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Study Guide 7 - Stratification in Global Perspective

Sociology 1010

Learning Objectives
1. What is social stratification and what are the three major systems of stratification? How do class and caste systems differ? Be able to give examples of each. 2. Be able to contrast Weber's view of what determines social class with that of Marx. 3. What are the basic assumptions of the functionalist explanation for social stratification and some of the major criticisms of this perspective? 4. What are the basic assumptions of conflict theorists, such as Marx and Mosca? How do elites maintain their positions in the system of stratification? 5. How do conflict theories theorize about how the world's nations became stratified? How do they feel that global stratification is maintained?

Key Concepts Social Stratification Slavery Ideology Caste Class Social Mobility Means (Mode) Of Production

Meritocracy Most Industrialized Nations Industrializing Nations Least Industrial Nations Colonialism Globalization Of Capitalism
Neocolonialism Multinational Corporations Capitalism (P 333 Key People

Proletariat Class Consciousness False Class Consciousness Property (Wealth) Prestige Power Functions Of Stratification

Karl Marx Max Weber* Davis and Moore Gaetano Mosca


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