Yamantaka Sadhana Outline

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Yamantaka Sadhana: Outline

Written by Administrator Saturday, 19 June 2010 14:06

This is a general outline of the Single-Deity Vajrabhairava Sadhana by topics:

General Preliminaries
Refuge and Generating Bodhichitta Guru Yoga Review of the Graduated Path Supplication to the Lineage Gurus

Specific Preliminaries
- Instantaneous Self-generation - Consecrating the Inner Offering - Consecrating the Preliminary Sense Offerings to the Direction Protectors - Consecrating the Torma Offering to the Direction Protectors - Invocation of and Offering of the Torma, Sense and Inner Offerings to the Direction Protectors - Praise and Exhortation - Requesting Forbearance - Requesting to Depart - Consecration of the Sense Offerings for Self-generation - Meditational recitation of Vajrasattva

Actual Session
- Inviting the Field of Merit - Seven Limb Practice: Prostrating, Offering, Confessing, Rejoicing, Dedication, Refuge and Generating Aspiring and Engaging Bodhichitta - Tantric Vows - Four Immeasurables - Taking Death as the Path of the Truth Body - Generation of the Common Protection Wheel - Generation of the Uncommon Protection Wheel of the Ten Wrathful Deities - Taking the Intermediate State as the Path of the Enjoyment Body - Taking Birth as the Path of the Emanation Body - Description of Vajrabhairava - Blessing of the Sources, Body, Speech and Mind - Meditating on the Triple Stack Heroic Minds - Inviting the Wisdom Deities - Inviting the Empowering Deities - Initiating and Sealing by the Empowering Deities


Yamantaka Sadhana: Outline

Written by Administrator Saturday, 19 June 2010 14:06

Inner Offering to the Gurus of the Lineage, the Yidams, Protectors and So Forth Extensive Praise Brief Praise Minding the Symbolism Consecrating the Rosary Mantra Recitation Making Offerings and Praise

Conclusion of the Session

- Consecration of the Torma Offerings to Yamantaka and the Direction Protectors, who are Respectively the Transcendental and Worldly Deities, as well as to Karmayama - Offerings and Praise to Yamantaka - Visualization of the Guests for the Torma - Offerings and Praise to the Direction Protectors - Generation of Karmayama - Initiating, Sealing, Binding to Commitment and Offering - Exhorting to Activities - Thanksgiving Offering and Praise - Extensive Prayer - Short Prayer - Requesting Forbearance - Dissolution - Extensive Verses of Auspiciousness - Dedication


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