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An Easter Celebration Story

Jesus was a good man, an excellent man, an outstanding model of a human being.

Thats right. But thats not all!

Thats right. But thats not all!

Jesus taught a new way, a way of love and truth and goodness towards everyone, whether they deserved it or not.

Jesus called people to join him. They went everywhere telling people about his new way. Lots of others followed Jesus way.

Thats right. But thats not all!

Thats right. But thats not all!

As well as friends, Jesus made enemies, enemies who wanted to get rid of Jesus and his radical teachings.

Jesus could have escaped, but he didnt. His enemies had him killed on the first Good Friday.

Thats right. But thats not all!

His friends wept, they ran away and hid. Strange things happened in the sky and in the world of the living and of the dead.
Jesus body was put in a cave, blocked with a huge stone.

Thats right. But thats not all!

On the first Easter Sunday morning, the stone was rolled away and Jesus came out alive! Alive!

Thats right! But thats not all!

Many people saw him alive again.

Thats right.

But thats not all!

They walked with him, talked with him and ate with him. He really was alive! RISEN!

Thats right.
After 40 days of appearances he went away again. To heaven. His disciples saw him go. He simply disappeared from their sight!

But thats not all!

God sent the Holy Spirit.

Thats right.
The Spirit of Jesus and of God. The Spirit of love and of all thats good and true.

But thats not all!

The Holy Spirit is here today, alive

and active in the lives of everyone

who tries to live lives of love and

goodness and truth, as Jesus did.

Thats right. But thats not all!

One day this world will end. Everything thats unloving and bad and untrue will finish. Things will be the way God made them to be. Thats right And Jesus and his way of love and goodness and truth will rule.


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