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Scholarship Application Cover Letter Scholarship Cover Letters Application for Scholarship

Richard Anderson, 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, 123!"4#6 7$%0& 'ate( 1st Ma), 200#& Mr& *ohn S+ith, CS 'epart+ent, 2#7, ,ar- Aven.e, /e0 1or-, /1 1234#"67$%& 'ear Mr& S+ith( M) na+e is Richard Anderson, and 2 a+ a citi3en of 4-raine c.rrentl) enrolled at MS .niversit) in cit)& 2 a+ sendin5 )o. +) co+pleted application for+ for the .nder5rad.ate 5rad.ate! de5ree pro5ra+ in field& 2 have ta-en the 6789L on 20th 'ec, 2004 and SA6 :R8, :MA6! on 12 *an, 200#& 7fficial score reports for these tests 0ill ;e sent to )o.r .niversit)& As )o. -no0, the c.rrenc) in 4-raine is nonconverti;le& 6herefore, 2 a+ not in a position to pa) for the re<.ired application fee& 2 0o.ld as- that )o.r depart+ent and the office of .nder5rad.ate 5rad.ate! ad+issions 5ive f.ll consideration to +) application 0itho.t this fee& 2 have noted on the application for+ that 2 a+ appl)in5 for f.ll financial s.pport fro+ the .niversit) to cover t.ition and livin5 e=penses& '.e to +) financial sit.ation, 2 a+ totall) reliant on the 5enerosit) of the .niversit) to s.pport +) st.dies& 2 0o.ld as- )o. to consider +e for an) scholarships, teachin5 assistantships, or research assistantships! or other a0ards for 0hich 2 a+ eli5i;le& At all ti+es, 2 0ill tr) to sta) in 0ith )o. phone, fa= or e"+ail to +onitor the pro5ress of +) application& 6han- )o. ver) for )o.r attention to all these +atters and for )o.r consideration of +) application& 2 loo- for0ard to hearin5 fro+ )o. soon& Sincerel), > Richard Anderson

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