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YESDL ESKEHR 1) Many of the critics clearly regarded several of the paintings on ---- as of poor quality. A) discovery B) display C) occasion D) approval E) account occasion: (i) frsat, mnasebet, vesile, elverisli durum; sebep, hal, durum; Izum, gereklik 2) The report issued by the National Health Council draws attention to the hazards of ---- to X rays. A) resistance B) involvement C) confinement D) exposure E) implication hazard: (i) baht, sans, tehlike, riziko; tenis kortunun servis atlan taraf; eski bir esit zar oyunu; Bilardo oyununda bir vurus; golf oyununda mnia / involvement: (i) ballk, ilgi, alaka; karstrlma, sarlma / confinement: (i) kapans, hapsedilme; hasta olup evde kalma; lousalk / implication: (i) ima, istidll; karstrma, dahil etme; dolask olma

YDS KELME SORULARI VE ZMLER 4) It was decided at the board meeting that more funds should be allocated to getting the firms products ---- more widely. A) publicized B) priced C) curtailed D) expanded E) confirmed curtail: (f) kesmek, ksaltmak, azaltmak 5) Theres nothing very brilliant about the report, but he has ---- collected all the data needed. A) infectiously B) recklessly C) considerably D) restrictively E) conscientiously infectiously: (z) bulasc olarak, baskalarna kolay geebilir sekilde / recklessly: (z) pervaszca, hi bir sey dsnmeden / considerably: (z) epeyce, olduka / restrictive: (s) kstlayc, balayc, snrlayc / conscientiously: (z) vicdani olarak; dikkatle 6) What really surprised everybody was that he saved the company from bankruptcy quite ---- . A) extremely B) relatively C) dependently D) single-handedly E) responsively relatively: (z) nispeten / single-handed: (s) tek kisi ile isletilen; tek el ile alsan / responsively: (z) hevesli olarak

3) Hes clever, he seems to know by instinct where someone is ---- and strikes there. A) conceited B) sufficient C) vulnerable D) informative E) critical conceited: (s) kibirli / informative: (s) bilgi verici, aydnlatc, eitici / critical: (s) zmsel, tahlili; tenkit eilimli, tenkiti; elestiren, elestiri mahiyetinde; buhranl vahim, nazik, tehlikeli; dnm noktasna ait 2|Sayfa www.dilporatali .com

7) Before I send this article to the editor, Id be grateful if you could ---- it for me. A) watch out B) look up C) break through D) take over E) go through watch out: dikkat etmek / look up: gzleri yukar dikmek; aramak, bakmak; ziyaret etmek, yoklamak; iyilesmek, dzelmek / take over: teslim almak; idareyi elinde tutmak / go through:


YESDL ESKEHR yoklamak, gzden geirmek; geirmek (hastalk, tecrbe); stnden girip altndan kmak, sarfedip bitirmek; gemek; durmadan gitmek (tren); kabul edilmek (tasan) 8) I had my doubts about her when I took her on, but now Im pleased to say that she has ---- to be a talented executive. A) taken up B) run over C) turned out D) made out E) carried on take on: ele almak; stne almak; vazife vermek, ise almak; (k) dili Szlanmak / executive: (i) idareci, yetkili shs / take up: yukar ekmek, kaldrmak; tutmak; zerine almak, karsmak; polieyi demek; almak; ksaltmak; baslamak; ele almak; kabul etmek / run over: ziyaretegitmek; ezmek, inemek; stnden gemek, tekrarlamak; gz gezdirmek, gzden geirmek; tasmak / turn out: tersyz etmek; dsar atmak, kovmak; otlatmak iin dsarya karmak (hayvan); dsna dnmek; yapmak, imal etmek, meydana getirmek; sndrmek; katlmak; (k) diliyataktan kalkmak; olmak, kmak / make out: (gz ile) farketmek; mana vermek, anlamak; okumak, zmek; ispat etmek; yazmak; basarmak; geinmek, idare etmek / carry on: devam etmek, devam ettirmek; deli gibi davranmak; ile mesgul olmak, idare etmek; flrt etmek 9) On the third day of the shipwreck they gave up all hope of finding any ---- . A) deserters B) survivors C) conclusions D) suppliers E) discrepancies discrepancy: (i) ayrlk, ztlk, ihtilaf, baskalk 10) Since the firm has been found negligent by the court, his claim for ---- for the accident hasnt been accepted. A) compensation B) reduction C) employment D) relevance E) cooperation 3|Sayfa www.dilporatali .com

YDS KELME SORULARI VE ZMLER relevance: relevancy i mnasebet, ilgi, alaka, uygunluk 11) As he has adamantly withstood all kinds of political pressure on this issue for so long, it is unlikely that he would ---- at this stage. A) reinforce B) relent C) pursue D) compete E) dispose adamant: (s) hosgrsz; ok sert / withstand: f (stood, -standing) dayanmak, mukavemet etmek, kars koymak / relent: f yumusamak; acyp merhamet gstermek / dispose: (f) niyetlendirmek; datmak; dzenlemek, tanzim etmek; idare etmek, kullanmak, tasarruf etmek; uydurmak, kandrmak; son seklini vermek; of ile satmak, vermek, elden karmak 12) The British entry into the European Community has ---- a new line of policy. A) negotiated B) confined C) resented D) constituted E) refunded negotiate: f anlasmay mzakere etmek; tertip etmek, akdetmek; ciro etmek (ek, bono); stesinden gelmek, basarmak, (engelleri) asabilmek / confine: (f) kusatmak; hapsetmek; evde veya yatakta tutmak; snrlamak, toplamak, hasretmek / resent: f kzmak, gcenmek, / refund: (f) geri demek; tekrar para vermek 13) The argument he has put forward is hardly ---with the information we have so far received on the case. A) reflective B) representative C) arbitrary D) resistant E) compatible reflective: (s ) aksettiren, aksedici; aksettirilmis; dsnceli, mtefekkir; dsnce mahsul / representative: s , i bir grup veya snf temsil eden, numune olan; veklet nev'inden; taklit ve benzeme kabilinden / arbitrary: (s) indi, kendince, ihtiyari,


YESDL ESKEHR keyfi / compatible: (s) , (gen) with ile uygun, birbirini tutan, munasip; geimli 14) I dont approve of the methods he is using, but his ---- aim, as regards the project, is admirable. A) conclusive B) ultimate C) controversial D) convenient E) deplorable conclusive: (s) kesin; kati, son, nihai; ikna edici / deplorable: (s) messif, acnacak halde, ackl 15) I have looked through the report, but I must admit, only ---- . A) carefully B) thoroughly C) superficially D) seriously E) experimentally

YDS KELME SORULARI VE ZMLER (beysbol); bozmak / keep up with: geri kalmamak, yetismek, yakalamak, ayak uydurmak 18) As my secretary will be away for a couple of days, would you be kind enough to ---- my correspondence? A) play back B) bring off C) take care of D) return to E) turn off bring off: basarl olmak / take care of: bakmak; muhafaza etmek / turn off: (pv) kapamak; kesmek; lafa bomak, sz evirip cevapsz brakmak; sapmak; ng yol vermek; (argo) ilgisini kaybetmek 19) The rise in energy ---- has led to a reduction of fossil fuels that the world must use. A) redundancy B) efficiency C) consumption D) suitability E) conformity redundancy: (i) fazlalk / efficiency: (i) verim oran, yeterlik; etki / suitability, suitableness: (i)uygunluk / conformity: (i) uygunluk, benzeyis 20) We must find some way to give them fairly complete and realistic picture of the situation, but without ---- them too much. A) depressing B) intimidating C) restricting D) complementing E) embittering

16) The allocation made by the budget committee can be used ---- to finance work on child health. A) plainly B) excessively C) extremely D) remarkably E) solely solely: z yalnz, ancak, sadece 17) In an effort to ---- the rate of inflation many banks have raised their interest rates. A) run out of B) watch out C) stand by D) put out E) keep up with watch out: dikkat etmek / stand by: hazr beklemek; yaknnda durmak; arka kmak, desteklemek; (szne) sadk kalmak; karsmamak, lkayt kalmak, yardm etmemek; den. Hazr olmak, alesta durmak / put out: (p) karmak; sndrmek; utandrmak; rahatsz etmek; yanmak 4|Sayfa www.dilporatali .com

depress: (f) zmek, cann skmak; kuvvetten dsrmek, zayflatmak; (k) dili kolunu kanadn krmak; deerini veya miktarn azaltmak; mevki veya rtbesini indirmek; bastrmak; meyus etmek / intimidate: (f) gzn korkutmak, sindirmek, yldrmak / complement: (f) tamamlamak; birbirini tamamlar olmak / embitter: (f) aclastrmak; gcendirmek, ac hisler uyandrmak


YESDL ESKEHR 21) Any child left to its own devices for too long is likely to ---- on some dangerous enterprise. A) assert B) entice C) embark D) reproach E) reduce assert: (f) ispat ve iddia ile beyan etmek; teyit etmek; demek, ne srmek, sylemek / entice: (f) Ayartmak / embark: (f) gemiye binmek veya bindirmek; sokmak girismek, baslamak / reproach: (f) iftira etmek, sitem etmek, serzenis etmek; ayplamak 22) One defect seems inherent in a purely classical education namely, a too ---- emphasis on the past. A) recurrent B) repressive C) coherent D) exclusive E) deceptive inherent: (s) tabiatnda var olan / recurrent: (s) tekrar vuku bulan; (anat) dnp aksi yne giden / repressive: (s) bastrc, engelleyici; skc / exclusive: (s) umuma ak olmayan; tek, esi olmayan; hari tutan; of ile mstesna / deceptive: (s) aldatan, aldatc 23) Industry as a whole was badly affected by the restrictions, but it was the high technology sector that suffered most ---- . A) blatantly B) randomly C) reasonably D) tightly E) acutely

YDS KELME SORULARI VE ZMLER 24) Few, if any, of the statements could be ---substantiated by concrete experimental evidence. A) intentionally B) successively C) restrictedly D) impressively E) conclusively substantiate: (f) gereklemek, kantlamak; gereklesmek; gereklestirmek, tahakkuk ettirmek / intentionally: (z) kasten, mahsus / successively: (z) sra ile, birbiri arkasndan / impressively: (z) tesir edici bir sekilde, sasrtc derecede

25) Hes basically a very reallient person so you can be sure hell soon ---- this disappointment. A) make out B) put through C) get over D) look up E) fall through reallient: her ortama okiyi uyan / make out: (p) (gz ile) farketmek; mana vermek, anlamak; okumak, zmek; ispat etmek; yazmak; basarmak; geinmek, idare etmek / put through: bitirmek / get over: (hastal, fkeyi) atlatmak; aklamak, anlaslmasn salamak / look up: gzleri yukar dikmek; aramak, bakmak; ziyaret etmek, yoklamak; iyilesmek, dzelmek / fallthrough: (p) basar kazanamamak, muvaffak olamamak, vazgeilmek 26) Whatever the pressures put upon him, I think it is highly unlikely that James would ever ---anyone. A) walk away with B) give in to C) make up for D) get away with E) fall through

blatant: (s) bdren; yksek sesle baran; kaba, ak, bariz, asikr / random: (s) tesadfi, rasgele / reasonably: (z) makul surette; olduka / tightly: (z) skca / acutely: (z) zek ile; siddetle 5|Sayfa www.dilporatali .com

walk away with: n plana gemek / give in: teslim olmak; kabul etmek, susmak / make up for: telafi etmek / get away with: argo sphe uyandrmadan veya ya- kalanmadan atlatmak / fall through: basar kazanamamak, muvaffak olamamak, vazgeilmek


YESDL ESKEHR 27) Among the problems facing bridge engineers, the most serious ones are those of ---- and repair. A) improvement B) reassessment C) determination D) distinction E) maintenance distinction: (i) ayrt etme, tefrik, temyiz; fark, idrak; aklk, vuzuh; nisan, rtbe, paye; sivrilme, yukselme; stnlk 28) The two major political parties in Britain have currently ---- to extreme and radically different approaches to the solution of Britains economic problem. A) referred B) obsessed C) committed D) implied E) meant refer: (f) vermek, isnat etmek, hamletmek; gndermek, havale etmek, mracaat etmek; isaret etmek, ima etmek; bakmak, dansmak, sormak / obsess: (f) musallat olmak, zihnini mesgul etmek / mean: niyet etmek, dsnmek; mana vermek, kastetmek, demek istemek; demek 29) It now appears that while US leaders are still willing for the nation to exert itself abroad and give large amounts of foreign assistance, the American public is ---- to go along with these policies. A) spontaneous B) precarious C) competitive D) reluctant E) deliberate

YDS KELME SORULARI VE ZMLER 30) It is ---- surprising that the art of ancient America remains the most mysterious and the least accessible. A) urgently B) notably C) indifferently D) elaborately E) hardly accessible: (s) yanna girilebilir, iine girilebilir; kolay bulunur; kandrlabilir; alnr, bulunur / indifferently: (z) ilgisizce / elaborately: (z) zerinde dikkatle durarak, inceden inceye isleyerek 31) Bartok was influenced as much by the musical innovations of Debuasy and Starvinsky as by East European, ---- Hungarian, folk music. A) exceedingly B) notably C) appropriately D) vehemently E) adequately exceedingly: (z) fazlasyla, ziyadesiyle / vehemently: (z) siddetle, hiddetle 32) Due to the industrialisation and colonisation, the nineteenth century ---- the greatest expansion of wealth the world had ever known. A) brought about B) put off C) held up D) gave in E) set off

exert oneself: (k) abalamak, urasmak / go along with: (p) ile beraber bulunmak; uymak; raz olmak / spontaneous: (s) kendi kendine olan, ihtiyari / precarious: (s) gvenilmez, istikrarsz, esassz, aslsz, kararsz, spheli; nazik, tehlikeli, rizikolu; (eski) baskasnn keyfine tabi /competitive: (s) rakip olan; rekabet ile ilgili; msabaka tarznda, yansma mahiyetinde 6|Sayfa www.dilporatali .com

bring about: (p) sebep olmak, hs etmek; beraberinde getirmek / put off: tehir etmek, geciktirmek, baska vakte brakmak; karmak (giysi); reddedilmek; den almak, ayrlmak / hold up: tutmak, yardmda bulunmak, korumak; arzetmek, gstermek, teshir etmek; durdurmak, engel olmak; yolunu kesip soymak / give in: (p) teslim olmak; kabul etmek, susmak / set off: (p)ayr koymak; etkilemek; yola kmak; fitillemek; gstermek; belirginlestirmek, sslemek


YESDL ESKEHR 33) The two archaeologists have tried hard to read the inscription in old Latin, but I do not think they have ---- what it really means. A) got away with B) written off C) taken after D) made out E) brought up go away with: (p) argo sphe uyandrmadan veya yakalanmadan atlatmak / write off: (p) hesab kapatmak; kymetini sfra indirmek; kolayca yazmak; zarara gemek / take after: (p) benzemek: yolunu tutmak, izinde yrmek / make out: (gz ile) farketmek; mana vermek, anlamak; okumak, zmek; ispat etmek; yazmak; basarmak; geinmek, idare etmek / bring up: (p) yetistirmek bytmek: yaklasmasn salamak 34) The children of today are healthier and better ---than those of the past, and far fewer of them die in infancy. A) disposed of B) fed up C) rounded up D) looked into E) cared for dispose: (f) of ile satmak, vermek, elden karmak / feed up: (p) fazla yedirmek / round up: (p) bitirmek / look into: (p) arastrmak, sorusturmak, incelemek / care for: (p) bakmak; ilgilenmek; beenmek; arzulamak 35) The ---- was not a happy one at the time, but looking back on it I suppose Im glad it occurred. A) improvement B) regression C) encounter D) intention E) compromise

YDS KELME SORULARI VE ZMLER 36) Locke, Hobbes and Rousseau were concerned in their writings with the question of a proper ---between the public good and the right of individuals to exercise free will. A) balance B) demonstration C) responsibility D) interest E) solidarity exercise: (f) icra etmek, ifa etmek, ettirmek, yaptrmak;idman yapmak, egzersiz yapmak; hareket etmek, gezmek; hareket ettirmek, alstrmak, idman yaptrmak, idmanla gelistirmek; mesgul etmek / will: (i) meram, maksat; murat, arzu dilek, istek, niyet; irade; vasiyet vasiyetname / solidarity: (i) dayansma, birlik

37) Questions of race, ethnicity, and religion have been a ---- source of conflict in American education. A) previous B) perennial C) vulnerable D) naughty E) casual perennial: (s) btn yl boyunca devam eden; mddetli; uzun sren, daimi; bot iki yldan fazla yasayan / vulnerable: (s) yaralanmas mmkn; zedelenir, incinebilir / naughty: (s) yaramaz, haylaz; serkes; mnasebetsiz; fena; ahlaksz / casual: (s) tesadfen olan; kastl olmayan, rasgele; dikkatsiz, ihmalci; ilgisiz 38) The United States has long prided itself on being a melting pot of culturally ---- peoples. A) diverse B) redundant C) incoherent D) entire E) substantial diverse: (s) muhtelif, esit esit, farkl / redundant: (s) gerekenden fazla olan; fazla szle ifade edilmis, adal; (ing) isinden karlan / incoherent: (s) manasz, sekilsiz, abuk sabuk; irtibatsz, birbirine bal olmayan, birbirini tutmayan, tutarsz / substantial: (s) metin, dayankl; deerli kymetli; nemli; zengin, varlkl; zl, hakiki;

regression (i) ricat, geri ekilme / encounter: (i) karslasma, rast gelme, tesadf; dvs / compromise: (i) uzlasma, uyusma; 7|Sayfa www.dilporatali .com


YESDL ESKEHR 39) The contemporary world economy differs ---from what the traditional economic theorists of the 1930s envisaged. A) primarily B) likely C) conversely D) profoundly E) intimately envisage: (f) tasavvur etmek; zihninde canlandrmak, planlamak / primarily: (z) evvela; aslnda / conversely: aksine, tam tersine / profoundly: (z) derinden; esasl olarak, tamamen / intimately: samimi bir sekilde 40) In recent years ---- complex and persistent problems in economic and social fields have led people to wonder why once comfortable answers no longer seem adequate to todays questions. A) generously B) inadvertently C) increasingly D) ingeniously E) leisurely inadvertantly: kastsz olarak / ingeniously: maharetle, ustallkla / Leisurely: (z) sknetle, acele etmeden 41) Since the 1950s modern dance in Europe and America has ---- a vigorous process of creativity. A) cast B) explored C) constituted D) relaxed E) followed vigorous: (s) kuvvetli, etkin, din, gayretli

YDS KELME SORULARI VE ZMLER applaud: (f) alkslamak; takdir etmek, beenmek, tasvip etmek / appeal: (i) mnacat, yalvars, yakars; cazibe, ekicilik; daha yksek bir makama bas vurma; (huk) temyiz, davay daha yksek bir mahkemeye devretme / reiterate: (f) tekrarlamak 43) As a result of continuing economic recession, a huge ---- in the budget seems inevitable. A) redundancy B) improvement C) profit D) distinction E) deficit redundancy: (i) fazlalk; tekrar oran / distinction: (i) ayrt etme, tefrik, temyiz; fark, idrak; aklk, vuzuh; nisan, rtbe, paye; sivrilme, yukselme, temayz; stnlk 44) The recent economic figures ---- that the country is slowly coming out of the crisis. A) commit B) imply C) incur D) evolve E) invoke incur: (f) maruz olmak; tutulmak, yakalanmak, hedef olmak / evolve: (f) skp karma / invoke: (f) dua etmek; armak; davet etmek; himayesini dilemek 45) When the rate of exchange began to rise again, he felt ---- to call a meeting of the financial staff. A) obliged B) blamed C) consumed D) omitted E) rewarded

42) The assassination by terrorists of Signor Aldo Moro, five times Prime Minister of Italy, in May 1978 was ---- by everyone as an act of barbarism. A) applauded B) appealed C) reiterated D) condemned E) restrained 8|Sayfa www.dilporatali .com

46) As far as we are concerned, the evidence put before the court was not ---- enough to convict the man. A) subsequent B) conclusive C) adamant D) earnest E) consecutive


YESDL ESKEHR subsequent: (s) sonra gelen, sonraki / conclusive: (s) kesin; nihai; ikna edici / adamant: (s)hosgrsz; ok sert / earnest: (s) ciddi; gerek, hakiki; istekli; iten, samimi / consecutive: (s) birbirini takip eden; ardsk 47) He devised an ---- scheme whereby the rate of unemployment in the country could be brought down sharply. A) irrelevant B) unstable C) ingenious D) untamed E) illegible devise: (f) tasarlamak, plan yapmak; tertip etmek / unstable: (s) kararsz, dnek, kaypak; /ingenious: (s) hnerli, marifetli; zeki, usta; usta isi, maharetle yaplms / illegible: (s) okunmaz, okunmas mmkn olmayan 48) I was greatly impressed by the way the judge conducted the trial, ---- when it came to summing up the case. A) particularly B) completely C) sufficiently D) effectively E) respectively sufficiently: kfi derecede / respectively: zikredildikleri sra ile, birisi birine ve dieri tekine ait olmak zere 49) As soon as the leak in the boiler was noticed, one of the engineers was naturally ---- . A) taken after B) run down C) made out D) sent for E) turned up take after: benzemek: yolunu tutmak, izinde yrmek / run down: yermek, ktlemek, aleyhinde sylemek; arkasndan kosup yakalamak; kurulmad iin durmak (saat); yavaslayp dinmek (konusma) / make out: (gz ile) farketmek; mana vermek, anlamak; okumak, zmek; ispat etmek; yazmak; basarmak; geinmek, idare etmek / send for: (p) aratmak, artmak; biriyle smarlamak / turn up: yukar evirmek, evirip kaldrmak; amak, evirmek; yzn yukar 9|Sayfa www.dilporatali .com

YDS KELME SORULARI VE ZMLER evirmek; ortaya kmak; gelmek 50) At the board meeting, his suggestion was ---- as it seemed politically controversial.

A) put out B) taken out C) held in D) burst into E) cast aside controversial: (s) ihtilfl, ekismeli; mnakasa edilebilir / put out: karmak; sndrmek; utandrmak; rahatsz etmek; yanmak (beysbol); bozmak / take out: karmak; kartmak; gtrmek, eslik etmek / hold in: tutmak, zapt etmek; kendini tutmak / cast aside: get rid of 51) Asthma is a common ---- in which the airways lining the lung become inflamed. A) diagnosis B) disease C) fury D) patient E) recovery inflame: (f) alevlendirmek, tahrik etmek; fkelendirmek; tb iltihaplandrmak; alevlenmek, ates almak, tutumsak 52) From the report released today it appears that oil tankers suffer their major ---- on their return journeys. A) spills B) costs C) repairs D) drills E) crews spill: (i) denize dklen petrol / dril: matkap; talim

53) People curious to get some idea of what it is like to be black in a country ---- by whites need look no further than Dennis Williamss new novel Crossover. A) tempted B) undermined C) perpetrated D) run E) deemed


YESDL ESKEHR crossover: (i) kpr, geis yeri / tempt: (f) bastan karmak / undermine: (f) altn kazmak / perpetrate: (f) (fena bir sey) / deem: (f) saymak, farz etmek 54) It is plain that the United Nations will not lift the sanctions unless the Iraqi government fully ---- with the Security Council resolutions. A) matches B) elaborates C) complies D) resumes E) accomplishes sanction: (i) meyyide / match: (f) uymak, benzemek; eslemek; evlendirmek / elaborate: ayrntl bir sekilde hazrlamak / comply: (f) with ile uymak; itaat etmek 55) When the chairman tried to explain his views to the shareholders at the ---- general meeting, he was shouted down by them with cries of Resign!. A) annual B) minimal C) essential D) ultimate E) recurrent recurrent: (s) tekrar vuku bulan; (anat) aksi yne giden 56) Because of their high toxic contents, none of these chemicals can ---- be permitted for export to any country. A) fruitfully B) adequately C) presently D) notoriously E) equivocally

YDS KELME SORULARI VE ZMLER 57) I dont know how we are going to ---- the expected surge of immigrants into the country. A) look over B) run through C) put out D) take down E) cope with surge: (i) byk dalga / look over: (p) incelemek, muayene etmek, gz gezdirmek, yoklamak / run through: (p) israf etmek; saplamak; iinden geirmek; abucak gzden geirmek / put out: (p) karmak; sndrmek; utandrmak; rahatsz etmek; yanmak (beysbol); bozmak / take down: (p) indirmek; skmek, paralara ayrmak; kibrini krmak, alaltmak; yazmak, kaydetme / cope with: (p) (gen) with ile basa kmak, basarmak; aresini bulmak, ile uramsak 58) The Jewish immigrants, who ---- the boat in England, formed the bulk of the ethnic groups arriving in a country historically wary of foreigners. A) took after B) got off C) turned up D) made up E) showed off be wary of: (k) den saknmak; dikkat etmek / take after: (p) benzemek: (p) yolunu tutmak, izinde yrmek / get off: (p) inmek; ayrlmak; kurtulmak; sylemek get (some one veya something) off karmak / turn up: (p) yukar evirmek, evirip kaldrmak; amak, evirmek; yzn yukar evirmek; ortaya kmak; gelmek, bulunmak / make up: (p) tertip etmek, olusturmak; barsmak; uydurmak, icat etmek; bir araya getirmek, toplamak, tamamlamak; telafi etmek; makyaj yapmak / show off: (p) gsteris yapmak; gstermek

59) If we are serious about suppressing terrorism we shall have to ---- stronger measures than those currently in practice. fruitfully: (z) verimli olarak / adequately: (z) laykyle / presently: (z) birazdan; simdi, simdilik / notoriously: (z) dile dsms olarak / equivocally: (z) sphe kaldrr bir surette, mphem surette, kapal olarak 10 | S a y f a w w w . d i l p o r a t a l i . c o m A) require B) revise C) adopt D) abduct E) suspend


YESDL ESKEHR adopt: (f) benimsemek; evlt edinmek / suspend: (f) geici olarak durdurmak veya iptal etmek 60) When an unknown but gifted artist is finally recognised, his paintings can become valuable ---- in the future. A) rates B) accounts C) sales D) interests E) assets asset: (i) mal, (og), servet, mevcudat, aktif, varlk 61) It is ---- ten years since AIDS caught the worlds attention. A) formidably B) generously C) pertinently D) roughly E) inevitably formidably (z) korkulacak surette, dehset verici bir sekilde / pertinently (z) alakal olarak, ilgili olarak; uygun olarak

YDS KELME SORULARI VE ZMLER rebut: (f) rtmek; delillerle reddetmek / safeguard: (f) korumak / indulge: (f) mptela olmak, msamaha etmek 64) Progress in materials research is ---- to overcoming such problems as the finiteness of the worlds resources and possible shortages of strategic materials. A) crucial B) inexpensive C) adamant D) subversive E) subsequent adamant: (s) hosgrsz; ok sert / subversive (s) tahrip edici, ykc, altst eden / subsequent: (s) sonra gelen 65) Despite the gusty wind they were able to put out the fire before it ---- . A) fell off B) was taken into account C) was held out D) got out of hand E) broke up gusty: (s) kesik kesik; rzgarl, frtnal / fall off: ekilmek, azalmak, dsmek, bozulmak / hold out: dayanmak; ileri srmek; tahamml etmek; yetmek; ayak diremek / break up: dalmak; datmak; bozusmak; (argo) kendini tutamayp glmek 66) The 1990s have been a general ---- in aid to poor countries, largely because of fiscal pressures in many rich countries. A) consumption B) decline C) contingency D) conviction E) expenditure

62) The new ceramics, which have little in common with the chinaware we use in our kitchens everyday, are being used ---- in engines and electronics. A) depressingly B) seemingly C) increasingly D) discouragingly E) obligingly chinaware: in seramii / depressingly (z) can sknts vererek; zerek / seemingly (z)grnste, zahiren, guya

63) I am horrified at the turn things have taken and am convinced that he is ---- of much beter treatment than that which he is receiving. A) rebutting B) deserving C) defending D) safeguarding E) indulging 11 | S a y f a w w w . d i l p o r a t a l i . c o m

contingency:(i). ihtimal; beklenmedik olay/conviction:(i). kanaat, inan; katiyet; ikna; mahkumiyet


YESDL ESKEHR 67) The whole business of having meals at fixed ---- is nothing but a social convention and, in modern life, a matter of convenience. A) approaches B) substances C) intervals D) requirements E) proportions 68) Space research is largely a branch of pure science, independent of any applications which ---from it. A) enforce B) insure C) reduce D) restore E) stem 69) The current social security system is ---- popular, partly because its universal and partly because retirement benefits are related to contributions, so most people think the system is fair. A) extremely B) likely C) eventually D) indispensably E) favourably 70) She is the oldest person in the village, to be precise, 92 years old and has a ---- word of advice for everyone. A) fanciful B) faithful C) credible D) futile E) kindly

YDS KELME SORULARI VE ZMLER 71) Our challenge is to ---- our clients with the best possible advice and support, enabling them to take the right direction at both strategic and operational levels. A) expand B) consult C) improve D) provide E) respect 72) It is a book rich in ideas and beauty, a book that ---- and tries to answer great fundamental questions and demands the most active reading one is capable of. A) raises B) attains C) casts D) alludes E) accomplishes allude:(f). ima etmek, kastetmek, kinaye yoluyla sylemek; zikretmek, bahsetmek. alluded to ad geen

73) Before the meeting begins, it would be advisable to remind him that he is not on any account to ---the subject of unemployment insurance. A) look through B) bring up C) take back D) break out E) make out 74) The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace seeks an individual to launch a research project on the information revolution and its ---- on international affairs. A) impact B) involvement C) reference D) linkage E) comparison

fanciful:(s). gerekten uzak, kaprisli, hayalperest, hayal pesinde kosan/faithful:(s). mmin, iman sahibi; sadk,vefakr, doru, gvenilir, itimada sayan /credible:(s). inanlr, gvenilir, itimada sayan 12 | S a y f a w w w . d i l p o r a t a l i . c o m

endowment: (i) kabiliyetler; bas / linkage: (i) balays, ba


YESDL ESKEHR 75) Unlike Europes stone castles and cathedrals, Americas historical buildings are often wood-framed and so subject to ---- from moisture and insects. A) rebuke B) deficiency C) damage D) obsession E) frustration rebuke: (f) azarlamak / obsession: (i) endise; sabit fikir / frustration: (i) bosuna urasma; asabiyet 76) Physically speaking, the Pacific Basin includes not only all those countries bordering on the Pacific coast but also the Pacific island nations ---- across the ocean. A) adopted B) based C) grafted D) scattered E) expanded graft: (f) aslamak 77) Nearly half of the worlds countries have ---capital punishment in law or in practice, and some two dozen of them have done so formally since 1985. A) accused B) abolished C) executed D) entailed E) frustrated entail: (f) icap ettirmek

YDS KELME SORULARI VE ZMLER 79) The atmosphere ---- the earth as if it were a huge roof. A) breaks up B) makes for C) hangs over D) puts off E) runs over break up: dalmak; datmak; bozusmak; (argo) kendini tutamayp glmek / make for: (p) bir istikamette yol almak, mmkn klmak / put off: tehir etmek, karmak; reddedilmek 80) The objective of this project is to increase the depth of awareness and understanding in the world, about the causes and consequences of the HIV epidemic through ---- policies and programmes. A) innovative B) decadent C) meagre D) ambiguous E) poignant decadent: batms, kms / meager: az / ambiguous: (s) belirsiz, mulk / poignant: (s) ac keskin; siddetli 81) Launched as the new regulatory authority for the countries banking and insurance sector, the National Financial Services Management will extend its activities so as ---- to cover more than 40% of the national economy. A) exceptionally B) ultimately C) inherently D) fluently E) apparently inherently: doustan / apparently: grnste

78) Since most of the worlds commercial apples lack genetic diversity, they are unable to ---- a disease or a pest. A) put away B) hold up C) fight off D) get off E) break out

82) If you want that post you'd better apply quickly; the last day for ---- applications is Friday. A) reversing B) withholding C) enforcing D) submitting E) committing

put away: bir tarafa koymak; saklamak / hold up: tutmak, / fight off: pskrtmek, defetmek / break out: zuhur etmek 13 | S a y f a w w w . d i l p o r a t a l i . c o m


YESDL ESKEHR withhold: f. (-held, -holding) elinde tutmak, kendine saklamak, brakmamak; kstlamak; vermemek 83) In this paper I should like to report some of the results of an ---- study of two hundred London families. A) extreme B) intrinsic C) intensive D) emphatic E) apparent intrinsic :(s.) aslnda olan, esasi, yaradlstan, hakiki./emphatic: s. zerinde durulmus, kuvvetle ifade olunmus, etkili; nemli, dikkati eken; vurgulu, kuvvetli ifa desi olan, kesinlikle hareket eden 84) Recent studies have shown that smokers are more ---- to common colds and flu than nonsmokers. A) feasible B) susceptible C) applicable D) reliable E) responsible feasible: (s). mmkn, yaplabilir, tatbik edilebilir; uygun, mnasip, yaksk alr; ihtimal dahilnde, muhtemel, makul/susceptible: s. abuk mteessir olan, hassas; alngan; kolay ask olan, spsevdi. 85) For the present, the party is expected to put its differences aside and campaign ---- for a victory at the forthcoming elections. A) vigorously B) awkwardly C) precisely D) distinctly E) reluctantly

YDS KELME SORULARI VE ZMLER 86) Industry has developed rapidly in certain countries as raw materials are ---- available there. A) repeatedly B) scarcely C) consequently D) abundantly E) indefinitely 87) I wasn't at all impressed by the ---- he gave me. A) distribution B) explanation C) determination D) complication E) negotiation

88) The problem of how to ---- the vast quantities of waste we produce, requires our urgent attention. A) bring up B) win over C) find out D) put off E) deal with 89) Once the children have grown up I shall start travelling again, and I'm really ---- that. A) passing on to B) waiting up for C) looking forward to D) making up for E) going along with 90) The river Danube rises in Germany and ---through central Europe and into the Black Sea. A) cruises B) spreads C) flows D) conducts E) covers 91) Anti-lock brakes (ABS) help you to maintain steering control of your car even while braking on ---roads. A) lonesome B) fast C) reckless D) slippery E) stagnant

vigorously: z. gayretle, gayretli bir sekilde /awkwardly: (z). Acemicesine/precisely: z. dikkatle, kesinlikle; tamamen; muhakkak/distinctly: (z). aka, vuzuhla; sphesiz, muhakkak, kesin olarak 14 | S a y f a w w w . d i l p o r a t a l i . c o m


YESDL ESKEHR lonesome: (s) yalnzlktan ii sklms/reckless: (s) dnyay umursamayan; kendini tehlikeye atan; dikkatsiz, kaytsz, pervasz/stagnant: (s) durgun, hareketsiz, bayatlams, bozulmus (su); atl, kesat 92) ---- populated, rural Northumberland is one of the most unspoiled countries in England. A) Sparsely B) Nearly C) Primarily D) Suitably E) Efficiently sparsely: (z) seyrek seyrek 93) Today a very wide spectrum of biological scientists are needed, both to develop the biotechnology of the next millennium and to ensure the ---- of life in our planet. A) explanation B) process C) exhaustion D) duration E) conservation exhaustion: (i) yorgunluk, bitkinlik; tketme, tkenme; bosluk/duration: (i) devam, sreklilik; sre, mddet

YDS KELME SORULARI VE ZMLER bias: (i) meyil, temayl, pesin hkm; taraf tutma 96) Natural disasters have been defined as ecological disruptions exceeding the adjustment capacity of a community and ---- outside assistance. A) stepping up B) putting up with C) look after D) calling for E) dealing with 97) It is hard for a tiger, especially an inexperienced one, to ---- how to attack an animal that is facing it. A) figure out B) keep away C) rule out D) fall back E) run over 98) If the ---- of profits falls in one area of activity, entrepreneurs may move their resources to an industry where the returns are higher. A) phase B) liability C) level D) supply E) policy entrepreneur: i. isadam, messese sahibi; mtesebbis kimse.

94) A hundred years ago the chestnut ---- a quarter of the hardwood trees in America. A) turned down B) got through C) made up D) made out E) put down chestnut: (i) kestane

99) In many countries training for industry has always been considered to be ---- the concern of industry itself, not of the state. A) socially B) primarily C) suitably D) firmly E) reputedly reputedly: z. rivayete gre.

95) Evidence of racial bias in sentencing helped to convince certain states in America to ---- capital punishment in the late 1960s and early 1970s. A) keep down B) rule against C) put out D) point out E) break through 15 | S a y f a w w w . d i l p o r a t a l i . c o m

100) A basic ---- of amphibious warfare is undoubtedly command of the sea. A) withdrawal B) involvement C) determination D) concession E) requirement


YESDL ESKEHR amphibious: (s). hem suda hem karada yasayabilir, iki yasaysl; hem su hem kara ile iliikisi olan; iki tabiatl, iki snfa mensup 101) Even quite late in the twentieth century many men assumed that entry into certain professions was their ---- right. A) independent B) exclusive C) adequate D) excessive E) unaccountable exclusive: (s.), (i.) umuma ak olmayan; bir kimse veya zmreye has; tek, esi olmayan; hari tutan; of ile mstesna, -den gayri, hesaba katmadan; (i.) yalnz bir gazete veya mecmuann temin edebildii mlkat / unaccountable: s. anlatlmaz, anlaslmaz; mesuliyetsiz, sorumsuz, hesab verilmeyen; olaanst 102) Bacteria have remarkable capacity for ---tolerance to previously lethal drugs. A) acquiring B) denouncing C) deceiving D) repudiating E) recovering denounce: (f). ihbar etmek, haber vermek, ifsa etmek; mukavele veya anlasmann fesholunacan haber vermek; sulamak, itham etmek, bir kimsenin kusurlarn aa vurmak / repudiate: f. reddetmek, tanmamak; dememek, kabul etmemek

YDS KELME SORULARI VE ZMLER 104) In the early twentieth century, a number of scientists, who had been trained as physicists, were interested in the study of biological organisms, and their efforts ---- the field we now call molecularbiology. A) took leave of B) made up for C) gave rise to D) showed up E) fell apart take leave: ayrlmak, veda etmek / give rise to: sebep olmak, davet etmek

105) In the introduction to this book, the writer ---- a foreign policy that makes world peace the top priority. A) calls for B) holds out C) keeps up D) puts on E) brings about call for: istemek; gerekli olmak / hold out: dayanmak; ileri srmek; tahamml etmek; yetmek; ayak diremek / bring about: sebep olmak, hs etmek; beraberinde getirmek 106) In a blizzard, the ---- of very low temperatures, strong wind and suffocating snow often proves fatal. A) expectation B) endurance C) engagement D) consistence E) combination Suffocate: f. bomak, nefesini kesmek; bastrarak sndrmek; boulmak, nefes alamamak. suffocating s. bunaltc, boucu

103) Because critical periods occur throughout pregnancy, a woman should continuously ---- her health. A) keep in with B) put up with C) find out D) take good care of E) look up to keep in with: tevecchn muhafaza etmek, dost kalmak / look up to: hrmeti olmak, hrmet etmek; gvenmek, itimat etmek 16 | S a y f a w w w . d i l p o r a t a l i . c o m

107) I'm afraid I can't ---- the signature on this painting but it has been signed. A) make out B) take out C) find out D) turn back E) put down


YESDL ESKEHR 108) The top research universities in the U.S.A. are ---- the fact that women researchers are encountering substantial barriers to career advancement. A) waiting for B) pulling out of C) facing up to D) trying out E) turning up 109) His doctor ---- advising him to take it easy for a while and stop all overtime but he didn't listen. A) made up B) kept on C) ran through D) left out E) played down 110) Our understanding of the development of behaviour has long been hampered by the tendency to ---- sharply between "innate" and "acquired" behaviour. A) exclude B) separate C) distinguish D) infer E) assess

YDS KELME SORULARI VE ZMLER 113) Owing to the shortages in some building materials and labour ---- in some trades, the building industry began to make more use of prefabricated. A) components B) immunity C) reliably D) cavity E) scarcity

CEVAP ANAHTARI 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. E 6. D 7. E 8. C 9. B 10. A 11. B 12. D 13. E 14. B 15. C 16. E 17. E 18. C 19. C 20. A 21. C 22. A 23. E 24. E 25. C 26. B 27. E 28. C 29. D 30. E 31. B 32. A 33. D 34. E 35. C 36. A 37. B 38. A 39. D 40. C 41. E 42. D 43. E 44. B 45. A 46. B 47. C 48. A 49. D 50. E 51. B 52. A 53. D 54. C 55. A 56. C 57. E 58. B 59. C 60. E 61. D 62. C 63. B 64. A 65. D 66. B 67. C 68. E 69. A 70. C71. D 72. A 73. B 74. A 75. C 76. D 77. B 78. C 79. C 80. A 81. B 82. D 83. C 84. B 85. A 86. D 87. B 88. E 89. C 90. C 91. D 92. A 93. E 94. C 95. B 96. D 97. A 98. C 99. B 100. E 101. B 102. A 103. D 104. C 105. A 106. E 107. A 108. C 109. B 110. C 111. B 112. A 113. E

111) The government has recently made one million dollars ---- for research grants concerning the prediction of earthquakes. A) conditional B) available C) suitable D) considerable E) vulnerable 112) The ozone layer may still act like a protective blanket, but scientists continue to worry about the sun's ---- lethal effects. A) potentially B) equivalently C) indifferently D) approximately E) abruptly lethal: (li'thl) s. ldrc, lme ait. lethality i. ldrclk. 17 | S a y f a w w w . d i l p o r a t a l i . c o m


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