting 12ill: Tone (%13!

-. .oking /. calm0formal 1. excited 2ormal !one !he %nited "tates has 34 cities )asual !one #(ll finish this.

Reading and "riting 12ill: Tone (%14!

-. This 0riter5s attitude is emergency room is 5ew 6ork )ity is very crowed& someone have to wait for a long time. /. This 0riter6s attitude is that he thought everyone knows that the %nited "tates is a powerful country and has a system which dedicated students and allowed to become doctors. 7ut actually we don(t have a perfect health care system though.

After You Read: Tone ' *sing Quotes 7rom the Te$t (P89!
!.R Reid believes... All the Americans know that our medical system has existed a big leak. Everyone wants it to be fixed and have to be fixed.

8uote As we(ll see shortly& the $uality of medical care that American buy is often inferior to the treatment people get in other countries. "urveys show that American who see a doctor tend to be less satisfied with their treatment than 7ritons& #talians& 9ermans :::::even though we pay the doctor much more then they do.

'ow this $uote supports my opinion !hat $uote shoes American can see our $uality of medical care system is not that good and have to be fixed. !here are some statistics show American satisfaction is lower than another countries.

;bama had made health care reform a central pillar of his presidential campaign& and exit polls on election:day in /<<= showed that nearly =<> of voters wanted substantial changes in the %.". Medical system.

President announced about =<> of voters wanted the medical system would be changed.

"hile Your Read: *sing the Title to :uide Your Reading (P81!
)ure "ymptoms of problem !he main chunk that explains problem starts on page

Reid(s own experience about his # could no longer swing a golf P? ailing right shoulder club. # could barely reach up to replace a lightbulb overhead or get the wine:glasses form the top shelf !he health care system in the %nited "tates ;ur nation(s health care system P= has become excessively expensive& ineffective and un.ust

A ;uest is))) !he %nited "tates might usefully study foreign health care systems

After You Read: Thesis 1tatements (P88!

!hesis statement= A thesis statement appears near the end of the introductory paragraph of a paper& and it offers a concise solution to the issue being addressed. !o summari@es the main idea of the passage by a sentences

-. !he thesis of the book is that we can find cot:effective ways to cover every American by borrowing ideas form foreign models of health care. /. 6esA 6es& # agreed. !here is a problem and people know it. Even though it seems take a long time. 7ut that(s what we should keep doing. 1. Eisenhower& is a beginner& who as borrowed a idea from 9erman& and successes. !hat is a good example for people to reali@e borrowing is another way to reach the goal.

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