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New Technologies

Q 1) Describe the latest features of J2EE 1.4 platform?

Ans) The most complete platform for the web services in the market today, the J2EE 1.4
platform supports WS-I Basic profile 1.0 and enabled web services to interoperate
on the basis of web services Description Language (WSDL) and Simple Object
Access Protocol (SOAP). Its many features include the following:

Exposure of J2EE application as Web services that are based on SOAP and Hyper
text Transfer Protocol(HTTP) .
Integration with web services and implementation of web-service endpoint with
Java Servlets and Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) technology.
New API’s for the web services, development, and managements of J2EE
platform, as well as authorization
Update API’s includes EJB, Java Servlet, Java Server Pages (JSP), and J2EE
connector API’s.

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