FBI Files On Nikola Tesla 01

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SOF FOLLOWING FILE MATERIAL OL 100 - 223-7 /56 pages Re cere nice s G6 pages ; ASQ lorne [a6ES XXXXNNNXNAXANKNANAY, XSNNNY : g NO DUPLICATION FEE ¥ SNSXSX SAN FOR THIS PAGES SONAARRANARNNARONNN | Naw Lavesri¢anve Fice (Sle pages 3 ‘ f , Gz: 6, TT «/2/:2 Department of Justice, Atten, Mr. G. Edgar Hoover, Washington, D.C, ALL SSFORMATION CONTAINED “IN IS UNCLASSIFIED, Dear ir. Hoovers 22.85 BYLAA em fa? ‘The appended article was printed in sulle Times issue of fu nw) septouver 22, 1940 and Sf based on proven facte yshould be of vital importance to « N ‘War Department as well as to that ef other nations mow esutrollea oy insane dictate! If san the author statesythe telefores has com perfected by MikolaTeslay/ would be a monsure of feresightedness te insure kis constant guarding ageinst his bi aolested ,ponsibly kidnapped and tertured,by alien euenies for the purpose of seit: ‘the secret of such an invaluable instrument ef war ani/er defense ‘The feregeing is offered just in ense the article amt ite inferences have no deen called te your attention, Yery truly yours yD RLS & pe, bo RY Tam ES rv [47 “Death Ray” for Planes ket of Daten ‘would be built round the country Seninet any attempted attace by a8 fgtemy: air fores, wo muatiar’ bow age ae of att Malt pettle ant beat woyie eit ny ence, feaniee Dine or fuaciestae, Eeccpud Se ge ects stacse Sgtiat te coud be Beton, Se ENS a Sat pti ah penertg. : ‘igh Vacoum Eiiminetad de state, votes oon oF oie os epics. wets i sa wordt asa contin th Sonne with ‘ihe euetruction of Sis Aalatorce plant BUCH & Device “Invaluable ara, $2080.00 wold bec Sapo oiaaa Se ode alt Lattaved woudl be tral nat | Not oaly would ft Mow planed for aie Thprernesisagulst tay aretase ut itfwoult alo save euacy or Sona prepay iat would fatter Now trong ta defonoeg 3 fi wtioean curves evente in Bape ne SE Mae ellss Hees oh. Es a Latter dated Septeader 24, 1940, together with Ate 4 ‘maloaure. 7 oe : Your eoortesy sad interest in Winging = this inforsation to ay attention are indeed appreciated, and you may be assured your letter ‘Will receive appropriate consideration. Sincerely youre, et rT aL INFORMATION G CONTAINED “E=FIN IS UNCLA ; “iE Za Langit COMMUNICATIONS SECTION N MAILED * OCT 1 1940 * a 2) @ em ates pit na 4 se : “ Taboncriens sat OF set by oi sma Lapuy 4 alte Oy TeuEryee Fer wyc |” t= 12-43 11-06 PH DIRECTOR VEST UNSUBS ~~~ EQUIPMENT, EXPERIMENTS AND AESEARCH OF CEASED, -aagmmmx ESPIONAGE - M, RETEL ANDER ABOVE HEADING T( BUREAU Fnom This oFFic! D JAN MINE LAST. INQUIRY DEVELOPS THAT TESLA BIE JAN EIGHT, RATHER THAN THURSDAY, JAN SEVEN, AS SOMUOK as STATED IN REFERENCE TELETYPE. ON THE WIGHT OF JAN ELGHT, SA SANOVICH, GEORG CLARK, AND KENNETH-SWEEZEY WISITED TESLA-S ‘HOTEL WITH A’ REPRESENTATIVE OF SHAW WALKER CO. IN ORDER TO OPEN THE SAFE IN THE ROOM OF TESLA, KOSANOVICH LATER REPORTED TO WALTER GORSUCH, OFFICE OF ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN, NYC, THAT ME WENT INTO THE ROOM tn ORDER TO SEARCH FOR A WILL OF TESLA. KOSANOVICH AND THE OTHERS MADE THE SEARCH OF THE SAFE IN THE PRESENCE OF THREE ASST MANAGERS OF HOTEL NEW YORKER AS WELL AS REPRESENTATIVES OF THE YUGOSLAVIAN CONSULATE, IDENTITIES OF LATTER NOT YET KNOWN. AFTER THE SAFE WAS OPENED, 'SWEEZEY TOOK FROM THE SAFE A BOOK CONTAINING TESTIMONIALS SENT TO TESLA ON fur OCCASION OF HIS SEVE TY FIFTH BIRTHDAY. THIS BOOK WAS ARRANGED FOR TESLA BY SWEEZEY. KOSANOVICH TOOK FROM THE ROOM THREE PICTURES OF TESLA, TWO BEING EN- LARGED NEWSPAPER PICTUREX. ACCORDING TO MANAGERS OF oTEL AND KOSANO- VICH HIMSELF, NOTHING ELSE WAS REMOVED FROM THE ROOM OR SAFE. THE SAFE WAS THEN CLOSED UNDER A NEW COMBINATION, WHICH COMBINATION IS NOW IN POSSESSION OPEBUMINEGEX KOSANOVICH, ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JAN foret TaNn Sie: AND R@M@MMEX FTIZGERALD OF ALIEN PROPERTY CONTROL WENT TO HOTEL AND SEIZED ALL THE PROPERTY OF TESLA, CONSISTING OF ABOUT Two TRUCKLOANDS OF MATERIAL, SEALED ALL ARTICLES AND TRANSFERRED THEM TO THE MANHATTAN STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. NY, WHERE THEY ARE NOW LOCATED AT THAT SaMWBX TIME THERE WERE ALSO IN THIS WAREHOUSE APPROXIMATELY THIRTY BARRELS AND BUNDLES BELONGING TO TESLA WHICH HAD BEEN THERE SIN ABOUT NINETEEN THIRTY FOUR. THESE ae ALSO @MMNMX BEEN SEALED AND ARE NOW UNDER ORDERS OF ALIEN PROPERTYCUSTODIAN, IN VIEW OF FACT TESL IS A US NATURALIZED CITIZEN, ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN FEELS THAT ITS JURISDICTION OVER PROPERTY £5 DOUBTFUL BUT ROMMMK FEELS THAT HO OTHER AGENCY WILL BE ABLE,TO CET @amK TO THIS PROPERTY FOR AT LEAST TWO DAYS COPIES DESTRO’ LP ALL TTORM AT IRLeb end HE BERT IS WOLASSE ETT: es Red [pha Bot 2237 2 coPtt N epaeriews ©: Rep pole JA PAGE TWO AFTER THAT TIME IT IS POSSIBLE THAT A PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR WILL BE APPOINTED FOR THE PROPERTY WHO MAY TAKE THE PROPERTYINTO HIS CuS- TODY. TESLA ALSO HAD SOME PROPERTY, AMQPOGUMNINK ALLEGED BY INFORMANT FITZGERALD IN THIS CASE, To BE A WORKING MODEL OF AN INVENTION IN A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX IN GOVERNOR CLINTON HOTEL IN NY. INQUIRY SHOWS THAT THIS WAS PLACED KERE BY TESLA IN NINETEEN THIRTY TWO AS SECURITY FOR FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS OWED MOTEL. THIS BILL IS STILL OWED AND HOTEL APPEARS UNWILLING TO RELEASE THIS PROPERTY TO ANYONE AT LEAST UNTIL MMR DEBT IS PAID, BUT THIS OFFICE WILL BE ADVISED IF ANYONE ATTEMPTS TO PAY BILL AND OBTAIN ‘RROPERTY. CONCERNING TESLA HOTEL MANAGERS RE- PORT HE WAS WRX VERY ECCENTRIC IF NOT MMMM MENTALLY DERANGED DURING PAST TEN YEARS AND 1T IS DOUBTFUL IF HE KAS CREATED ANYTHING OF VALUE DURING THAT TIME, ALTHOPRIOR TO THAT RE PROBABLY WAS A VERY BRILLIANT INVENTOR. THEREFORE, ANY NOTES OF VALUE WERE PROBABLY THOSE MADE PRIOR TO THAT TIME. KOSANOVICH IS A NEPHEW OF TESLA WHO DESCRIBED HIMSELF AS FORMERLY QUOTE YUGOSLAV MINISTER OF STATE UNQUOTE AND NOW QUOTE PeBROMNNK PRESIDENT OF EASTERN AND CENTRAL PLANNING BOARD REP- RESENTING YUGOSLOVIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, POLAND AND GREECE, UNQUOTE. SWEEZEY IS A WRITER FOR POPULAR MECHANICS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS ¥HO IS SMMMNEX DESIROUS OF PUBLISHING A BIOGRAPKY OF TESLA AND THERFORE WOULU LIKE To OBTAIN CONTRQL OF HIS NOTES FOR THIS WORK. CLARK IS EMPLOYED BY RCA AND WOULD ALsepROvIDE STORAGE ROOM FOR TESLAS EFFECTS IN ORDER TO USE THEM IN WRITING A BIOGRAPHY. TESLA AT ONE TIME REPORTED TO BE WORKING ON EXPERIMENTS FOR YUGOSLAVIAN GOVERNMENT IN EXILE, IT 1S DESIRED THAT BUREAU ADVISE IMMEDIATELY WHETHER IT IS INTERESTED FURTHER IN THIS PROPERTY FOR PURPOSES OF TAKING CONTROL OF IT, SUGGEST THAT, IN VIEW OF FACT THAT THE NOTES AND OTHER MATERIAL WOULD BE KIGHLY TECH NICAL IN CHARACTER AND FOR THAT REASON WRK COULD NOT BE REVIEWED Fr WHR EXCEPT BY A TRAINED PERSON THE OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH DEVEL- OPMENT MIGHT BE INTERESTED. FOXWORTH END NYC S2 WHS HOLD WA R 2 RSG Le ; Tr ins Pee nee Ne an ;, Re DAT Oe pecersews 11-30 PM D DIRECTOR SOaT UNKNOWN SUBJECTS, AEM EXPERIMENTS ANI TESLA, DECEASED. ESPIONAGE = Ma NIKOLA TESLA, OM! STANDING SCIENTISTS IN THE ELECTRICAL FIELD, DIED ZEEN FORTY THREE AT THE HOTEL NE« YORKER, LIFETIME, HD CONDUCTED MANY TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICAL POwzz AN THE DEATH Ray, tS feo MI KAT ACCORDING TO INFORMATION FURNISHED cE SIX FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY, THE NOTES Ad EXPERIMENTS AND FORMULAE TOGETHER WITH DESIGNS OF 4 NITAITIZE THEM ARE ANONG TESLAS PERSONAL EFFECTS, A TAKEN TO PRESERVE THEN OX TO KEEP THEM FROM FALLINGS UNFRIENDLY TO THE WAR EFFORT OF THE UN ING TO SPANEL, A DISTANT RELATIVE OF TESLA, NANED 4 SAS INTENSELY DISLIKED BY TESLA, IS TAKING STEPS Tq THESE IMPORTANT DOCUNNTS AND PLANS, SPANEL BELIEY. STRONG LIMELINGED THAT KOSANOVICH WELL MAKE hy WHO SESSION OF a HERE IS A THIS MATERIAL AVAILAELE To Sekt Re REVISED _S TWO HEADGUARTERS IN WASHINGTO!, AS MORKIN OF THE DEPARTKEN JUSTICE IN WASHINGTON, CoNCERING SPANIEL WAS ALSO IN IC COMMUNICATION WITH QM Di D LO24DO, ONE OF THE ADVISORS Te VICE F ESIDENT WALLACE CONCERNING THIS THAT THE GOVERNNENT WAS VITALLY EQUESTED SPANEL TO LOSE No TI: RM THEM, ELOYCE FiTzgzzeLD, AN CAL ENGINEER WHO HAD BEEN QUITE CLOSE To TESLA DUSTRORTES toe g ADVISED THE NEW YORK OFFICE THAT ON JANUARY SEVENTH, NINETES© Y THREE, ATOR CSANOVICH, GEORGE CLARK, WHC Is IN cuahcr OF THE vus- Heew> EAEORATORY FoR RCA, AND -KENNETK SWEZEY OF ONE S17 THREE MILToR TREET, BROOLKY!, NY, VENT TO TESLAS ROOMS IN THE NEW YORKER WITH ASSISTANCE OF A LOCKSMITH BROKE INTO A SAFE’ WHICH TzSLa ‘AD INKIS ROOMS IN WHICH HE KEPT SOME OF HIS VALUABLE PAPERS, INCLUDING ZRPORTENT MMMM ELECTRICAL FORMULAE, DESIGNS, ET CETERA, we e ST MONTH, TESLA aged $licoepals That HIS EXPERIMENTS IN CONNECT WIRELESS TRANSMISSION OF-EL: D_LOZADO TOLD SPAn THE EFFECTS OF T=SLA € ALL HE COULD To PRESERVE L MATTER, GPPLECTRICAL POWER HAD BEEN COMPLETED ANDggguesont arte ito - 2237 3 Tien th PO a be | iyi ain Map . vy gis | ayer’ if! 7 = Nor Penk ReDAcrions i 3 Beet Copy Aves able { — - ee : - toy ee PAGE TWO JELI2ZGERALD ALSO KNOWS THATTESLA HAS CONCEIVED AND A_REVOLUTIO! ARY TYPE OF TORPEDO WHICH IS NOT PRESENTLY IN USE THE NATICNS, IT IS FITZGERALDS BELIEF THAT THIS DESIGN HAS NOT AVAILABLE. TO ANY NATION UP TO THE PRESENT TIME, FROM STATEMW TO FITZ~ GEARLD BY TESLA , HE KNOWS THAT THE COMPLETE PLANS ATIONS AND EXPLANATION OF THE BASIC THEORIES OF THESE THIN PLACE IN THE PERSONAL EFFECTS OF TESLA, HE ALSO KNOWS THAT A_WORKING MODEL OF TESLAS WHICH COST MORE THAN TEN THOUSAND ‘0 BUILD IN A SAPETY corm DEPOSIT BOX BELONGING TO TESLAM EOVERNOR CLINTON HOTEL, AND PEMOWWRY FITZGEARLD ¥ ‘HIS MODEL EAS TO DO WITH THE SO GALLEDE DEATH RAY OR THE WI ISSION OF ELECTRICAL CURRENT. TESLA HAS ALSO TOLD FITZGEARL! THAT HE HAS SOME EIGHTY $MM TRUNKS INDIFFER B CONVERSATIOn> BEE CONTAINING TRANSCRIPTS AND PLANS HAVING TO DO WITH EXPERIMENTS D BY HIM. BUREAU IS REQUESTED TO ADVISE IMMEDIATELY WHAT, IF ON SHOULD EE TAKEN CONCERNING THIS MATTER BY THE NEW YORK FIE! Oi on. FOXWORTH CORRECTION- THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE TELETYPE THE NAME THAT SHOULD APPEAR 15 sible NOT FITZGERALD agg AS IT SOMETIMES IS SPELLED HOLD et Olt Reoncrions Bee Copy vailable q et Pee reer ere reese Mr. B.A. Tab Mr. Clegg, Mr. Glavin Mr. Ledé Mr, Nickols__ Mr, Rosen, . Mr. Tracy Mr. Carson Mr. Coffey Mr, Hendoo__ Mr. Kramer__ MeGuii Be sworneRaGar HOOVER mpinceron fee OBLied wy i wf Mts. Quine Tost Weed Bae: Room SHIOGSE = Miss Beahm__ Miss Gand; Wikola Tesla, one of the world's ovtets aan lectrical field, died st his residence in th Sty, on January 7, 1943. In the course? neny experinents with respect to # ‘ragga: on avi what ig consonly celled theDDeath Rey respect to the wireless trersnission of electrical boon ort ileted anf perfeated, aid Tesla had alse eo revolutionary type of ternedo which te pot dn use : : tise. Ring models plens havinc to do with his experivents ee well es @ working model of 8 developierts in tie sefetz’ deposit box at the Jevernor C: Isfornetinn soncernirg/Tesla's experinent| York Office bt a Spenel/and Bloyel Sttagerall the latter an electrical woo had heen ofite close to Teslat Bots of these individuels reve indiceted thet ro sters aeve been taxon to presorve Tecla'e records ent models or to keep tuen fron Telling into the hands of individuale sympatnetic to Forensvich is reported to be taking sfeos to cet norsession of these imoortant documents und plans, avi Spare) believes there is a strong Litelitood that Rosanovic! On January 7, 1935, “ose Axis powers. » Tesla hee a distant relative by the name of Savafxosanovich, wion he p) intersety cislixes. will make such information available to the enews vie’, acoompeniad py Jeorse\Clark, in cherge of tre * Museum ard Levoretory for RCA, ani Kenneth Bwezey of Nrooklyn, New Yor, exte Tesla's rooze at she “ovel New Yorker whore, with the aid of a lockenith, ¢, E & Eo broke inse a safe in which Tonle kopt cone of abbombugble papers, ina oEmg @ B g Anmportant elestrice! formulse, designe, ot eeterne HO 40-ga9] -3 wusrters of the Military Intellizefce Division, avr Yorkin of the Dopartuent of Justice in Teshington, efd[>r.JANLAGo1943s of the advicors to Vice President “eLlece, Lozado afvhsed Sparel theyre Governnent was Vitelly interseted in the oftrcte of fosin and requangad cast, 10 Yeucrandux for the Direotor ‘The New York Office was instructed to dis: with the State's Attorney in New York City with the Kopanovich inte custody sm a burglary charge and ob which Kosanovich is reported to have taken from Tee out thet any activities oursued by the State's Atto: e most secret fashion in order to avoid any publics inventions, The New York Of ice wae also instructs, Gourt in order that stops could be plncel egeinst hic hotel and any other voirtr, in particular, the have in order thet no onc may enter tien witout @ Present and every precaution taken to preserve the secrecy Tae New York CPfice is to keer thesBureau adviced of all d kee the matter up ‘possibly taring the varione pevers Me. It was pointed d be hardled in oct to Tesla’s b the Surrogate Pespectfully, Bed Copy AveLable fof Tecia both in abate ‘int son is aa a mn mooven : Lot cee tase ur. Bederal Bureau of Investigation Mr. United States Department of Justice be Bashington, B.C. ue Mr. Me Mr. Mr. MEMORANDUM FOK MR. LADD Mr Mr. Mr Tele. Room__ Mr. Nease. Miss Beabm, On Friday, January @th, Wr. Le Me Co Sasth called me (ies py tn connection with the death of NtkoldTeala. He ad. vised me that he was concerned about the possidilt of eneny agents confiscating some of the trunks 0, Tesla, who had dted on January 7th. He understood the War Department was interested in this matter and that apparently the Alten Property Custodian's office was téking some action. He desired to know whether the Bureau would take some steps to refrain relatives of Tesla from taking the contents of hts trunks and whether the Bureau would setze possesston of the trunke. Ur. Snith indicated that he was talking to the Alien Property Custodtan along the eame lines. I told him that in view of the fact he was going to handle the matter with the Alien Property Custodian's. office, there did not appear to be any action which the Bureau could or should take. EAT: DS January 12, 1963 at Gy w) : (6, 194E ALL UNFORS MATION CONTAINED HEREIN, 2s SSSI D In. ff Hom JED Nah Cs ES Waka aig aici eae iar Me SL oe aoe : an oe sow i iz 2 Bich Gosle, aumdiaeTiodd 7 7 6 5 Lunt BOY a Ko Bow ee eee ene ne nara, wetein Lowe SS Ff Chg fag wets on Bu ene ‘Teee Z 7 a anne BT dE gid a Fr ma, ie war Big een Y Phe : eae r 13 ) ° BE cenipheenE ol ral ALO ake om ete owl Bf at ttn 2 fr foe aoe en of AG coe on ee [OE of arcines Dene LL on™ of bear phate Bk ay LK cee cMneyeee Ee go ae Ue a ae reg fie” aes Ft Z C A A ae ce ert ff Pepe E Set F- wd ae Renee ome lis a aa 4 oi yore Lh HF oA LL riled ofan, Ln EP he gy pe ‘i vie secret ea statten , Pg ra > am! " Sas Ringes a -, Sowes vers. --NMUNIGATIONS SECTION AILED 8 it APR 25 1943 PM, Apet 3, 1950 ae AE.LINFOR MATION CONTAINED “EREINIS UNCLASSI | DATE La £08 ia seeety rary od $e ager 162097 axy'23) 4 . 27 = (@ 437 Base SS oe oye! comm 631 “ ube AE ve WW i. 1 : ge “it jaya EE elt ae 34433 alt ti : Med Sgn < eta stages ial hit a ayatt 3u2h- abbas EE ey er Stel i) Ma ; 2 yatage G4%ed S Spgcsddpet? | i i hk eee Hazy SHS etd yfath: tay, gga SAC, Now York Dixeetor, FBI {Wisse alts: geasgny? ee aa & a es 01 83 Hayate yamination man Wp 3965 fms 's BAVA IDSANOVICH; Experiments & Researeh ‘Sls (Disceased), Rapiomage-te It should be mted that the Puresu was informed of the ¢: toned above by New York letter (with attactments) dated Octeter extitled UNMIONS SUBUECT; i WOT RECORD! MB > 2G / 99-291. nftte’ \ £Ce i TNNED cow XE ATIONC Rg une SS eat ANFOR! 65-1290 93:88 BEM SIC 105-1391 \7 Istter to Diredbr, FAI Wr 15-2992. WR. POTTS stated thet no inquiry had teen received ty Munbatten fren SAVA Ne MOSAMOVICH, wor bad Manhatten informed kia, in any way, that an amination ef the TESIA effecte had been made by anyone. In fact, added POTTS, the only correspondence relating te the TESLA estate hes een in form of bills for storage. ‘Mi, POTTS stated that any personal inquires regarding the estate would af necessity be directed to hia, and to date no such inquiries have been made, sto Interviewing agents explained te MR. PO as mentioned stove, was not instigated ty the Bureau, mor had the Buresu taken part in that examination. ‘Urileen stvised to the contraxy, this investigation is being placed in office. CLOSED. cre Federal Bureau of Investigation Department of Records Washington, D. G. Gentlemen: In 8 manner of introduction, I wish to etate that _T am working toward @ degree in Electrical Engineering at the Institute of Technology of the University of Minnesota. For several years, I have been engaged in a study of extensive Compass and detail concerning the researches and writings of the late, world renowned scientiet, Dr. Nikola Tesla. At con— siderable expense, I have acquired an extensive collection of Rateriale relating to Dr. Tesla and his worke which includ 2) Personal lettere written by Tesla to hie close friend. 2) Numeroue periodicals, sone of which are to be found in only a few libraries throughout the United State. 3) A few rare books which have now become “collector! ie items", 4) A collection of issued patents. Although the items listed are considerable in number, the spe- cific information desired is lacking. As I understand 11, because of the nature or Dr. Tesla's role in scientific developments, all research papers, patent applications, etc,, were aecured by the Federal Bureau of Ingest igation at the time of Dr, Tesla's death in January of 3. The puroose of this seizure, as described in numerous article was to determine whether these pavera contained suggeations leading toward advancements in the field of actence. 100 PA8T. RECORDED - 68 | RP oe . ‘ b - - ;

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