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IGEIDK H, mit csinlsz te itt? vek ta nem ettem ilyen j vreshurkt# %zen a tavaszon $ogok $rjhez menni# &r vagy hrom rja nyomta a cseng't, mikor a hzmester vgre kinzett# &ita jr (ska )zval? *zeretlek# +nzett a lnyra, kacsintott, !,cs,t intett neki, aztn !el"ett a li$takn!a# - mai na"ig nem $elejtettem el azt a sze"tem!eri estt, mikor el'sz.r lttalak meg a sznakazal!e # Itt /l az id' a nyakamon# Holna" hromkor? 1em, akkor "" a $ogorvosnl $og /lni# 2tkor? 1em, akkor "" a $ogt $ogja !orogatni# 4gy rted, hogy htkor? 1em, akkor mr aludni $og# 1a, hogy tegna" htkor? 1em, akkor vasalt# 0egna"el'tt htkor? -kkor meg mosott# Hogy most? &ost itt /l mellettem, s kuncog# &r 67 ve !artn'k# 8el"ett a szo!!a, de el'tte lezuzuhanyozott# &ajd szlok, ha !e$ejeztem# -mikor n mg kissrc voltam, minden na" elmentem meglesni a lnyokat a munksszlls $/rd'j!en# 1incs hozzszokva ahhoz, hogy !usszal jrjon a "iacra# Hnyszor mosol na"onta $ogat? %zt a s.rt most megiszom# (zsi !csi mr nem dolgozik itt# &egka"tad mr a "nzt? :issza $ogom adni mihelyst megtallom# &ost "" nem alszik# &r egy hete csak a mamra gondolok# %gsz ,ton haza$el azon gondolkodm ;ett'kor j.ttek meg, de azta se lttuk 'ket#

TENSES Hey, what are you doing here? I haven t eaten such good !lood "udding $or years# I m going to get married this s"ring# He had !een ringing the !ell $or three hours when the caretaker looked out at last# How long has (oe !een dating )za? I love you# He looked at the girl, winked at her, waved good !ye and then ste""ed into the li$t sha$t# I haven t $orgotten the night in *e"tem!er when I $irst saw you in the shade o$ the hay!ale# 0ime is sitting on my neck# -t three tomorrow? 1o, then he ll !e sitting at the dentist s# -t $ive? 1o, at that time he ll !e having a cold com"ress on his tooth# 3ou mean at seven? 1o, he ll !e slee"ing then# 3ou mean at seven yesterday? 1o, he was ironing then# -t seven the day !e$ore yesterday? He was washing then# 3ou mean now? 1ow, hi is sitting ne5t to me and tittering# 0hey ve !een $riends $or ten years# He entered the room# 8ut he had taken a shower !e$ore# I ll tell you when I ve $inished# 9hen I was a little !oy I used to go and see the girls in he !ath o$ the worker s hostel every day# *he is not used to going to the market !y !us# How many times a day do you clean your teeth? I m going to do drink this !eer now# (zsi !csi doesn t work here anymore# Have you received the money yet? I ll give it !ack as soon as I $ind it# *he s not slee"ing right now# I ve !een thinking o$ &um $or a week now# -ll my way home I was wondering# 0hey arrived at two !ut we haven t seen them ever since#

&g $l vig sem ltek egy/tt, mikor elvltak# -z .sszes h,st !e"an=roztad? &inden este tterem!en vacsorzik# %z elment vadszni, ez megl'tte, ez hazavitte, ez megs/t.tte, ez az iciri-"iciri meg mind megette# -m=g a lnyok csevegtek, addig a $i,k a !ny!an dolgoztak# - rakod"art als /ltem, s nztem, hogy ,szik a dinnyehj# Hov msz te kisnyulacska? 1em tallkoztunk mi mr valahol? 1em ltott semmit, m=g $el nem rakta a szem/vegt# 8allag a katona, szj!an csutora# (.v're lesz 6? ve, hogy n's vagyok# &alacka minden na" megltogatja &icimackt# Hol sz/lettl? Hol lsz te? Hol $ogsz dolgozni? Aenin lt, Aenin l, Aenin lni $og# &g soha nem volt ilyen $ej$jsom# *zerencse, hogy tegna" nem $jt a $ejem# 1agyon esett, amikor leszlltl a !uszrl? &egcsinlod mire visszaj.v.k? &ita megn's/lt, egsz msk"" viselkedik# %gsz este d/ -"u, mit csinl a kutya a $nl? Attl te mr $eln'tt $r$it meztelen? 0e kinek drukkolsz? %gsz na" ,gy hinyoztl# &ire megtallta az anyt, eltCnt a csavar# Dllandan ,jsgot olvas reggeli k.z!en# 0hey had !een living together $or less than hal$ a year when they got divorced# Have you coated all the meat with !readcrum!s? He has dinner in a restaurant every evening# 0his one went hunting, this one shot it, this one took it home, this one $ried it and this teeny weenie one ate it all# 9hile the girls were chatting, the !oys were working in the colliery# - was sitting on the lower stone o$ the >uay watching the melon rind $loating# 9here are you going, !unny? Haven t we met somewhere !e$ore? He hadn t seen a thing until he "ut on his glasses# 0he )I is trudging wit a mouth"iece in his mouth# 1e5t year I ll have !een married $or 6? years# @iglet goes to see 9innie-the-@ooh every day# 9here were you !orn? 9here do you live? 9here will you work? Aenin lived, Aenin lives, Aenin will live# I ve never had such a headache# Auckily enough, I didn t have a headache yesterday# 9as it "ouring when you got o$$ the !us? 9ill you have done it !y the time I return? *ince he got married, she s !een !ehaving rather di$$erently# He was mum!ling all evening# Baddy, what s the dog doing !y the tree? Have you ever seen a grown man naked? 9ho do you su""ort? I ve !een missing you all day# 8y the time he $ound the nut, the !olt had disa""eared# He is always reading a "a"er during !reak$ast#

&egetted mr amit tegna" $'ztem? 0e j isten, mennyit ittl? 1yugi anyukm, nem ittam t.!!et, mint a (zsi, "edig ' mr tegna" elkezdte, s mg most sem $ejezte !e# H, de k.h.gsz, csak nem $ztl meg? - ci"'jt s a ka!tjt levette, az ingt "" most gom!olja, de a $/l!evaljt mg nem kattintotta ki# &ondtam mr neked, hogy ne szo"d az ujjadG &egitta a tejet, megette a kakas csigt, a reggelit s !ement a szo!j!a# &egjav=tottad mr a csa"ot? %l$ogyott a cigarettm# &r dl van, mgis kis$iam, hol voltl egsz dlel'tt? Htkor tallkoztunk a 1emzetinl# ;orn le$ek/dt, =gy aztn hazart nyolcra# 8e$ejezted mr? 1em eml=tettem mg neked azt az esetet, mikor vletlen/l rossz !uszra szlltam? Hgye mg nem mesltem azokrl az id'kr'l, amikor kz a kz!en ment/nk a Bzsa )y.rgy ,ton, mjus 6-jn? Iel$,jta a lu$it, s az most akkora, mint egy hz# &ost mr !e$ejeztem# &eglocsoltad mr a $elesged? Jt mg nem locsoltam meg, de a !artn'met mr igen# 0egna" mentem hozz s ka"tam t'le "iros tojst# $elesgemt'l mg "iros tojst nem ka"tam, de a sodr$t mr el'vette# &g nem csa"ott a $ejemre, de nagyon $lek, mert tavaly ,gy ku"n vgott, Have you yet eaten what I cooked yesterday# Fh, my )od, you ve !een drinking a lotG %asy mum, I haven t drunk more than (oe, mind you, he started it yesterday and hasn t $inished it yet# Hey, you re coughing a lot# I ho"e you haven t caught a cold# *he has taken o$$ her shoes and coat, she s undoing her !louse right now, !ut she hasn t uncli""ed her earrings yet# I ve already told you not to suck your $ingerG He drank the milk, ate the cocoa snail, thanked $or the !reak$ast and went into his room# Have you re"aired the ta" yet? I ve run out o$ cigarettes# It is noon, sonny, where have you !een the whole morning? 9e met at the 1ational 0heatre at seven# *he had gone to !ed early, so she got home !y eight# Have you $inished yet? Haven t I mentioned to you the case when I accidentally took the wrong !us? I haven t told you a!out the days when we were walking hand in hand on Bzsa )y.rgy road on &ay Bay, have I? He has !lown u" the !alloon and now it s as !ig as a house# I ve $inished it now# Have you s"rinkled your wi$e yet? 1o, I haven t, !ut I ve already s"rinkled my girl$riend# I went to her "lace yesterday and I got a red egg $rom her# - haven t got a red egg $rom my wi$e yet, !ut she has already "roduced the rolling "in# *he hasn t yet hit me on the head !ut I m scared !ecause last year she hit me on the head so

hogy mg most sem ment le a "," a $ejemr'l# Hegyek, v.lgyek zakatol a vonat# Ittam egy kis klt s most csuklok# 0e cs.ngettl, 0aszil? hard that the lum" hasn t gone down $rom my head yet# 0he train is rattling along !etween mountains and valleys# I ve drunk some coke and now I m hiccu"ing Have you rung the !ell, 0aszil?

1yr este volt, "acsirta szlt a $n, ott k!orolt egy cigny# Ls.r.g a lncG &i? Ls.r.g a lnc# 1em hallom, mert cs.r.g a lnc# &it s/tsz kis szCcs? *s h,st s/tsz kis szCcs? */t a "k, s/t a "k gezemice lngost#

It was a summer night, there was a lark singing in the tree and a gy"sy roaming a!out# 0he chain is rattlingG 9hat? 0he chain is rattlingG I can t her you cause the chain is rattling# 9hat are you $rying little $urrier? -re you $rying salty meat, $urrier? 0he !aker is $rying, the !aker is $rying hotch"otch dough# 0he woodworm is ticking away# *he s !een wearing that sha!!y "air o$ jeans $or three years# I ve !een dreaming a!out you since I saw you under the !ushes# *ince he arrived in town, he has !een living in the ritziest hotel# I ve already travelled on the roller coaster !ut I haven t !een to the haunted castle# He has drunk a glass o$ vodka and now he s zigzagging in the street# I ve never !een so lucky# I was walking in the street when the accident ha""ened# *he was staring into s"ace when out o$ a sudden she caught sight o$ -liosha# I ve never ever travelled on the ghost train I ve never ever seen the large dragon# Have you ever seen a !ear in ras"!erries? 0he !artender was "utting out the lights, the girl was standing !y the clothes tree, when a young co" entered the !ack door# -t he $ar side o$ the !arn cows were slee"ing on straw# He was a$raid he had awakened someone with his shout# 1ot a tear will !e shed $or him# %leven tomorrow will do? I always take a shower in the evening !ecause in the morning I m in a hurry#

@erceg a sz,# Hrom ve hordja azt a rongyos $armert# &ita meglttalak a !okrok alatt, csak rlad lmodom# &ita megrkezett a vros!a, a legdrg!! szllod!an lakik# - hullmvas,ton mr /ltem, de az elvarzsolt kastly!an mg nem voltam# Ivott egy "ohr vodkt s most itt kacszik az utcn# &g sosem volt ilyen szerencsm# "" az utcn stltam, mikor a !aleset t.rtnt# &eredten !mult a tvol!a, mikor egyszercsak meg"illantotta -ljost# n mg sohasem utaztam a szellemvas,ton, soha sem lttam a nagy srknyt# Attl te mr mackt mlns!an? - !rt/ndr a villanyokat oltogatta, a lny a $ogasnl llt, mikor egy $iatal rend'r l"ett !e a hts ajtn t# -z istll hts rsz!en tehenek aludtak szalmn# Ilt, hogy $el!resztett valakit az ordi!lsval# *enki nem $og egy k.nnycse""et sem hullatni rte# Holna" tizenegy j lesz? &indig este zuhanyozok, mert reggel rohanok#

Dllandan csa"kodja az ajtt# *zereted a mzet? *zeretsz mg, mondd? Holna" lesz egy hete, hogy sztrjkolnak# &r kt rja !eszlt, mikor, hogy senki nincs a szo!!an# &ire a vgre rsz, el $ogod $elejteni az elejt# &agas lovon /lt, miel'tt le!ukott# 4gy megcskolt, ahogy, soha senki azel'tt# @iroska karjra akasztotta a kosarat, amit a nagymamja $ont# %gy $ekete macska /l a $ogason# *ok krdst mr megoldottunk# n mg sose voltam $r$ivel# &ikor j.ssz vissza? %zrt meg$izetszG Flyan nehzsgekkel talltam szem!e magam, amilyeneket azel'tt nem ta"asztaltam# Hull az elsrgult levl# rted? -zt hiszem, n rtem# Hol lesz a htvgi !uli? &ire kis/l a h,s, kihCl a krum"li# *okszor voltam mr ideges# :asrna" mr hrom na"ja lesz, hogy tncol# 0egna" mr kt na"ja tncoltN 4gyhogy most hrom na"ja tncol# -mikor !e$ejezi, .sszesen hat na"ja $og tncolni# &ilyen na" van ma? Hgye milyen sokat javult az letsz=nvonalunk? Be idtlen vagy# &elyik horkol? He is always slamming the door# Bo you like honey? 0ell me, do you still love me? 0omorrow they ll have !een on strike $or a a week# *he had !een talking $or two hours when she realised there was no!ody in the room 8y the time you get to the end, you ll have $orgotten the !eginning# He had !een riding high !e$ore he had a $all# *he kissed me in a way I had never !een kissed !e$ore# Aittle +ed +iding Hood "ut the !asket on her arm that her grandma had woven# - !lack cat is sitting on the rack# 9e have solved a lot o$ "ro!lems# I ve never !een with a man !e$ore# 9hen will you !e !ack? 3ou re going to "ay $or this# I met with di$$iculties I had never met !e$ore#

0he yellow leaves are $alling# Bo you understand? I think I understand# 9here s the "arty gonna !e this weekend? 8y the time the meat $ries, the chi"s will have got cold# I ve !een nervous lots o$ times# Fn *unday she ll have !een dancing $or three days# 3esterday she had !een dancing $or two days# *o now she s !een dancing $or three days# 9hen she has $inished, she ll have !een dancing $or si5 days altogether# 9hat day is it today? Fur living standard has im"roved greatly, hasn t it? How stu"id can you getG 9hich one is snoring?

Holna" lesz egy hete, hogy nem mos l!at# %gy hete lakom a Lali$ornia szllod!an# - !=r az ujjval $/ty/lt, mert el$elejtette elhozni a s="jt# &inden krtya nlad van# -z se seg=t, ha tudjuk# Idig vagyok az /zleti "ro!lmiddal# &indig azt mondod, hogy vissza$ogott vagyok# &ajd n leviszem a kutyt# *zak=tottam (zsival# Aondon!an /zletel# Hallra untatsz# 0egna" ro!!an le# *ose olvas# 1ha olvas# &ost is olvas# Flvastad mr? -mikor majd elolvasod, lgy sz=ves add ide# 8iztos, hogy el $ogja olvasni? Lsak azrt is el $ogom olvasni# 0egna" se olvastad el# - na" is lement mire elolvastad# Lsak olvasta, olvasta, mikor ltta, hogy $ejjel le$el van# -z egyik/k a k.nyvet tartotta, a msik meg olvasott# &r egy rja olvassa ezt a kurta cikket# Ae$ogadom, hogy akkor is olvasni $og, ha nger gyerekek "otyognak az g!'l# 4gyis el$elejti az els' rszt mire vgigolvassa# ;edden lesz egy hete, hogy olvassa#

0omorrow he won t have washed his $eet $or a week# I ve !een living in the Hotel Lali$ornia $or a week# 0he re$eree used his $ingers to whistle, !ecause he had $orgotten to take his whistle# 3ou hold every card# I won t hel" knowing# I m having to here with your !usiness "ro!lems# 3ou always say I m too reserved# I ll walk the dog# &e and (oe have had a !ust u"# He s doing some deal in Aondon now# 3ou re !oring me sti$$# It !roke down yesterday# He never reads# *ometimes he reads# He s reading right now# Have you read it yet? 9hen you ve read it, "lease give it to me# -re you sure he will read it? I m going to read it# 3ou didn t read it yesterday# 0he sun had set !y the time you read it# He had !een reading and reading when he saw it was u"side now# Fne o$ them was holding the !ook, the other one was reading# He has !een reading that short article $or an hour already# I !et he ll !e reading even when !lack kids are $alling $rom the sky# He will have $orgotten the $irst "art !y the time he reads it# Fn 0uesday he ll have !een reading it $or a week#


SZENVED %zt a k.nyvet mg semmilyen nyelvre nem $ord=tottk le# &ondd, tged megh=vtak? 4j iskolt "=tenek a $alunk!an# &ost viszik, most viszik Banikn lnyt, !=!or!an, !rsony!an R Aeg,ja!! $ilmjt tartjk a legjo!!nak# 1emsok $.lszolgljk a jghideg s.r.ket# &r a m,lt hten elk/ldtk a levelet# (.v're taln majd kiadjk# "" most !ontjk az ,j $el/ljrt# &ire a rend'rsg odart, a k"eket mr rg ello"tk# ( llst =grtek neki# &ana"sg sokkal t.!! "nzt k.ltenek h,sra, mint tegna"sg# &g t=z ilyen mondat, s !iztos, hogy a dilihz!a visznek# - csnakot szem el'l tvesztettk a sCrC k.d!en# &r egy csomszor megmondtk neked, hogy ne ny,lj hozz# I.l kn mr "=teni ezt a hzat# &ost mr kell tallni valakit, aki rt hozz# %gy csom em!ert $.ljelentettek adcsalsrt# &eg kne mondani neki, hogy ezt ne csinljk# Holna" .tre kell leg"elni# %l lehet vinni ezeket a k.nyveket? 8rcsak megtalltk volna# 2tezerre rtkeltk a vadonat,j nerc!undjt# ;t l.vst hallottak# Ha nem Hong ;ong!an ksz/lt volna, nem vennm meg# ;s'!!re kell halasztani a tallkozt#

PASSIVE 0his !ook has not !een translated into any language yet# *ay, have you !een invited? - new school is !eing !uilt in our village# Fld &rs# Banika s daughter is !eing taken, right now, right now, in a $ancy velvet garment# His latest $ilm is thought to !e the !est# 0he ice cold !eer will !e served u" in no time# 0he letter was "osted last week# &ay!e it will !e "u!lished ne5t year# 0he new $lyover is !eing "ulled down# 8y the time the "olice got there, the "ictures had !een stolen# He has !een "romised a good jo!# 1owadays much more money is s"ent on meat than !e$ore# -nother ten sentences like this, and I ll surely !e taken to hos"ital# 0he !oat was lost in the dense $og# 3ou ve !een told lots o$ times not to touch it# 0his house should !e !uilt now# *ome!ody has to !e $ound who is good at it# - lot o$ "eo"le were re"orted $or ta5 evasion# 0hey should !e told not to do this again# It will have to !e ty"ed !y $ive tomorrow# Lan these !ooks !e taken? I$ only it had !een $ound# Her !rand new mink has !een valued at ?,777# 0wo shots were heard# I$ it hadn t !een made in Hong ;ong, I wouldn t !uy it# 0he meeting has to !e "ut o$$#

&os szerelik az ,j antennt# Aocsoljk a *oroksri utat# ;i/r=tettk a hamutartkat? (.v're taln majd el$ogadjk a jelentkezsedet# :ettek nkem "iros csizmt, rojtosat# Hny em!ert visznek -merik!a a *oros-ala"=tvnnyal? -z .nletrajzot sajnos angolul kell meg=rni# - hzat mr jval azel'tt $el"=tettk, hogy ! - re"/l'g"-szerencstlensg k.vetkezt!en <77 em!er vesztette lett# - mai na"ig titkoljk a !aleset okait# 1em ltezik, hogy kimostk ezeket a "ulvereket# %zt mind hi!tlanul kellett volna le$ord=tani# -z .sszes "nzt elvittk# Lsak nhny !izsut hagytak az .lt.zk.d'asztalon# :ettek ujjlenyomatot, de nem sok remny van# - !iztos=t "ersze egy $illrt nem adott# 2sszessg!en teht jl "a$$ra vgtak# - ;angkat ltal!an vadllatnak tekintik# - radvnyi erd'!en halva talltk 8rci 8en't# Attk, hogy !emszik az a!lakon, ,gyhogy nem lehetett titok!an tartani# ;a"sz tejet, vajat# %lesett, vagy ell.ktk? %lmozd=totta a $ejt "" akkor, mikor a $nyk"et csinltk# +emlem nem lo"tk el# 0he new aerial is !eing $i5ed# *oroksri road is !eing s"rinkled# Have the ashtrays !een em"tied? &ay!e your a""lication will !e acce"ted ne5t year# I ve !een !ought red !oots with $ringes# How many "eo"le will !e taken to the *tates !y *oros $und? Hn$ortunately the auto!iogra"hy has to !e written in %nglish# 0he house had !een !uilt long !e$ore they moved in# <77 "eo"le were killed in the "lane crash# 0he causes o$ the accidents have !een concealed so $ar# 0hese "ullovers couldn t have !een washed# *hould all this have !een translated with no mistakes# -ll the money was stolen# Fnly some !ijou was le$t on the dressing ta!le# *ome $inger"rints were taken !ut there is not much ho"e# - wasn t given a "enny !y the insurance com"any# -ll in all I was "ut out# - ;anga is generally regarded as a $ierce animal# In the dark $orest o$ +advnyi 8rci 8en' was $ound dead# *he was seen clim!ing through the window, so it couldn t !e ke"t a secret# 3ou ll !e given milk and !utter# Bid he $all, or was he "ushed? *he moved her head just as the "hoto was !eing taken# I ho"e it hasn t !een stolen#

FGG BESZD S FGG KRDS 1em tudom melyik klt krjem, a sz'kt, vagy a !arnt# -zon tCn'dtem, hogy elmenjek-e, vagy maradjak# -zt mondta, hogy hrom ve van lova# -zt mondta, hogy van lova# -zt mondta, hogy hrom vet tanult lovagolni# -zt mondta, hogy hrom ve tanul lovagolni# 1em tudom $og e rm emlkezni# -zt krdezte, hogy jrtam-e mr 0tkomlson# -zt javasolta, hogy ".tty.set vegyem# 1em tudtam, hogy hny "oharat tegyek az asztalra# - $i, meg=grte, hogy $elesg/l veszi a lnyt, ha az megteszi amire kri# 0.!!sz.r is megkrdezte, hogy rtem-e amit mond# *zerinte sska volt# 0udtam, hogy hazudik# -zt mondta, hogy az anysnak =r# *zlt, hogy ha esik, vigyek eserny't# -zt mondta, hogy mr haza kell mennie# Iogalmam se volt mit tegyek# Iogalmam se volt, tegye-e egyltaln valamit# lttam, hogy nem $og tejelni# -zt mondtad, nem rdekel# -zt hittem, mindent elmondtl# *zlt, hogy ne csinljak semmit, ' majd mindent elintz# 1em tudom, hogyan gygy=tsam meg a nthmat# 1em tudom, hogy elhiszed-e mg# -zt se tudtam $i, vagyok-e, vagy lny# :ajon hova dugta? REPORTED SPEECH AND REPORTED QUESTION I didn t know which coke to ask $or, the !lond one, or the !rown one# I was wondering whether to go or stay# He said he had had a horse $or three years# He said he had a horse# He said he had learnt how to ride $or three years# He said he had !een learning how to ride $or three years# I didn t know i$ she would remem!er me# *he asked i$ I had ever !een to 0tkomls# *e suggested I should !uy the s"otted one# I didn t know how many glasses to "ut on the ta!le# 0he !oy "romised he would marry the girl i$ she did what he asked her to do# *he asked me several times i$ I understood what she was saying# He thought it was a locust# I knew he was lying# He said he was writing to his mother-inlaw# *he told me to take an um!rella in case it rained# He said he had to go home# I had no idea what to do# I had no idea whether to do anything at all# I immediately saw she wouldn t milk# 3ou said you didn t care# I thought you had told me everything# *he told me not to anything, she would arrange everything# I don t know how to cure my sni$$le# I don t know whether you still !elieve it# I didn t know whether I was coming or going# I wonder where she has hidden it#

1em tudta hova dugta# -zt se tudta, hogy eldugta e? 1em tudta, hogy eldugja-e# :ajon mirt tette? :ajon elvesztette? 1em tudom lesz-e mg id'nk# 1em tudom mire gondol a katona az 'rsg idejn# :ajon adsz-e helyet magad mellett# 1em tudom vegye-e ka!tot# -zt mondta, nem lt semmit# &egkrdezte, hogy levegye-e a nadrgjt# -zt hitte, rosszul hall# -zon gondolkodott, vegye-e egy $l disznt# - nagymama azt hitte, hogy @iroska az# Ielrohantam, hogy megnzzem alszik-e a gyerek# &ondtam mr, hogy n's/l.k? -zt mondtad, hogy nem akarsz mindenron $rjhez menni# 0udtam, hogy ' az# 1em tudtam, hogy =gy $j# -zt hitte, nincs t.!!# -zt mondtad, hogy kilencre j.ssz# -z mondta csak 67 "erce van, mert dlre az irod!an kell lennie# 1em tudtam mirt takarja el az arct# -zt hitte nem !olha, hanem ele$nt# 0e tudtad mire akar kilyukadni? &ondtam mr, hogy hallgassG -z mondta, hogy !el"ett? 1em, azt mondta, hogy kil"ett# -zt mondta, hogy alig l"ett !e, mris kil"ett# :ajon mikor lesz mr vge# :ajon vge lesz-e valaha# *he didn t know where she has hidden it# *he didn t know is she had hidden it at all# *he didn t know is she should hide it# I wonder why he did it# I wonder i$ she has lost it# I don t know i$ we ll have time# I don t know what the soldier on guard has in mind# I don t know i$ you ll give me room !eside you# I don t know whether to "ut on a coat# *he said she couldn t see anything# He asked whether he should take o$$ his "ants# He thought he heard wrong# He was wondering whether to !uy hal$ a hog# )randmother thought it was Aittle +ed +iding Hood# I ran u" to see i$ the child was slee"ing# Have I told you I m going to get married? 3ou said you didn t want to get married at any cost# I knew it was he# I didn t know it would !e so "ain$ul# He thought there was no more# 3ou said you would come !y nine# *he said she had only ten minutes le$t !ecause she would have to !e in the o$$ice at noon# I didn t know why she was hiding her $ace# He thought it was no a $lea !ut an ele"hant# Bid you know what she was driving at? I ve told you to shut u"G Bid she say she had joined? 1o, she said she had le$t# *he said hardly had she joined when she had le$t# I wonder when it will end# I wonder whether it will ever end#

-zt hitte nincs !enne ram# &ondd meg a tejesnek, hogy ne hozzon t.!! sajtot# -zt mondta, egsz jjel nekelt# -zt mondta, hogy megenn, ha hes volna# -zt mondta, hogy mihelyt elksz/l j.n# Iogalmam se volt, hny ves lehet# &icimack azt mondta, hogy azt hitte, a 1yuszi a csaldjrl !eszlt# ;ukorica (ancsi azt mondta, hogy kicsit ugyan "arasztos a neve, de nem szgyelli# -z mondta, jo!! ha nem nzek oda# -z orvos szerint egy-kt na"ig mg gy!an kell maradnia# -zt mondta, "r!ljuk meg mg egyszer# -zt mondtam, hogy nincs rtelme mgegyszer meg"r!lni# MVELTETS - jkedvC tizedes $ogke$vel mosatta $el a $olyost# :irgot k/ldettem a nvna"jra# @iros "alt $ogok rakatni a hzam tetejre# -z a sok szilva jl megszalasztott# 1e 0echnocol +a"idot szagoltass vele, hanem re"/l'st# &ondd, te kivel csinltattad a $Ctst? &indig velem $ord=tatja le az idtlen mondatait# 1a, ezt a szerencstlent is jl megsz=vattk# ;icserltettem a $ltengelyt s a leveg'szCr't# &indenron t/kr.t akar szereltetni a hlszo!a "la$onjra# &indig velem =ratja a szerelmes leveleit# &irt nem a villanyszerel'vel k.tteted !e a mosg"et? He thought there was no current in it# 0ell the milkman to !ring no more cheese# He said she was singing all night# *he said she would eat i$ she was hungry# *he said she would come as soon as she was ready# I had no idea how old she could !e# @ooh said he thought +a!!it had !een talking a!out his $amily# (onny Lorn said his name was a !it "easantlike, !ut he wasn t ashamed o$ it# *he said I had !etter not watch it# 0he doctor said she would have to stay in !ed $or another day or two# He suggested trying it again# I said it was no use trying it again#

CAUSATIVE 0he cheer$ul cor"oral had the corridor washed with a tooth!rush# I had $lowers sent to her nameday# I ll get red slate "ut on the roo$ o$ my house# 0hat a lot o$ "lums made me run# Bon t make him smell 0echnocol +a"id, !ut smelling salts# *ay, 9ho did you get to install the heating? *he is always making me translate her stu"id sentences# 0hey got that un$ortunate guy to suck# I had the hal$ a5le and the air $ilter re"laced# *he wants to get a mirror $i5ed onto the ceiling o$ the !edroom at any cost# *he is always making me write her love letters# 9hy didn t you get the electrician to connect u" your washing machine?

&i!'l gondolod, hogy van mg id'nk? 0e is kertsszel gondoztatod a kertedet? - vacsorn egy $l disznt megetettek velem# %gy rend'rrel magyarztatta el a helyes ,tirnyt# %gyenes=ttesd ki, ha g.r!e# Ae kell vgatnom a hajam# %lhitettem vele, hogy minden rend!en van# &esszir'l kell szll=ttatnia a tejet# @ortrt csinltattam a $elesgemr'l# +zsa *ndor a lovt ugratja# Ielk.ttetem a Aord &ayortG -z utols szemig $elszedettem vele, amit eldo!lt# *z.rnyC szegnysgem!en lo"ni kezdtem *z.rnyC izgalmam!an dadogni kezdtem# -kkor se vetetem el, ha nem veszel elG Lsak nem akarod velem elhitetni, hogy n voltam neked az els'? ;i knyszer=thet arra, hogy megtedd? *zerinted nem sz.rnyC dolog kit.metni a kedvenc llataidat? &irt nem csinltatod mr meg ezt a vacak magnt? 1em tudtam kiverni a $ej!'l, amit az anysa mondott neki# - tizedik $elesge se tudta $eledtetni vele a legels't# %gy kis s=rssal mindent elrek nla# 9hat makes you think we still have time? Bo you also get a gardener to look a$ter your garden? 0hey made me eat hal$ a hog $or dinner# *he has had a "oliceman e5"lain the right way# Have it straightened i$ it s crooked# I must get my hair cut# I made him !elieve that everything was alright# He s got to get the milk delivered $rom $ar away# I had a "ortrait made o$ my wi$e# -le5 rose is getting his horse to jum"# I ll have the Aord &ayor hanged# I ve made him "ick u" every scra" he s thrown# &y terri!le "overty made me start stealing# &y terri!le e5citement made me start stammering# I won t have it taken away even i$ you don t marry me# I ho"e you don t want to make me !elieve I was the $irst $or youG 9ho can get you to do it? Bon t you thing it s horri!le thing to have your "ets stu$$ed? 9hy don t you have that shoddy ta"e recorder mended? I couldn t make him $orget what his mother--in-law had told him# %ven his tenth wi$e was una!le to make him $orget the $irst one# 9ith some crying I can make him do anything I want# 9hy don t you have it cut i$ it s too long? I ve had her "roduce everything she s hidden#

&irt nem vgatod le, ha t,l hossz,? %l'szedettem vele mindent, amit eldugott#

Hnyszor "=ttetted t a hzadat? How many times have you had your house re!uilt?

Itasd meg vele az egszet# rd el, hogy !evallja, kivel, hol, hnyszor#

)et him to drink it all# )et her to con$ess where, with whom, and how many times# 0hat $oolish teacher is always making us translate such stu"id sentences#

-z az idita tanr mindig ilyen h/lye mondatokat $ord=ttat vel/nk#

FELTTELES Ha a lnak hat l!a volna, nem !otlana meg# 0ncoltam volna n veled, ha nem $j a $ogam# &ajd megltogatlak, ha lesz elg id'm# &it vennl, ha lenne egy millid? Ha nem sietsz, mg elks/nk# Ha megvetted volna, most nem lenne "nzed# &eginnm, ha nem lenne olyan hideg# - helyed!en nem $ogadnm el azt az llst# Ha tov!! kerested volna, megtalltad volna#

CONDITIONAL I$ a horse had si5 legs, it wouldn t stum!le# I would have danced with you i$ I hadn t had a toothache# I ll visit you i$ I have enough time# 9hat would you !uy i$ you had a million? I$ you don t hurry, we ll !e late# I$ you had !ought it, now you wouldn t have money# I would drink it i$ it wasn t so cold# I$ I were you, I wouldn t take that jo!# Had you ke"t on looking $or it, you would have $ound it# I$ you had caught a cold, you couldn t come with us now# I$ you go to the greengrocer s anyway "lease !ring me hal$ a kilo o$ cucum!er# I d !e ha""y i$ you didn t kee" $ooling around# I$ he hadn t had delusions, he would have le$t the country long ago# I$ a ra!!it were a !ear, the hunter would !e less !oast$ul# I would go i$ I didn t need to "ut on a tie# I$ you should $ind it, give it !ack to him# I$ you would listen to me, we would !e over with it#

Ha meg$ztl volna, most nem j.hetnl vel/nk# Ha mr ,gyis msz a z.ldsgeshez, hozz egy $l kil u!orkt# 2r/lnk, ha nem szrakoznl annyit# Ha nem lettek volna tveszmi, mr rg elhagyta volna az orszgot# Ha a nyuszi medve volna, a vadsznak is kise!! szja lenne# %lmennk, ha nem kne nyakkend't Ha esetleg megtallod, add vissza neki# Ha hajland lennl rm $igyelni, mr t,l lennk rajta#

%l tudtam volna vgni, ha jo!! kst adtl volna# 1em .r/lnk, ha mris elmennl# Ha nem lett volna ez a sok ,j sz, most n lennk a legokosa!!# Ha n lennk a teszeln.k, (ska lenne a "rttitkr# &egszmoltam volna, ha tudtam volna# Ha csak azrt, hogy veszekedj, jo!! lett volna, ha ott maradsz# Ha .r.kk attl $lnl, hogy nem tudsz hozzjutni elg n'h.z, el'!! vagy ut!! "" oly zavart lennl szellemileg, mint a "szichiter, aki kezel# Ha mgis elveszettnek rzed magad, krj seg=tsget !rkit'l# Ha hajland lennl sz" csend!en elmenni, minden egyszerC!! lenne# &egcsinltam volna, ha kellett volna# Ha netn $el!redne, mondd meg neki hogy hamarosan visszaj.v.k# Ha nem h,zod meg a $arkt nem r,g meg# Ha el tudnm olvasni az =rsodat, egy!'l vlaszolnk is# Ha ki!=rnm, hogy ne nzzem .r.kk az ajkad, soha nem krnl meg, hogy az e5tzis ,j magassgai!a vigyelek# Ha a hall!/ntetst nem t.r.ltk volna el, most nem .lelhetnlek itt karjaim!an# I would have !een a!le to cut it i$ you had given me a !etter kni$e# I wouldn t !e glad i$ you le$t right away# I$ there hadn t !een so many new words, I d !e the cleverest now# I$ I were the $arm manager, (oe would !e the secretary o$ the "arty# I would have counted it i$ I had !een a!le to I$ you ve come only to >uarrel, you d !etter have stayed at home# I$ you were always a$raid o$ not getting enough women, sooner or later you would !e as con$used mentally as the "sychiatrist who treated you# *hould you $eel lost, you could as any!ody $or hel"# I$ you would leave in silence, everything would !e sim"ler# I would have done it i$ I had had to# I$ he should wake u", tell him I ll !e !ack in no time# I$ you don t "ull his tail, he won t kick you# I$ I could read your writing, I would answer immediately# I$ I could hel" kee"ing my eyes away $rom your li"s, you would never ask me to take you to the new heights o$ ecstasy# I$ ca"ital "unishment had not !een cancelled, I could certainly not !e holding yon in my arms#

- helyed!en nem hinnm el, mit mond# Ha $igyelted volna, hogy rakja a l!t, most te is tudnd jrni ezt a tncot# Ha gondjt viselnd a csaldnak, elmehetnnk vgre nyaralni#

I$ I were you, I wouldn t !elieve what he says# Had you watched her "utting her $eet, you would !e a!le now to do this dance# I$ you looked a$ter the $amily, we could have our holiday at last#

Ha vletlen/l /lt volna r a kala"omra, meg is !ocsjtnk neki# 1em tudunk elutazni, hacsak meg nem /tj/k a $'nyeremnyt# Ha nem a $rjemhez mentem volna $elesg/l, hanem hozzd, most nem engedhetnnk meg magunknak, hogy egy/tt utazzunk Havai!a# Ha id'!en tele$onltl volna, nem kellett volna megkrnem az ikreket, hogy hozzanak virgot# Ha nagyo!! halat tudtam volna $ogni, kor!!an hazaj.ttem volna# Ha nem lenne olyan .nz', nekem is adna egy t,r rudit# Ha esetleg megtallod, h=vj $el# &egc=meznm a !or=tkot, ha volnl sz=ves adni egy tollat# Lsiga-!iga told ki szarvadat, ha nem tolod, .sszet.r.m hzadat# Ha nem teszed a tejet hCt'!e, megsavanyodik# Ha nem lettek volna olyan igz' szemei szre se vette volna# Itthon maradok, hacsak meg nem h=vnak# Hacsak a kormny nem ad t.!! "nzt, !e kell zrni a sz=nhzat# Ha nem seg=tettl volna, sose $ejezz/k !e# I$ she sat on my hat !y accident, I would $orgive her# 9e can t go away unless we win the $irst "rize# Had I married you and not my hus!and, we couldn t a$$ord now to go together to Hawaii#

I$ you had tele"honed in time, I wouldn t have had to ask the twins to !ring $lowers#

I$ I had !een a!le to catch a !igger $ish, I would have come home earlier# I$ he wasn t so sel$ish, he would give a cottage cheese +udol"h to meg, too# I$ you should $ind it, give me a ring# I d address the envelo"e i$ you would give me a "en# *naily snail, "ush out your horn, i$ you don t "ush it out, I ll !reak your house# I$ you don t "ut the milk in the $ridge, it goes sour#

9ere it not $or her eyes !eing so ravishing, he would never have noticed her# I ll stay at home unless I m invited# Hnless the government agrees to give e5tra money, the theatre will have to !e closed# I$ it hadn t !een $or your hel", we d never $inished it#

Ha hallgattl volna, !.lcs maradtl volna#

Had you ke"t silent, you would have stayed wise#

CLHATROZI MELLKMONDATOK Ielh,zta a szoknyjt, hogy gyorsa!!an tudjon $utni# %lkezdett reszketni, hogy jo!!an sajnljk#

CLAUSES OF PURPOSE *he "ulled u" her skirt so that she could run $aster# *he started trem!ling to raise more sym"athy#

2sszet.rte a t/kr.t, hogy a $elesge ne tudja nzegetni magt# (ancsi el$ordult, hogy ne lssa a leny, hogy k.nnye kicsordul# - $ejre h,zta a szoknyjt, hogy ne zzon el a $rizurja# Ielemelte a sz'nyeget, hogy als.".rhesse a szemetet# &egmutattam neki, hogy mim van, nehogy aztn csaldjon# Aenyelte a gymntot, nehogy a vmos megtallja nla# :ettem neki virgot, hogy szagolgathassa# He !roke the mirror into "ieces so that his wi$e couldn t look at hersel$ any more# (ancsi turned away so that the girl couldn t see the tears roll down his cheeks# *he "ulled her skirt over her head so that her hairdo wouldn t get ruined# *he li$ted the rug so as to swee" the gar!age under it# I showed her what I had so that she shouldn t !e disa""ointed later on# He swallowed the diamond so that the customs o$$icer couldn t $ind it# I ve !ought her some $lowers so that she can enjoy the $ragrance# He divorced the eight one so as to marry the ninth one# I took o$$ my shoes so as not to make any noise#

%lvlt a nyolcadiktl, hogy elvehesse a kilencediket# Aevettem a ci"'met, hogy ne csa"jak zajt#

Aevettem a ci"'met, hogy ne hallja a nejem, amint !emegyek# 1agyon halkan zongorzz, hogy ne zavarj senkit# Fdaadtam neki a kulcsot, hogy !e tudjon menni a szo!!a# ;ika"csolta a rdit, nehogy $el!redjen a szomszd# -dd ide a "oharad, hogy mi is ihassunk# ;int hagyta a "isztolyt, nehogy lel'j.n valakit# &inden reggel iszik egy $elest, hogy vidman kezdje a na"ot# ;olom"ot akasztottak a tehn nyak!a, hogy a !ika mindig tudja merre jr#

I took o$$ my shoes so that my wi$e couldn t hear me go in# @lay the "iano very so$t so as not to distur! any!ody# I ve given her the key so that she can go into the room# He turned the radio o$$ so the neigh!our wouldn t wake u"# )ive us your glass so we can also drink# He le$t his gun outside so as not to shoot anyone#

*he drinks a S$elesT every morning so as to start the day cheer$ully# - !ell was hung in the neck o$ the cow so that the !ull would always know which way he was going# *tart early not to !e late#

;orn indulj, nehogy elkss#

2r.kk vltoztatta a c=mt, hogy !ecsa"ja a rend'rsget# -dj neki egy nagy "o$ont, hogy tudja merre mennyi# :ett egy macskt, hogy a kutya ne unatkozzon# Ielll=tott egy madrijeszt't, hogy nehogy a sereglyek ello"jk a sz'l't# *he ke"t changing her address so as to $ool the "olice# )ive him a !ig sla" so that he knows the limit#

He !ought a cat so that the dog wouldn t !e !ored#

He set u" a scarecrow so that the starlings wouldn t steal the gra"es#

-zrt mondjuk, hogy U-H- , hogy ;anga 9e say U-H- so that ;anga knows that we know tudja, hogy mi tudjuk, hol van a Vse!i- !a!a# where 8a!y +oo is# a"cnak, hogy kisz.khessen a !.rt.n!'l# I'ztem szegny $iamnak egy kis mkostsztt, had egyen egy jt#

He disguised himsel$ as a nun so that he would !e a!le to run away $rom "rison# I cooked some noodles with "o""y seeds $or my "oor son, so that he would have something good to eat# @ut it out so that every!ody can see it# *he "lanted some s"inach so that we should have something to eat# He kicked her out so as to get drunk# RELATIVE CALUSES He wants to read a !ook, which is >uite unusual o$ him# 0his is the hotel I lived in last year#

0edd ki, hogy mindenki lssa# Wltetett egy kis s"entot, hogy majd mit enn/nk# ;ir,gta, hogy !er,ghasson# JELZI MELLKMONDATOK %gy k.nyvet akar elolvasni, ami teljesen szokatlan t'le# %z az a szlloda, amelyik!en tavaly laktam# *zeretek &ariskval tncolni, aki ,gy mozog, mint a higany# - haj, amit amott ltsz, a sgorom#

I like dancing with &ary, who moves like mercury#

0he shi" you can see over there !elongs to my !rother-in-law# I m a$raid that s all I can give you# 0he car I ve "aid an a!solute $ortune $or doesn t even move# Fh my )od, I ve $orgotten what you ve asked me $or#

Ilek, ez minden, amit adhatok# -z aut, amirt egy vagyont $izettem, meg sem mozdul# 0e ,risten, el$elejtettem, amit krtl#

Aekste a vonatot, ami $!! !oszszantotta# *he missed the train, which really annoyed her#

(ska, akinek a sz/lei vidken lnek, tegna" (oe, whose "arents live in the country, visited me megltogatott# yesterday# &indig azt tette, amihez kedve volt# - h.lgy, akivel tegna" tallkoztl, a nagynnm# &egle"'dtem azon, amit lttam# -z lls, amire "lyzik, mr nem /res# He always did what he $elt like doing# 0he lady you met yesterday is my aunt#

I was sur"rised at what I had to see# 0he jo! he a""lies $or is not vacant anymore#

-ztn !ement/nk egy !r!a, ami teljesen /res volt# - "incr, aki a rendelst vette $.l, olyan koszos volt, mint a $.ld# - szmla, amit ksve ka"tunk, tele volt olvashatatlan szmokkal# -z /zletvezet', akit mr <7 ves ismerek elnzst krt# - "o$on, amit a "incrt'l ka"tam, nagyon $jt# - ment', mivel krhz!a vittek, ,gy z.tyk.l', mint egy talicska# -z "oln', akinek a keze selymes volt, megsimogatta a homlokomat# - $r$i, aki a $a alatt ll, tegna" mg !.rt.n!e volt# - !aleset, amit lttunk, nagyon s,lyos volt#

0hen we went into a "u!, which was com"letely em"ty# 0he waiter who took our order was a dirty as earth# 0he !ill we got late was $ull o$ illegi!le num!ers#

0he landlord, whom I have known $or twenty years, a"ologised to me# 0he sla" I got $rom the waiter was very "ain$ul#

0he am!ulance I was taken into hos"ital in was jolting like a !arrow# 0he nurse whose hand was silky caressed my $orehead# 0he man who is standing under the tree was in "rison yesterday# 0he accident we have seen has !een very serious# 0he cows who are grazing there are very thirsty#

- tehenek, akik ott legelsznek nagyon szomjasak# - la!da, amit elvesztettl, mg teljesen ,j volt# - tanr, akinek a tan=tvnya megnyerte a versenyt, szereti a mzet#

0he !all you ve lost was a!solutely new#

0he teacher whose student won the com"etition likes honey#

-"ukm, aki vidken sz/letett, nagyon er's# -z a $ivrem, aki e!!e az iskol!a jr, sokat dohnyzik# - n'vrem, aki ,jsg=r nem szereti a h=radt# 8uda"est, mely &agyarorszg $'vrosa, a Buna kt "artjn ter/l el# - hz, mely!en lakom, elg kicsi# ;arcsi, akit mindnyjan szeret/nk, a vros ;I*V-titkra volt# &y $ather, who was !orn in the country, is very strong man# &y !rother who attends this school smokes a lot#

&y sister, who is journalist, doesn t like 0: news#

8uda"est, which is the ca"ital o$ Hungary, lies on the !anks o$ the Banu!e# 0he house I live in is >uite small# ;arcsi, whom we all love, used to !e the secretary to the 3oung Lommunists o$ the town#

- toll, amivel =rsz, az enym# - hz, melynek z.ldek az a!lakai a Bunra nz# -zt mondja, hogy lekste a vonatot, ami nem igaz# -dd oda neki, amit akar# &indent adj oda neki, amit akar# &egd.!!entett, amit mondott# Ielejtsd el, amit lttl# %gy szt se rtek a!!l, amit mondasz# 1em rted, amit mondok? 0aln ez, azaz em!er, akit keres a rend'rsg# &indnyjunkat megh=vott, ami nagyon kedves volt t'le# 0e vagy a legnagyszerC!! lny, akivel valaha tallkoztam# Be hisz ez nem az a $r$i, aki megkrte a kezemetG %mlkszer mr arra, amit tegna" tettl velem? - rdi, ami az asztalon van, !

0he "en you re writing with is mine# 0he house whose windows are green over-looks the Banu!e# He says he s missed the train, which is not true# )ive him what he wants# )ive him everything he wants# I was shocked !y what she d said# Iorget what you ve seen# I don t understand a word you say# Bon t you understand what I m telling you? &ay!e this is the guy the "olice want#

*he invited us all, which was very kind o$ her#

3ou are the most $antastic girl I ve ever met

8ut this is not the man who "o""ed the >uestion#

Bo you remem!er now what you did to me yesterday? 0he radio, which is on the ta!le, has !roken down#

- h, amit a hkotr elkotort, ott $eketllik az ,t mentn# - ko"r szik sarja, amin tikkadt sz.cskenyjak legelsznek, g a na"melegt'l# 0he snow that was "ushed o$$ !y a snow"lough is !lackening !y the roadside# 0he o$$ shoots o$ the !arren wastelands that "arched $locks o$ grassho""ers are grazing are toiling in the hot sun# 0he iron nosed witch, who was !urnt !y (ohnny, used to live in a ginger!read house# 0he dwar$ whose !ed *now 9hite lay in was smiling shyly# 0he wol$, who "ut on )randmother s ro!e, was e5"ecting Aittle +ed +iding Hood e5citedly# Aenin, who was dee"ly res"ected !y "ioneers, was the $ather o$ the )reat Fcto!er *ocialist +evolution# -urora, which was $loating on river :olga, was the sym!ol o$ the revolution# 0he shotgun the girl took o$$ the wall was loaded#

- vasorr, !!a, akit (ancsi elgetett, egy mzeskalcs hz!an lakott# - t.r"e, akinek az gy!a H$ehrke !ele$ek/dt, szemrmesen mosolygott# - $arkas, aki a nagymama ruhjt vette $.l, izgatottan vrta @iroskt# Aenin, akit az ,tt.r'k nagyon tiszteltek, a 1agy Fkt!eri *zocialista Iorradalom atyja volt# -z -urra, ami a :olga $olyn ringott, a $orradalom szim!luma volt# - "uska, amit a lny levett a $alrl, t.ltve volt# - ks, ami!e a $i, t=zszer !elerohant, csirketrancs=roz szerszm volt# - hever', amin a $i, $ek/dt, a nagyszo!!an volt# &indent megvesz, amit meglt# %lmondtam neki mindent, amit tudok# *emmi ms nem kell nekem, csak szerelem# *emmi mst nem tudtam enni, csak egy kis h,slevest, k"osztt, meg egy s/lt csirkt# Lsak egy .t.s van nlam# Lsak annyit tudok rla, hogy van egy hza *ukorn# 1em volt ms rajta, csak a kala"ja# &inden, amit ott ltsz, a volt $rjem#

0he kni$e the !oy ran into ten times was chicken carving tool# 0he couch the !oy was lying on was in the living room# *he !uys everything she sees# I ve told her everything I know# -ll I need is love#

-ll I could eat was some meat sou", stu$$ed ca!!age and $ried chicken#

-ll I have on me is $ives# -ll I know a!out her is that she has a house at *ukor -ll she had on was her hat# -ll that you can see there !elongs to my e5hus!and#

1em hagyott itt semmi mst, csak egy $oszlott konyharuht# 1em lttam semmi mst, csak s.ttsget# -ll he s le$t here is a ragged dishcloth#

-ll that I could see was darkness#

1e csinljon semmi mst, csak mossa meg, vgja le, s szr=tsa meg# 1em tudta mit csinl# -krmi lehetsz, ami csak akarsz# -zt mondta, hogy megcsinlta, ami igaz volt#

-ll you have to do is wash it, cut it, and dry it#

*he didn t know what she was doing# 3ou can !e anything you want to !e# *he said she d done it, which was true#

SEGDIGS SZERKEZETEK Aehet, hogy (ska =rta a $alra azt a gusztustalan mondatot# -z ki van csukva, hogy (ska =rta, hisz nem is tud =rni# 8iztos a $szek!'l esett ki az a kismadr#

AUXILIARIES (oe my have written that disgusting sentence on the wall# (oe can t have written it, as he can t even write#

0hat little !ird must have $allen out o$ the nest# 3ou needn t have sent a telegramX a letter would also have done# 3ou might as well have eaten all the melonX I don t need any# 3ou should have gone as $ar as the terminus and there change $or a !us# 3ou shouldn t have twisted his nose o$$G

1em kellett volna tviratot k/ldened, egy levl is megtette volna# -kr az egsz dinnyt megehetted volna nekem nem kell# - vgllomsig kellett volna menned s ott tszllni egy !uszra# -ttl mg nem kellett volna lecsavarnod az orrt# :alsz=nC, hogy tele$onlt, csak nem voltam otthon# Aehet, hogy megint elvlt, mert hetek ta gyakra!!an j.n# Ha j leszel, vacsora utn ehetsz egy !annt# 1em kellett volna $elizgatnod magad, nem r annyit az egsz#

*he may have given me a ring !ut I wasn t at home# He may have got divorced again !ecause he s !een coming more and more o$ten $or weeks# I$ you are good, you may eat a !anana a$ter dinner# 3ou shouldn t have u"set yoursel$X it s not worth it#

Aehet, hogy megcsinltatom a horoszk"om# 1e izgulj, !iztos megj.n holna"# 1em lehetsz ilyen rzketlenG %setleg kihullhat a hajad, ha annyit $ogyk,rzol# Hamar!! is szlhattl volna, hogy nincs "nzed# 8iztos "" a halakat etette, mikor cs.ngettl# -z nem lehet, hogy annyi sz=v hi!a onta vrt# 8iztos agyra ment a jlt# Aehet, hogy .sszekevertelek valakivel# I might have my horosco"e made#

Bon t worry, he ll surely come tomorrow# 3ou can t !e so un$eelingG 3ou might lose your hair i$ you re dieting so hard#

3ou could have told me earlier that you had no money# He must have !een $eeding the $ish when you rang# *o many hearts can t have shed that much !lood in vain R Aiving in clover must have driven him crazy# I may have con$used you with some!ody else# He must have !een trans$i5ed seeing his sister in a co" s arms# 3ou should have shar"ened the scythe# *he must !e "eeling "otatoes# 3ou might go !lind i$ you kee" looking at my legs# It should !e "ut in the $ridge# 3ou shouldn t have married that drunken sailor#

:alsz=nC lemerevedett, amikor megltta a h,gt egy rend'r karjai!an# &eg kellett volna lezned a kaszt# 8iztos krum"lit hmoz# %setleg megvakulhatsz, ha annyit nzed a l!am# 8e kne tenni a hCt'!e# 1em kellett volna hozzmenned ahhoz a rszeg tengerszhez# %hetek egy !annt? -kr $ej!e is verhetett volna# 8iztos kikelt volna, ha .nt.z.d#

&ay I eat a !anana? He might as well have hit you on the head# It would surely have s"routed i$ you had watered it#

Hla istennek nem kellett mind meginnom# 1em lett volna $ontos kiszedni a mell!'l a csontot# Holna"ra kellett volna meg=rnia, de k.z!en disszidlt# 8iztos a $ej!e vette, hogy nem szll le rlam#

0hank )od, I didn t need to drink it all# 3ou needn t have taken the !one out o$ its !reast#

He was to have written it !y tomorrow, !ut it the meantime he had de$ected# He must have "ut his mind on not leaving me alone#

Aehetetlen, hogy mind megitta# 8e kellett volna olajoznod a !iciklilncot# Aehet, hogy nyitva maradt az ajt# 8iztos !orotvlkozik, az serceg =gy# He couldn t have drunk it all# 3ou should have oiled the !ike chain# 0he door may have !een le$t o"en# He must !e shaving, that s what gives that crackling sound# 3ou must !e mistaken# 3ou couldn t have seen him, since he s in 8altimore now# He s unlikely to come today# 3ou shouldn t take it to your heart# 0hat s what you must "ut on your heart# 0hey may !e at home# 0hey may have gone to "ick tomatoes# He can t have noticed us# 3ou needn t have come so early# 9e didn t need to !uy vegeta!lesX there was enough in the garden# 3ou couldn t have seen &ary on the !oulevard at night# 0he thie$ is unlikely to have !een caught# 3ou must have heard the news# 3ou shouldn t have torn o$$ her !louse right a$ter the $irst dance# I may not !e a genius# I m unlikely to !e here tonight# 0he !utton might get loose and your skirt will $all#

8iztos, hogy tvedsz# ;i van zrva, hogy 't lttad, hisz 8altimore!an van# :alsz=nC, hogy ma mr nem j.n# 1em kell ,gy a sz=vedre venni# %ztet kell a sz=vedre tenni# Aehet, hogy otthon vannak# Aehet, hogy elmentek "aradicsomot szedni# 8izonyra nem vett szre minket# 1em kellett volna olyan korn j.nn.d# 1em kellett z.ldsget venni, volt elg a kert!en# 8iztos, hogy nem &ariskt lttad jjel a k.r,ton# 1em valsz=nC, hogy elka"tk a tolvajt# &r !izonyra hallottad az ,jsgot# 1em kellett volna mindjrt az els' tnc utn let"ni a !l,zt# Aehet, hogy nem vagyok egy lngsz# 1em valsz=nC, hogy ma este itt leszek# %setleg meglazulhat a gom! s leesik a szoknyd# 8iztos a ta5i!an $elejtette a "nztrcjt# &r rg meg kellett volna mondanod neki# -lig valsz=nC, hogy megvltozol# Aehet, hogy tvedtem# 8izonyra alszik# 1em kne elmeorvoshoz $ordulnod? 1em kellett volna ,gy rohannod, hisz mg nem volt ott#

*he must have le$t her "urse in the ca!# 3ou should have told her long ago# 3ou re hardly likely to change now# I might have !een wrong# *he must !e slee"ing# *houldn t you turn to a "sychiatrist? 3ou needn t have run so $ast !ecause there was no!ody there#

J nem mondhatott ilyetG -zrt ezt nem kellett volnaR +end'r az nem lehet, mert z.ld a sa"kja# &hecske nem lehetett, az hangosa!!an z/mm.g# Aehet, hogy darzs volt# %setleg az is lehet, hogy sz,nyog volt# 8iztos a msikat h,zta ki# - jo!! als hatost kellett volna kih,znia# He can t have said anything like that# 3ou shouldn t have R He can t !e a co" since his ca" is green# It couldn t have !een a !ee that !uzzes more loudly# It may have !een a was"# It might have !een a mos>uito# He must have taken out the other one# He should have taken out the lower si5 on the right# He must !e single, as his $ace is not worn out at all#

8iztos n'tlen, mert olyan simk a vonsai#

FNVI IGENV GERUNDIUM MELLKNV!HATROZI IGENV 1ehz !tornak lenni, mikor az em!er csak egy nagyon kicsi llat# ;.nnyC msnak vermet sni# *zeretni j, j, j, j# - $Cts !orzaszt drga lett az idn# - na"ozs olcs, ha nem kell venni na"olajat# - lejmols cs,nya dolog# Aejmolni a legegyszerC!!# Ao"ni mg k.nnye!!# 1ehezen tudta eld.nteni melyiket vegye#

INFINITIVE GERUND PARTICIPLE It s hard to !e !rave when you are only a very small animal# It s easy to dig a "it $or others# 0o love is goodX it s good to love# Heating has !ecome very e5"ensive this year Aying is the sun is chea" i$ you don t have to !uy suntan lotion# Aeeching is a nasty thing# 0o !e a leech is the sim"lest solution# It s easier to steal# It was di$$icult $or him to decide which one to !uy#

*z.rnyC volt ltni, ahogy ott szenvednek "lyn# *zerintem k.nnyC volt meg=rni# Ae"ihenni melletted, menedk a sz=vemnek# Htlok csavarogni, mikor minden zs,$olt#

It was terri!le to see them su$$ering in the a $ield# I think it was easy to write it# 0o lie down and rest !eside you is a shelter $or my heart# I hate hanging a!out when everything is "acked#

-lig vrom, hogy tallkozhassunk# 1incs rtelme veszekedni#

I m looking $orward to seeing you# It s no use >uarrelling#

Imdja, ha !muljk# &indig iszik almalevet le$ekvs el'tt# *he enjoys !eing stared at# He always drinks a""le juice !e$ore going to !ed#

%lrohant, miutn megltott# )ondold t, miel'tt megh=vod# -dj valamit inni# 1incs senki, akihez szlhatnk# Hnom mr, hogy mindig n h,zlak ki a csv!l# &eg"r!lunk valami j megoldst tallni mindenki szmra# 1em $elejtettk el t.k.t hozni? %mlkszem, hogy az asztalra tettem, de most nem tallom sehol# ;i"r!lta milyen mez=tl! $utni# &eg"r!lt $.lkelni, de nem ment# &egllt, hogy $elvegye a ci"'jt# -!!ahagyta a ci"'h,zst# :llaltam, hogy a hna" vgre megcsinlom# *iker/lt utolrnem# 1em siker/lt utolrnem# Ielajnlottam, hogy ki$izetem a szllodt# +emlem, hogy hamarosan tallkozunk# *zlj, hogy h=vjam $el az llatkertet# %z tged arra $og k.telezni, hogy minden k=vnsgt teljes=tsd# 0nyleg akartam veled !eszlgetni a dologrl, de nem gondoltam, hogy ma ilyen korn hazaj.ssz# 1em akarlak elvesz=teni# Iltem k.zel menni hozz# - zsugori $azonja nem volt hajland ki"engetni egy rongyot# 1e $elejtsd el megnzni, nem hagytam-e nlad a csi"ks kom!inm#

-$ter seeing me he ran away# 0hink it over !e$ore inviting him# )ive me something to drink# 0here is no!ody to talk to# I m getting tired o$ saving your !utt#

9e re trying to $ind a "ro"er solution $or every!ody# Bid you remem!er to !ring "um"kin? I remem!er "utting it on the ta!le !ut now I can t $ind it anywhere# He tried running !are$oot# Hi tried to get "ut !ut he $ailed# He sto""ed to "ut on her shoes# He sto""ed "utting on her shoes# I undertook to do it !y the end o$ the month# I managed to catch u" with him# I $ailed to catch u" with him# I o$$ered to "ay $or the hotel# I ho"e to see you as soon as "ossi!le# +emind me to call the zoo, "lease# 0hat will o!lige you to $ul$il all her wishes#

I really meant to tell you a!out the situation very soon, !ut I didn t e5"ect you to come home as early as that# I don t want to lose you# - was a$raid to a""roach her# 0he mean it re$used to $ork out a grand# Bon t $orget to check i$ I have le$t my laced sli" in your house#

Iontos lesz majd, hogy tudj angolul# It will !e very im"ortant $or you to s"eak %nglish#

1agyon !etegnek tettette magt, de engem nem tudott tverni# - rend'r megltott egy em!ert, aki k.zszemrem elleni vtsget k.vetett el s ,gy, hogy letartztatja# 1em akarlak meg!ntani# -!!ahagytam az ivst meg a dohnyzst, mert nagyon drga mulatsg# 1em !nom ha itt maradsz jszakra, de lgy sz=ves ne horkolj# rdemes megvenni ezt a csinos kis olasz ci"'t# rdemes venni ilyen !.lcs't, mert a !a!a lom!a tudja ringatni magt# 1em rdemes s=rni elszalasztott lehet'sgek miatt# &uszj kiszell'ztetnem, amikor elmegy#

He "retended to !e very sick, !ut he $ailed to $ool me# 0he "oliceman caught sight o$ a man committing a "u!lic nuisance, so he decided to arrest him#

I didn t mean to hurt your $eelings# I gave u" smoking and drinking !ecause they are very e5"ensive ha!its# I don t mind you staying here $or the night, !ut "lease don t snore# It s worth !uying that "retty little Italian "air o$ shoes# It s worth !uying a cradle like that !ecause the !a!y can rock itsel$ into slee"# It s no use crying a$ter missed o""ortunities I can never hel" airing the room a$ter she leaves#

&ikor el'sz.r rnztem, nevetnem kellett, aztn meg s=rnom# ;i nem llhatom, amikor tele$/ a szo!t#

9hen I $irst looked at her I couldn t hel" laughing, !ut then I couldn t hel" crying# I can t stand him $illing the room with smoke#

n lvezem, mikor kint vagyunk a ny=lt tengeren egy kis gumicsnak!an, s k.r/ c"k# lvezte, hogy itt $ekszik a $/gg'gy!an s t=z sz" lny k=nlgatja itallal#

I really enjoy !eing out there u"on the high sea in a small ru!!er !oat surrounded#

He enjoyed lying in the hammock with ten !eauti$ul girls o$$ering him drinks#

1em tudtam meg,szni, hogy ne tallkozzam I couldn t avoid meeting him# vele# (avaslom, hogy mindent szavazzunk le# 1ekem hinyzik, hogy minden reggel .tkor keljek# I suggest voting against everything# I miss having to go to work at $ive every morning#

&egint kezdett "ukkasztgatni, !r $igyelmeztettem, hogy ne tegye# 1em tudta megllni, hogy ne cs,sszon egyre k.zele!! hozz# &g csak trgyalni se hajland arrl, hogy egy li!a$armra# %l tudod te k"zelni Vsuzsit, amint egy li!a$armon l? ;tlem, hogy 'szinte ez /gy!en# 0agadom, hogy !rmi ilyesmit tettem volna, uram# - ty,kok nehezmnyeztk, hogy na"i kt tojst kelljen tojniuk# *osem eml=tetted, hogy volt dolgod vele# He started "o""ing again, though I had warned him no to do it# He couldn t hel" sli""ing closer a closer to her# *he wouldn t even consider moving to the goose $arm# Lan you imagine *usie living on a goose $arm? I dou!t him !eing honest a!out it# I deny doing anything like that, sir#

0he hens resented having to lay two eggs a day#

3ou never mentioned having had an a$$air with him# I won t risk lending him any money once again#

&g egyszer nem kockztatom meg, hogy k.lcs.nadjak neki# &eg$ogta a tehn $arkt, mely az istll!an kr' B/h.s volt a so$'rre, aki az a!lak alatt t,rztatta a kocsijt# &egvigasztalta a lnyt, aki ott shajtozott a szo!a sark!an# 0e is lttad a cstnyt, amelyik a le$oly $el rohant? Be sz" az a medl, ami a nyakad!an lg#

He caught the tail o$ the cow ruminating in the !arn# He was angry with the driver revving his car under the window# He tried to com$ort the girl sighing in the corner o$ the room# Bid you also see the cockroach running towards the "lug-hole? 9ow, that s a !eauti$ul medal hanging round your neck# He s"otted the guy changing money in the corner o$ -storia# He didn t !uy the horse neighing in the corner the stockyard# 8ut he !ought the shee" !leating on the horse#

;isz,rta azt az alakot, amelyik az -storia sarknl "nzt vltott# 1em vette meg a lovat, amelyik ott nyer=tett a karm sark!an# :iszont megvette a !irkt, amelyik ott !getett a lovon#

Aevgta a !ajszt, amelyik mindig !.k.dte a lny $/lcim"jt# ;arj!a ka"ta a lnyt, aki a S(,liT-t nekelte# @iroska szrevette a $arkast, amint az a $k k.zt llkodott# &inthogy h,sz vig lt Flaszorszg!an, tudta hogy kell s"agettit $'zni# &inthogy kivlasztott egy "r kesztyCt, ,gy vesz egy hozzval !undt# He cut his moustache "rickling the girl s earlo!e all the time# He held the girl singing S(,liaT#

Aittle +ed +iding Hood noticed the wol$ lurking in the woods# Having lived in Italy $or twenty years, he knew how to cook s"aghetti# Having chosen a "air o$ gloves she decided to !uy a matching $rusta#

&iutn mr t=z ve ' volt a legnagyo!! sztr Having !een the greatest star $or ten years elhatrozta, hogy .r.kre visszavonul# she decided to retire $or good#

&iutn leszerelt a hadseregt'l, elment rend'rnek# &ivel hrom kitCn' dara!!an mr ltta sz=n"adon, neki sznta $ilmjnek egyik $'szere"t# &egkrt, hogy menjek el# Ielment a "adlsra, s nem is nzett nrm# &iutn kiitta a s.rt, el!,cs,zott#

Having !een discharged $rom the army, he decided to join the "olice $orce# Having seen her on stage in three e5cellent "lays, he considered her $or a leading "art in his movie#

He asked me to leave# *he went u" to the lo$t without even glancing at me# Having drained his !eer glass, he said good!ye#

VrraG a szo!!a, s mikor megltott, a csukls# -z istll!an trolt szna s ga!ona illattl nagyon jl rezte magt# *ose csinltam mg szaklassal# Lsak ez a takar van, amire $ekhet/nk# - lny holmija mell tette a ci"'jt, ami!e !etuszkolta a zoknijt, s a harisnyjt# *uttogott, ahogy $ek/dt mellette# 1agyon .r/lt, hogy megtallta a nadrgjt

Llosing timeG *he came into the room and seeing me started hiccu"ing# 0he smell o$ the hay and grain stored in the !arn $illed him with a sense o$ well !eing# I ve never done it with a !earded guy# I ve got just this !lanket to lie on# He "laced his shoes stu$$ed with socks and garter ne5t to her things# *he whis"ered lying !eside him# He was overjoyed to $ind his "ants#


%zt ka"om azrt, amirt tged szedtelek $el, ahelyett hogy megvrtam volna azt, amelyiknek van vr a "ucj!an# 8e$agy a hts $elem# -ztn tov!!mentek, egy sz nlk/l# %gy kutya kezdte k.vetni 'ket# 8e$ejezted mr a $s/lk.dst? &egle"etten ltta, hogy teljesen /res az utca# + se rntott, hogy meglljon a "irosnl# %nnek semmi k.ze az /zlethez# 1eked most nem kne itt lenned# -z a!lakon !eszCr'd' holdvilg $ny!en ltta meg 't# Hangja halk s vissza$ogott volt# -z a szerencsnk, hogy !eszltl vele# 4gy, hogy a sajt $eje utn megy# rezte, ahogy egyre jo!!an $esz=ti !el/lr'l a d/h# 1incs itt ma este senki, aki vigyzhatna a kicsire# - hz!l l"cs'k vezettek az utcra#

It s what I get $or "icking you instead $or o$ waiting $or the one with guts# &y ass is $rozen# 0hen they went on, neither s"eaking# - dog !egan to $ollow them# Have you $inished com!ing your hair? He was sur"rised to see that the street was com"letely deserted# He didn t !other to sto" at the red light# 0hat has nothing do with this deal# 3ou re not su""osed to !e here# 8y the moonlight straining through the window he saw her# His voice was low and im"ressed# 9e got lucky with you talking to her# He decided to use his own judgement# He $elt a $urious anger rising in him# 0here is no one here tonight to look a$ter the ni""er# 0he house had ste"s leading down into the street#

-z letemet mentetted meg azzal, hogy szrevetted a skor"it# %gy kocsi d/! vgig az utcn# 0e aztn jl elijesztetted a $est'ket, akiket $esteni k/ldtekG &g vagy t=z "ercig maradtak a szo!!an s k.z!en dohnyoztak# - (zsi mellett ll lny =gy szltR rezte, hogy az oldalhoz szor=tjk a karjt# -lig tudott !eszlni# ;t csods rt a lny hever'jn $ekve, mik.z!en egy $ilmet nztek#

3ou saved my li$e !y s"otting the scor"ion# - car came roaring down the street# 3ou scared o$$ the "ainters sent to "aint the $lat# 0hey stayed in the room smoking $or another ten minutes# 0he girl standing !eside (oe said R He $elt his arms "inned to his sides# He had trou!le talking# 0hey s"ent two !rillo lying on her !ed watching a $ilm#

(t $og tenni neked, ha vegy/lsz egy kicsit a munksosztllyal# -z em!er hajlamos el$eledkezni a k.telessgeir'l# - k=nos helyzetet $eloldand, $elh=vta a nnikjt# ;.r/lnzve lttam, hogy j nhnyan tncolnak# 1em volt hajland $el"r!lni azt az =zlstelen "ulvert# 4gy vsrolt .ssze-vissza, mint egy t!olyult# :an valami .tleted, hogy hogyan lehet gyorsan egymillit szerezni? 0iszta ideg, ha arra gondol, hogy sza!adsgra kell mennie# *zenvedett, ha arra gondolt, hogy kt hetet kell elt.ltenie nlk/le# - l"cs'n lltak s rkon t csevegtek# It ll do you good to mingle with the "roletariat# Fne tends to $orget one has o!ligations to meet#

0o create a diversion she tele"honed her aunt# Aooking around I could see >uite a $ew "eo"le dancing# *he re$used to try the tasteless "ullover on# *he went mad !uying clothes#

Lan you think o$ a way to make a million in a hurry? He is getting neurotic a!out going on holiday#

He was in anguish at the "ros"ect o$ !eing without her $or two weeks# 0hey stood on the ste"s ringing the !ell $or ages#

Ae"usztult egy $azon volt# Attad, ahogy ott korzzott s a do!oz!l sz/rcs.lte a s.rt? &g EEQ mondat# - 8;: ,gy /nne"elt, hogy minden dolgozjnak adott egy ingyen !uszjegyet# - kutyk a kocsma el'tt lltak, s a gazdjukat vrtk# 1e ny/sz.gj mrG &enj s $oglald el magadG :alamit el kell mondanom# &icsoda megalztats, hogy nyalkt ka"tam a sz/letsna"omraG 1em tudtam mit mondani, =gy ht cs.nd!en maradtam#

He was a misera!le-looking !loke# Bid you see him walking along the "romenade swigging out o$ a can o$ lager? -nother EEQ sentences to go# 8@0L cele!rated !y giving every worker an e5tra !us ticket# 0he dogs stood outside the !ar waiting $or their masters# *to" whiningG )o and $ind something to doG I ve got something to tell you# 0he humiliation o$ !eing given a lolli"o" $or my !irthday# I couldn t think o$ anything to say so I ke"t >uit#

2r/lnl, ha megsza!adultl t'lem, mi? 3ou would !e glad to get rid o$ me, wouldn t you?

8eszlt, s k.z!en $el se nzett az ,jsg!l# s ha azt mondanm, hogy ez nekem nagyon sokat jelent? &ik.z!en !eszlt, a sz'nyeg szlt r,gdosta# -!!ahagynd ezt a tmt? - IigyeljG Y mondta, s $elugrott# -kr az igazat is megmondhatnd, ahelyett, hogy itt k.nt.r$alazol# &indent elrontasz azzal, hogy =gy llsz hozz# Fly nagy r.ssel civakodtak s szidtk egymst, hogy el$elejtettk lemondani a megh=vst# 1zd mr, hogy teszi magtX enyhn sztny=lt ajkak, verdes' szem"illk, aztn tgra ny=lt szem"r, id'nknt meg a karjra teszi a kezt#

He s"oke without looking u" $rom his "a"er#

*u""osing I said it meant at whole lot to me# He talked kicking at the edge o$ the rug#

9ill you >uit har"ing on that su!ject? SAistenT, he said lea"ing to his $eet# 3ou might as well tell me the truth instead o$ !eating a!out the !ush# 3ou s"oil everything !y taking the attitude#

0hey were so !usy >uarrelling and calling each other names that they $orgot to cancel to invitation# Aook what an act she is "utting onX "arted li"s, eyelashes $luttering, and then her eyes o"ening wide and now and then a hand laid on his sleeve#

1os, miutn (zsi olyan volt amilyen, a lny nem tiltakozott a leoszts ellen# -zt vrtam, hogy !ejelentik a lny s (zsi eljegyzst# 1em volt senki, aki a szmlt $izette volna# &uszj volt ez-kt clzst ejtenem rla#

9ell, (oe !eing what he was, she didn t o!ject to the share out# - e5"ected to see her engagement to (oe announced# 0here was no one else to "ay the !ill# I couldn t hel" dro""ing a hint or two a!out him# He had a wi$e tucked away somewhere# I e5"ected her to do hersel$ well# - knew her ha!it o$ choosing a dinner !y "icking the highest "rices on the menu, whether she liked the dish or not# I m !ound to say I don t $eel sorry $or you#

Ielesge is volt valahol titok!an# )ondoltam kitesz magrt# Ismertem azt a szokst, hogy ,gy rendel telt, hogy az tla"on lv' legdrg!! $ogst vlasztja, akr szereti, akr nem# ;nytelen vagyok azt mondani, hogy nem sajnllak#

(avra legyen mondva, soha nem titkolta, hogy "nzsvr# Flyan $iatal, s olyan j rnzni# Ha egy lny hajnali kett'kor egy ta5i!an huzakodik, !iztos lehet !enne, hogy igazi ,rh.lgy# &indenkivel lekezel' volt, mg velem is# %zeknek a mCanyag zacskknak csak ki kne !=rni, hogy ne szakadjanak ki, ha az em!er P77 mteren tci"eli 'ket# %gsz este kenyrtsztt dagasztottam Wlt/nk s knyk"eket nzt/nk# -ztn horkolni kezdett# 1em lehet vgigmenni az utcn anlk/l hogy !ele ne /tk.znl se$tesek!e, akik sym"honit rulnak# %lt.klt szndka, hogy !ell rend'rnek# +gi $ilmek!en lttam, hogy =gy csinljk# &iel'tt $elkelt, aludt# &iutn aludt, $elkelt# &ik.z!en aludt, $elkelt# ZHoldkros#[ "# $HETVENKILENC% APRSG &icsoda egy randa id'G ;t tetC ring kt egren# - h=rk.zl' szervek szerint a rend'rsg ngy li!t k.r.z# *ok $r$i van sok !,tor!an, de egy !,tor!an csak egy $r$i van# 1zd azt az intelligens tekintetet a !irkk, a szarvasmarhk s az .kr.k szem!en# *ok krt okozott mr a selejt# 0o do her justice she never concealed she was a mercenary# *he is so young and easy to look at# Iighting your way home in a ta5i at two o clock in the morning may hel" you to reassure that you re still a lady# *he "atronised everyone including me# 0hese carrier !ags ought to stand u" to !eing dragged hal$ a mile without s"litting#

I s"ent all evening !ashing dough a!out# 9e sat around looking at "hotos# -nd then he started snoring# 3ou can t walk down the street without !um"ing into wheeler-dealers selling *ym"honia cigarettes#

It is his am!ition to join the "olice $orce# I ve seen it done in old $ilms# 8e$ore getting u" he was slee"ing# -$ter slee"ing he got u"# 9hile slee"ing he got u"# ZHe is slee"- walker#[ "# $SEVENT&'NINE% LITTLE ONES 9hat terri!le weatherG 0here are two lice rocking on two mice# -ccording to the media the "olice want $our geese# 0here are a lot o$ men in a lot o$ $urniture, !ut in one "iece o$ $urniture there s only one man# Aoot at the intelligent look in the eyes o$ those see", cattle, and o5en# - lot o$ damage has !een caused !y im"er$ect >uality# I ve got some newsN actually I ve got two "ieces o$ news# 9hat is the news?

:an nhny h=remX tulajdonk""en kt h=rem van# &i ,jsg?

;/ldje el adatait a trskeres' /gyn.ksghez# ;sek s $elesgek egyarnt jl meg tudnak vgni# *okan voltak a !olt!an# *ok gyereket kiszolglt mr ez a !.lcs'# *end your "ersonal data to the matchmaking agency# ;nives and wives can !e e>ually shar"#

0here were a lot o$ "eo"le in the sho"# 0his cradle has !een used !y a lot o$ children# 0oo many cooks s"oil the !roth# 0here are too many %skimos and too $ew seals# 0here s little light here# 0here isn t much he can do, is there? 0here are a $ew !eans and there s a little sou" in his "late# 0here are some that don t like !eansou"#

*ok !!a k.zt elvsz a gyerek# *ok az eszkim s kevs a $ka#

;evs itt a $ny# 1em sokat tehet, nem igaz? 1hny !a! meg egy kis leves van a tnyrj!an# :annak nhnyan, akik nem szeretik a !a!levest# 1hnyan meg!etegedtek# :alaki ko"og# *emmi sem hasonl=that hozzd# :an aki tud, van aki nem# %z mr csak =gy van# 1incs s a leves!en# ;i van zrva# :an otthon valaki? Y *enki# Y Be valaki csak mondta azt, hogy senki# :an mg kv a cssz!en? %z se tetszik, meg az se# %gyik se tetszik# 1em mind a kett' tetszik# ;ett'j/k k.z/l egyik se kne# &indenki ms meg tudta volna csinlni# &indkt sz/l'je imdja# &ind az a"ja, mind az anyja elismerte, hogy igaza volt# &inden na" mosok $ogat# &indnek megvan a maga szo!ja#

*ome got ill# *ome!ody is knocking# 1othing com"ares to you# *ome can, some can t# 0hat s how it is#

0here isn t any salt in the sou"# 1o way# SIs there any!ody at home?T S1o!odyT# S8ut some!ody must have said Uno!odyGT Is there some co$$ee in the cu"? I don t like either this or that# I don t like either# I like !oth o$ them# I wouldn t need either# %very!ody else could have done it# 8oth o$ hi "arents love him# 8oth his $ather and mother admitted he was right# I clean my teeth every day# %ach has his own room#

&indegyik gyerekem ms-ms iskol!a jr# &ind megette# %gsz jjel tncoltak# &inden krdsre vlaszolni kell# &inden gyerek szereti a jtkot# - kiskakas gymnt $lkrajcrja# 0om !isztrja# - cigny lova# - sza!adsg vndorai# - Lse"eli &unksotthon# - "u"k "k "kja# )izi n'vrnek a lnya# - $'n.k kocsija# ;t ht m,lva tallkozunk# %gyszerCen te vagy a legjo!!# 0e sem vagy k/l.n!# %z a legrossza!! !a!leves, amit valaha ettem# 0e !etege!! vagy, mint tegna"# 0e vagy a legsze!! lny a traktorgyr!an# Hideg a kezed# &essze!! van, mint gondoltam# Flyan $ehr, mint a h# -z ele$nt nagyon sokig l# - "nz mozgatja a vilgot# -z let csods# 1ehz a dolga a katonnak# - $oglalkozsa? &ozdonyvezet'# Flyan mest mondott, amit senki nem hitt el# 1em szeret $ocizni, de imd zongorzni# %ach o$ children goes to a di$$erent school# He ate it all# 0hy danced all night# -ll the >uestions must !e answered# -ll children like toys# 0he cockerel s diamond "enny# 0om s diner# 0he gy"sy s horse# 0he wanderers o$ $reedom# L*%@%A 9F+;%+ * LAH8# 0he silly !aker s s"ider# 0he daughter o$ )izi\s sister# 0he !oss s car# *ee you in two week s time# 3ou re sim"ly the !est# 3ou re not much !etter# 0his is the worst !eansou" I ve ever eaten#

1ow you are worse than you were yesterday# 3ou re the "rettiest girl in the tractor $actory# 3our hand is cold# It s tarter than I e5"ected# It s as white as now# -n ele"hant can live $or a very long time# &oney makes the world go round# Ai$e is wonder$ul# 0he li$e o$ a soldier is very hard# His jo!? He s an engine driver# He told us a story that no!ody !elieved#

He doesn t like to "lay $oot!all !ut he loves "laying the "iano# I wish you were here# I$ only he would talk to me# I wish I had known# I wish I could understand you#

8rcsak itt lennl# 8rcsak szlna hozzm# 8rcsak tudtam volna# 8rcsak meg tudnlak rteni#

8rcsak esne rm# 8rcsak ne ettem volna meg# Fh# ha n is k.ztetek lehetnk# 8rcsak $iatala!! volnk h,sz vvel# Hgye megmondtam, hogy ne vidd a szo!!aG (, mi? &egszerzed nekem, ugye? Wlj le, j? ;ezdj/k, j? *z" a szemem, ugye!r? 1em vagy $innys, ugye? &ost utlsz, ugye? n vagyok a te mucikd, ugye? 1em n vagyok a k.vetkez', ugye? 1em tudod megcsinlni, ugye? 1em vettl ki "nzt a $ikom!l, ugye? I wish it would rain down on me# I$ only I hadn t eaten it# I$ only I could !e with you# I wish I were twenty years younger# I ve told you not to take in into the room, haven t I? It s good, isn t it? 3ou ll get $or me, won t you? *it down, will you? Aet s start it, shall we? &y eyes are !eauti$ul, aren t they? 3ou aren t choosing, are you? 3ou hate me now, don t you? I am your sweetie "ie, aren t I? I m not the ne5t one, am I? 3ou can t do it, can you? 3ou didn t take money out o$ my drawer, did you? 3ou won t have a lesson today, will you? Fh, you would, would you? I d rather listen to the radio now# I d rather you went !y car# He would rather drink than eat# I d rather eat# I d rather you drank# I d rather you didn t listen now, will you? He would rather "lay $oot!all# I d rather you $ooled with your auntie, will you? It looks as i$ it s going to clear u"# He looks as i$ he s going to turn le$t# It looks as i$ he got in trough the window# It looks as i$ he s swallowed a lemon# 3ou look as i$ you ve seen a ghost# He looks as i$ he got out o$ !ed the wrong side#

Hgye nem lesz ma rd? (ellemz'G &ost ink!! rdit hallgatnk# &enj ink!! kocsival# Ink!! inna, mint enne# Ink!! ennk# Ink!! igyl# 0e mos ink!! ne $igyelj ide, j? Ink!! $ocizna# *zrakozz ink!! a nnikddel, j? 4gy ltszik, mindjrt kider/l Zaz g[G 4gy ltszik, mindjrt !alra $ordul# 4gy ltszik az a!lakon t !e# Flyan mintha citrom!a hara"ott volna# Flyan vagy, mint aki k=srtetet ltott# 4gy ltszik !al l!!al kelt $.l#

4gy ltszik, kezd !edilizni#

*he looks as i$ she s cracking u"#

Flyan volt, mintha $.ld!e gy.kerezett volna a l!am# 4gy $.lugrott, mintha darzs cs="te volna# It was as though my legs were stuck to the $loor#

He jum"ed u" as though a was" had stung him#

4gy !eszl, mintha ' lenne a legjo!! horgsz# 4gy $ut, mintha az letrt $utna# Flyan volt, mintha a vilg a $eje tetejre llt volna# Flyan volt, mintha a menny!en jrnk# 4gy nz ki, mint aki mr na"ok ta nem evett# Flyan volt, mintha egy $ekete $/gg.nyt h,ztak volna k.znk# &it gondolsz, mi mozog a z.ldleveles !okor!an? *zerinted rka? &it mondtl, melyik na" rkezik? 1em hiszem, hogy disznh,s# -zt hiszem nincs nlam "nz# n nem hiszem, hogy normlis vagyok# -zt hiszem nem .ssze nekik# -zt hiszem, nem szeret# -zt hiszem nincs otthon senki# *zerintem nem elg hossz,# -zt hiszem nincs ci"'"asztm# -zt hiszem nincs t.!! mondat# *zerintem te nem $igyelsz rm# &ozijegyet, egyet vegyek? *zljak neki? (tszunk egy "arti ultit? &elyik utcnl $orduljak !alra? &it vegyek $el? Hov /lj/nk? %lmenj/nk ma este valahova? &egmossam a htad? Aeoltsam a lm"t?

He talks as i$ he was the !est $isherman#

He runs as i$ he was running $or his li$e# It was as i$ the world had turned u"side down#

I $elt as though I was in heaven# He looks as i$ he hasn t eaten $or days# It was as though a !lack curtain had !een drawn !etween them and me# 9hat do you think is moving in the !ush with green leaves? Bo you think it s a $o5? 9hich day did you say he was going to arrive? I don t think it s "ork# I don t think I have any money on me# I don t think I m in my right mind# I don t think they hit it o$$# I don t think she loves me# I don t think there s any!ody at home# I don t think it s long enough# I don t think I have any shoe "aste# I don t think there are any more sentences# I don t think you re listening to me# *hall I !ook one movie ticket? *hall I call him? *hall we "lay a game o$ ulti? 9hich turning shall I take to the le$t? 9hat shall I "ut on? 9here shall we sit? *hall we go out tonight? *hall I wash your !ack? *hall I turn o$$ the light?

&ikor hagyjuk mr a!!aN Lsak azt akarom, hogy !oldog lgy# 1em akarlak megijeszteni# 1em akarom, hogy megijedj# *zeretnm, ha szeretnl# *zeretnk szntani, hat .kr.t hajtani# *zeretnm, ha (zsi szntana# *zeretnm !ejrni a $.ldet# 1a"ot akarok ltni# -zt akarom, hogy csinos lgy# -zt akarom, hogy lgy lgy# Iogni akarom a kezedet# *za!ad akarok lenni# -zt szeretnm, ha sza!ad lennl# Ideje, hogy le$ek/dj# Aeg$'!! ideje, hogy elzrd# Ideje, hogy legyen rm egy kis ideje# Aeg$'!! ideje, hogy $ Ideje hogy ,jra kih=vjk a vak zongorahangolt# Ideje mr, hogy levgasd a hajadG Ideje, hogy ! :an kedved tncolni? &ulatni volna kedvem# ;edvem volna lovagolni# &indig azt tette, amihez kedve volt# 1incs kedvem vasalni# :an kedved egy cssze kvhoz# 1em szeretlek s a kutya sem# Iccereg a macska s a h.rcs.g is# @rizsit eszik s sajtot is# Hideg van, meg is# 1em tetszik ez, s nem tetszik az se# 1incsen a"m, se anym# nekelek s tncolok is# Ls.".g a csa" s a 9L is# 1incs rajtam "izsama s "a"ucs se# 9hen shall we sto" it? I just want you to !e ha""y# I don t want to $righten you# I don t want you to get $rightened# I d like you to love me# I d like to "lough and drive si5 o5en# I d like (oe to "lough# I d like to travel around the world# I want to see the sun# I want you to !e "retty# I want you to !e a $ly# I want to hold your hand# I want to !reak $ree# I d like you to !e $ree# It s time you went to !ed# It s high time you turned it o$$# It s time you had some time $or me# It s high time you "ut on your dress# It s time the !lind "iano tuner called again#

It s a!out time you had your hair cutG It s time we moved in# Bo you $eel like dancing? I $eel like having $un# I $eel like riding# He always did what he $elt like doing# I don t $eel like ironing# Bo you $eel like a cu" o$ co$$ee? I don t like you and neither does the dog# 0he cat is $idgeting and so is the hamster# He is eating "arizsi and cheese, too# It\s cold and dark, too# I don t like this, and I don t like that, either# IUve got neither $ather, nor mother# I sing and dance, too# 0he ta" is dri""ing and so is the lavatory# I m not wearing "yjamas and sli""ers either#

- nyuszin van sa"ka s a $arkason is# 0he ra!!it is wearing a ca" and so is the wol$# I ho"e they ll catch him# *o do I# *now 9hite has no whites and neither do the dwar$s# 0he dwar$s have !eds and so does *now 9hite#

+emlem, elka"jk# n is# H$ehrknek nincs $ehr ruhja, s a t.r"knek sincs# - t.r"knek van gya s H$ehrknek is#

- szatyor!an volt szalonna s kol!sz is, s a htizsk!an is# 1em tallta a helyt s a $ejt sem# 0ncolt a menyasszony s a v'legny is# Lsiga-!iga "alota, a!laka sincs, ajtaja sincs#

0he !ag contained !acon and sausages too and so did the rucksack# *he didn t $ind her "lace and her head, either# 0he !ride was dancing and so was the groom# *naily snail castle, it s got neither window, nor door#

*emmit nem tudtam rla, m=g $.l nem h=vott# I didn t know anything a!out it until he had called#

1em mehetsz !e a szo!!a, am=g le nem vetted a ci"'det# 1em indulunk, am=g 8o! meg nem j.n# -mikor majd tl lesz, elmegy/nk sznkzni#

3ou may not go into the room until you have taken o$$ your shoes# 9e won t start until 8o! has come# 9hen wintertime comes, we ll go sledding#

-mikor visszaj.v.k, ,j letet kezdek#

9hen I come !ack, I m going to start my li$e all over again# I ll give !ack as soon as I $ind it# I ll go in when there s no lion inside#

:isszaadom, mihelyt megtallom# &ajd !emegyek, ha nem lesz !enn az oroszln# %mlkszem, hogyan .leltl t# +gen minden ms volt# - lnyok rge!!en r.vide!! szoknyt hordtak# +gen mosollyal az arcomon gitroztam#

I remem!er how you used to hold me# 0hings used to !e di$$erent# )irls used to wear shorter skirts#

I used to "lay my guitar with a smile on my $ace# 0here used to !e a castle here# 0he workers used to get e5tra money on 1ovem!er Oth#

Itt valaha vr llott# - dolgozk rgen mg ka"tak jutalmat novem!er O-n#

1em az vagy, aki valaha voltl# -mikor mg i$j, hzasok voltunk, minden na" $elh=vtl# +gen azrt sovnya!! voltl# +gen gazem!er volt, de most !artsgos alak# Hov is mehettem volna? &ost mit tegyek? 4gy volt, hogy "nteken j.nnek haza# 4gy van, hogy j,nius!an esk/sz/nk# &sna" kellett volna elmenn/nk, de meg!etegedtem# -z elitlteknek 67-kor gy!an kell lenni/k# Itt nem dohnyozhatsz# &inl nagyo!! @istike $eje, annl t.!! v=z megyen !ele# &inl s.tte!! van, annl kevs! ltlak# &inl kevs! ltlak, annl jo!!an tetszel# &inl t.!!et !eszl, annl kevese!!et mond# &inl vkonya!! a nyaka, annl vkonya!! a dereka# &inl z.lde!!, annl !/!!# %gy $l na" is lesz, m=g kicserlik a $'tengelyt# &ennyi id' alatt rsz %rzs!etr'l Lse"elre? Ha gyalog megyek <7 "erc, ha kocsival E7# 3ou re not the man you used to !e# 9hen we were just married you used to tele"hone me every day# 3ou used to !e thinner# He used to !e a jerk, !ut now he is a $riendly guy# 9here was I to go? 9hat am I to do now? 0hey were to come home on Iriday# 9e are to !e married in (une# 9e were to have gone away the ne5t day, !ut I was ill# -ll "risoners are to !e in !ed !y 67 o clock# 3ou are not to smoke here# 0he !igger @istike s head, the more water goes in# 0he darker, the less I can see you# 0he less I can see you, the more I like you# 0he more he talks, the less he says#

0he thinner her neck, the thinner her waist#

0he greener, the more stinking# It will take them hal$ a day to re"lace the cranksha$t# How long does it take you to get to Lse"el $rom %rzs!et? It takes me <7 minutes on $oot and E7 minutes !y car# How long will it take them to get to &oscow $rom *zkes$ehrvr? It took us $our days to get to the Hague# It took her less than 67 minutes to make scram!led eggs#

&ennyi id' alatt $ognak *zkes$ehrvrrl &oszkv!a rni? 1gy na" alatt rt/nk Hg!a# ;evese!!, mint 67 "erc alatt .ssze/t.tte a rntottt#

&ennyi id' alatt olvastad el a SH!or, s 8kT-t? &int a mkus $enn a $n# Flyan sz" vagy, mint a na"# %z a k.nyv olyan, mint egy rossz lom# %lment# Lsak ,gy# Flyan kicsi vagy, mint egy t.r"e# 0e meg olyan vagy, mint egy g'zmozdony# Flyan a szemed, mint egy kis"rna# Heten vannak, mint a gonoszok# &int a $ilmeken# @ont olyan csinos, mint a mamja# %gy !olha egyens,lyozott a macska !ajuszn# Iecskk re"/ltek Bl--$rika $el# How long did it take you to read S9ar and @eaceT? Aike a s>uirrel u" in the treeR 3ou re as !eauti$ul as the sun# 0his !ook is like a !ad dream# F$$ he went# (ust like that# 3ou re as small as a dwar$# 3ou re just like a steam engine# 3our eyes are like a little "illow# 0hey are seven like the evil# Aike a movie scene# *he s as "retty as her mother is# 0here was a $lea !alancing on the cat s moustache# 0here were swallows $lying towards *outh -$rica#

%gy !ann van a citrom$n# 8ogarak voltak a $/rd'szo!!an# %gy lgy cs,szklt a ko"asz $ejn# -ztn a lgy a "itre szllt# - "ite az asztalon van# - s/t'!en is van a "ite# ;t s/t' volt a konyh!an# - konyha a $/rd'szo!a mellett van# %gy csom $/rd'szo!a van a hz!an# Lsak egy hz van az utc!an# Veng' hang, $r$ikrus nekelte a 8unkcska re$rnjt# Attam, hogy kz a kz!en stlnak a kert!en# Hallottam, hogy (uliska nekel a $/rd'szo!!an# Hallod, hogy ugat a ;riszti? Atod azt a k=srtetet, amint tet'r'l tet're ugrl? Attam, hogy mosolyog# s lttam, ahogy ott llt# Hallottam, hogy ny=lik az ajt#

0here s a !anana on the lemon tree# 0here were !eetles in the !athroom# 0here was a $ly skidding on his !aldhead# 0here was a $ly $lew on the "ie# 0he "ie is on the ta!le# 0here s some "ie in the oven, too# 0here were two ovens in the kitchen# 0he kitchen is !eside the !athroom# 0here is a lot o$ !athroom in his house# 0here s only one house in the street# 0here was sonorous voiced men s chorus singing the re$rain o$ Loshlet# I saw them walking hand in hand in the garden# I heard (ulia singing in the !athroom# Lan you hear Lhristie !ark? Lan you see that ghost jum"ing $rom roo$to" to roo$to"? I saw her smile# -nd I saw her standing there# I heard the door o"ening#

(o!!, ha cs.nd!en maradsz# (o!!an tennd, ha $ (o!!, ha nem megy/nk egy/tt# (o!! lett volna, ha alszik# (o!!, ha nem !eszlek annyit# (o!!an teszed, ha !ecsukod a szemed# (o!!, ha nem eszed meg# (o!! lett volna, ha li$ttel megy/nk# 8rmekkora is a $/lem, nem hallok semmit# 8rmi!e ker/l, n megveszem neked# -krmelyiket veszi el, ,gyis meg!nja# 8rmit iszol, rosszul leszel# -krki mondja, hazudik# -krmennyi "nze is van, h/lye oszt ksz# 8rmit is javasolok, mindig ellenkezik# &egy a $/gg.ny a ta"thoz? Be jl ll az a "ulver# @ont j a ci"'# 2reg vagy te mr, nem ll jl a lncos dzseki# HC, de j kis sa"ka# HC, s "ont j# HC de jl ll# HC, s a sladhoz is megy# 4gy ltszik vi megette a zs.mlt# - jelentsek szerint az .t.dikr'l zuhant ki# Atszott rajta, hogy egsz jjel s=rt# -zt hittk szegnyr'l, hogy szegny, "edig gazdag volt# -zt mondjk rla, hogy nem szeret senkit# -zt mondjk, hogy el kellett utaznia# 4gy ltszik, nem rdekli semmi# 4gy ltszott, hogy $orr# -zt hittk rla, hogy okos# Ao"ott kocsinak tCnt# -zt hittk, hogy ello"tk a kocsijt# 3ou d !etter !e >uiet# 3ou d !etter "ut on your dress# 9e d !etter not go together# He had !etter have sle"t# I d !etter not talk so much# 3ou d !etter close your eyes# 3ou d !etter not eat it# 9e d !etter have used the li$t# However !ig my ears, I can t hear a thing# 9hatever it costs, I ll !uy it $or you# 9hichever he marries, he ll regret it# 9hatever you drink, you ll get sick# 9hoever says it is a liar# However much money he has, he s stu"id and that s it# 9hatever I suggest, he always disagrees# Boes the curtain match the wall"a"er? 0hat "ullover really suits you# 0hose shoes $it me# 3ou re too oldX a chain jacket doesn t suit you# Hm, that s a good ca"# Hm, and it $its you# Hm, and it suits you, too# Hm, and it goes with your scar$# %ve seems to have eaten the roll# He is re"orted to have $allen $rom the $i$th $loor# He seemed to have !een crying all night# 0he "oor !loke was thought to !e "oor though he was rich# He is said to love no!ody# *he s said to have had to leave# He doesn t seem to care a!out anything# It seemed to !e !oiling# Hi was thought to !e clever# It seemed to !e a stolen car# His car was thought to have !een stolen#

4gy tartjk, hogy &agyarorszg olyan mint Hungary is !elieved to !e similar to woolX she a gya"j,X minden nagymossnl .sszemegy# shrinks with every !ig wash# :agyok olyan legny, mint te# I am as tough a guy as you are#

:agyok n olyan lny, mint amilyen legny te vagy# I am as tough a girl as tough a guy you are#


- "oros nyom!a se l"hetsz az els' $elesgemnek# 0e nem tudod mit !eszlsz# @ontosan tudom, hogy milyen n' volt az els' $elesged# Igyekezett mindenkinek .r.met szerezni# J mr csak ilyen volt# Be azrt nem volt olyan .nz', mint te# *okkal jo!!an $', mint te, s ksz# n mg ilyen marht nem lttam# &ost mr viselkedjl# %lvigyelek valahov ma este? s milyen jl nz ki meztelen# Aehet, hogy $esti magt# -ttl mg nem lesz ko"asza!!# 1incs t.!!, ugye? 1incs#

3ou are nothing like my $irst wi$e# 3ou don t know what you re saying# I know e5actly what kind o$ a woman your $irst wi$e was# *he tried hard to "lease everyone# *he was just like that# 8ut she wasn t as sel$ish as you are# *he was much !etter at cooking than you cook and that s it# I haven t seen a moron like you# Lontrol yoursel$# *hall I take you out tonight? -nd how good she looks naked# *he my use make-u"# 0hat won t make her !alder# 0here s no more, is there? 1o#

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