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Syllabus for Multimedia

Mrs. Guinyard

Course Objective: This course is designed to help students master beginning and advanced skills in the areas of Desktop Publishing, Multimedia and Web Design. Students will be introduced to Photo Shop and HTML coding for web page designs. The course is project based, and students will independently mast the skills of Multimedia. The course outline will include peer to peer collaboration as directed by the instructor. 1.01UUnit 1 Principles of Designs Discuss history of typography, structures and designs /Site designs Characteristics, examples, and uses of fonts/Test Effects/Formats/Graphics/Enhancements/Project Management and Presentation Techniques/Test E effects/Formats/Resolution/Graphic/Animation/Vector Graphics /Project Management and Presentation Techniques/Test Authoring Software/HTML//Test

Typography Desktop Publishing

2.01 I Unit 2

Image Resolution Animation/Audio

3.01 Unit 3

Web Page Design

4.01 Materials needed: Ring binder w/dividers, ruled paper and pen or pencil
Grading will be based on the following criteria for assessment and distribution of students progress as follows:


Tests 60%




Grading Scale for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools 100 93 92 85 84 77 76 70 69 - below

Progress Reports: Report Cards: Tutoring:


September 25, December 5, February 25 and May 7 November 15, February 5, April 11 and June 27 Tuesday from 2:30PM 3:00PM

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