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Dedicated to everybody that hits and runs at torrents...

now don't feel guilty, that is the whole idea, that specy can keep their life style alive! Only, now, f inally can honest people profit of it as well! Hai, enjoy it and if questions, you know where to reach me! Here are two themes: 1)Where to find it and how to download 2) My comment as published at diverse torrent trackers, including instalation in structions. It is easy described if you can read, for so far didn't hear any com plain after giving that manual to more than 1200 people (No thanks as well...) x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Download one of the files as metioned down, reset privacy settings of the web br owser (cookies???), get rid of the time delay in that way and continue with next file....

x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 ************************LEAVE A COMMENT PLEASE**************************** Rule one: I upload when I have time. Rule two: I am not responsible for the use of this program Themida is an protection idea that should prevent reverse engineering/cracking.. . By several AV applications the crack is considered as dangerous. DON'T COME WITH VIRUS WARNINGS SINCE CODE GENERATORS ARE NORMALLY USING CODES TH AT CAN BE CLASSIFIED AS VIRUSES OR HARMFUL PROGRAMS BY VIRUS SCANNERS ETC. INSTEAD, PROTECT YOURSELF WITH SOFTWARE LIKE SANDBOXIE READ THIS INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE CONSIDERING DOWNLOADING!!! Please don't say that the installation is complex: in that case give up, the ins tallation is peanuts compared with the program itself.... Again: 1.I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE 2.THE END USER TAKES ALL RESPONSIBILITIES 3.I UPLOAD WHEN I WANT, MY COMPUTER IS NOT ALWAYS ONLINE!!! (READ: RARELY) 4.KEEP THIS TORRENT ALIVE, SEE GENERAL INFO ABOUT PROTECTING YOURSELF AS DESCRIB ED BY OTHER TORRENT USERS LIKE JF, LITTLE FINGERS, ETC Moral Lesson: At first of all, if you didn't manage to install Ansys so far, ask yourself if y ou want to use the program. It is a complex program, but useful (that's why you should buy it, straight from the producer and not from a retailer... so people k eep on programming useful tools) If you don't know what computers are and how th e function, better give up. Computers are just machines that can be fully contro lled... So, if you use an anti virus program that starts to scream during the in stallation, that is because you as user asked that program to do this. You asked the computer to cry when files are activated that might harm your computer. Nor mally that crying starts when that anti virus program sees a code generator, may be in combination with using settings that are defined somewhere in that big cal culator... I use a different computer for my projects that is not connected to the internet at all, so I don't use a firewall. I don't need to do that. Usage of an anti vi rus is another story, since I use USB sticks that are used in other computers (r ead: public printing houses and so on. The chance to obtain a virus over there i s big enough) I don't connect my working tool to an overcrowded and dirty networ k, because then I need to keep my bread making machine clean, and I don't want t o waste time with that. At a normal day I have 18 processes running on my machin e, sometimes I even shut explorer.exe down if I need more working power (in rest , Ansys consumes already 45 mB of RAM) That was the moral lesson, let's get started. Sandboxie Take a tour at the internet, check what the program Sandboxie does. I use versio n 3.26, remember that newer does not automatically means better! Download that p rogram, install it and check how it functions (for example: double click at the small icon close to the clock, at the right bottom corner, drag and drop a rando m folder in this box and a new window will open that has #-marks at the bar on t op. Brows to the desktop in that window to the desktop, create a new folder and then return to the "real" desktop. The new folder did not appear there. Close al l the windows you made and return to Sandboxie control (that you opened when dou

ble clicking at that icon close to the clock.) Click there at the menu item: San dbox==> DefaultBox==> Delete Contents . Down under there is a button "Delete San dbox") Steps: 1.) Install Ansys, that should be the first (most up) option. 2.) There comes a notification. 3.) Run license set up if asked for, choose YES if it asks about a server, and Y ES again when the question comes if you have a license file. 4.)Now comes the big trick: a.) Dismantle the anti virus. (My anti virus was not complaining by the way...) IF SANDBOXIE COMES WITH QUESTIONS, JUST PRESS "CLOSE" b.1) Open Sandboxie Control, browse to the folder that contains the crack, drag and drop that folder in Sandboxie, select the crack , copy (control - c) , brows e in the Sandboxie to the desktop and paste (control - v). OR b.2) Browse for the folder with the crack, right mouse button, "Open Sandboxed" , select crack, copy (control - c) , browse in the Sandboxie to the desktop and paste (control - v). c.) Run, while Sandboxed, the crack, from the sandboxed desktop. d.) At the question "... for the current host" you say "Y" e.) Wait a little bit, and then press a key, the program should close. f.) Now you are at the Sandboxed desktop, press F5 (refresh) and a file appears (license.dat) g.) Open that file (right mouse button, open with notepad) , select the content, control - c h.) Open a new text file at the un-Sandboxed desktop, name it license.dat, and p aste the text inside, and save i.) Now you can dismantle all the Sandboxed issues you created and reactivate th e anti virus. If you want scan the computer after the rest of the installation. h.) Copy the freshly created license.dat and put it in the Ansys License Manager s sub folder "shared fileslicensing" If you install the main program at the D dr ive for example, this manager you have to search anyway at the C drive, I mean t he drive where windows is installed. If there was one already a license file jus t overwrite. Going back to the main installation... 5.) Now browse for the file, which you just copied so you know where it is. Most likely, the computer starts to cry now that it is the same file/current file .. . Just press okay, the program offers you again to browse, but you cancel! 6.) There comes a question if you want a "survey" , but you don't! 7.) Click finish. 8.) Go to the start menu==> ANSYS FLEXLM License Manager==> LMtools At the first tab: Configuration using Services At the seventh tab: select Use Services and Start Server at Power Up At the fourth tab: press Start Server Now you should have a license up to somewhere in 2017.... A good option is to put the license file as well in a folder named c:flexlm , th is is the standard place where the license manager read the settings. Just do it , to be easier logging in later.... If you don't want to let the license manager to start up automatically, deselect the related issues as described in point 8, the seventh tab. But then, remember that you have to start up manually before you start using Ansys. You need then to point straightly to the license file as well. Check this out in FLEXLM's manu al, you need to make a BATCH file. And overall it results as well in two or thre e floating command windows.

Have fun, maybe it is a good idea to use a good firewall if the computer where t his will be checked out is connected to the internet or another network. I didn' t try that out (see reasoning above.) And another tip: If you finally managed, back up the license.dat file, it is spe cific for your computer, send it to your own mailbox for example! This is the way how I did it. R. The program contains: 1. Multiphysics # ANSYS Multiphysics 2.Mechanical # ANSYS DesignSpace # ANSYS Fatigue # ANSYS Mechanical # ANSYS Professional # ANSYS Structural # ANSYS DesignXplorer # ANSYS Mesh Morpher # ANSYS AUTODYN # ANSYS Drop Test # ANSYS LS-DYNA # ANSYS AI*Environment # ANSYS DesignModeler # ANSYS ICEM CFD # ANSYS TurboGrid # GAMBIT # TGrid # ANSYS Engineering Knowledge Manager (EKM) 3. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) # ANSYS AutoReaGas # ANSYS CFX # ANSYS ICEM CFD Cart3D # FloWizard # FLUENT # FLUENT for CATIA V5 # POLYFLOW # ANSYS Emag # ANSYS Iceboard # ANSYS Icechip # ANSYS Icemax # ANSYS Icepak # ANSYS Icepro # ANSYS TAS # ANSYS Airpak # ANSYS AQWA # ANSYS ASAS # ANSYS Rigid Dynamics # ANSYS BladeModeler 4.Academic # ANSYS Academic Products # ANSYS ED # FlowLab

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