Z Sam Broadcaster Guide

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Sam Broadcaster Guide, By DJ Shortiie.

Hey, welcome to the Sam Broadcaster guide for beginners. This guide will teach you all the basics, along with some advanced techniques in online DJing. So, lets get started

Starting Sam Broadcaster

!nce you have installed Sam Broadcaster, o"en it u" by either double#clic$ing on the Sam Broadcaster %con on your des$to", or by clic$ing Start & 'rograms & Sam Broadcaster. (elcome to the Sam Broadcaster layout, %m currently using Sam ) but % recommend * for +' users. %t loo$s scary, but thats because youre new.

Uploading Your Songs

,oull obviously need some songs to "lay. % recommend you add all your songs to one folder, this way its easier to u"load as a grou" rather than se"arately.

The green cross is where you add songs, but in this case well be clic$ing the small arrow ne-t to it,

.lic$ /0dd Directory1, and then choose the folder that youve stored all of your songs in.

The Queue
!nce youve u"loaded your trac$s, its time to start using them. (hen "laying your songs, youll be loo$ing at the following2 Dec$ 0 3 Dec$ B 4ueue History 5!"tional6 The 4ueue is basically what it says, when another song finishes, the first song in the queue fades in and "lays afterwards, saving you from having to manually add the song to the dec$ every time. To add a song to the queue, double clic$ the song on the "laylist.

Playing Your Songs

The dec$s are where you "lay your songs,

To "lay a song, you can either drag from your 'laylist or double clic$ from the queue. Here we have the 7'lay Symbol, which is obviously to "lay the song once it is sto""ed. The 7'ause Symbol, to resume or "ause a song in a certain "lace. The 7Sto" symbol, a bit li$e "ause but it sto"s the whole song instead of sto""ing it in that "lace. The one ne-t to sto", is to e8ect that song and add the ne-t song that is currently to" in the queue. Then we have 7.ue, no idea what that is for, %ve never used it. 798ect : %t basically sto"s the song and removes it from the dec$. 7;ade : %t fades out the song and fades in the ne-t song in the queue. 794 : <ot needed, unless you wish to change the "itch and stuff.


The history is basically a list of recently "layed songs, to tem"orarily remove this window 5or any others6 clic$ the "ower icon in the corner. To clear your history window, clic$ Tools & =aintenance & .lear History, clic$ onto the History (indow, and "ress ;>? on your $eyboard.

Broadcast Your Talent

%f youre "lanning on s"ea$ing, then youll obviously need a micro"hone.

This is the @oice 'anel, containing your tools on s"ea$ing. !nce youre micro"hone is "lugged in, clic$ =ic !ff, itll turn in on.

There are two ways to s"ea$, by clic$ing 7'ress To Tal$, and holding it down, this tool is used when you want to s"ea$ for a short time without leaving the Sam window, once youve finished, release it. The other is 7Aoc$ Tal$, by clic$ing it, it loc$s it down so you can s"ea$ for longer and visit other windows such as the request line.

,oull want to $ee" the =icro"hone @olume u" quite high, so that your listeners can hear you. The music volume is for when youre s"ea$ing, if % was you %d $ee" it low enough for them to hear your voice over the music.

0n 9ncoder is basically the details of the station youre broadcasting to.

Bo onto Des$to" B, and youll see a window named 9ncoders

The station youre wor$ing at will usually "rovide you with the radio details. To add an 9ncoder, clic$ the blac$ cross. 0 window will "o" u", choose ='C 'ro

.lic$ !D, and then a new window will "o" u".

.hoose High 4uality, and then choose the ;ormat3Bitrate that is recommended by the station em"loying you. !nce youre ha""y with the details, .lic$ Server Details.

Ty"e in the Server %' given from your em"loyers, the server "ort, and the "assword. Station <ame is usually your DJ <ame, so for e-am"le /DJ Brady1. (ebsite EFA, ty"e in the EFA of your website. .lic$ !D.

<ow youre ready to broadcast your talent across the internet, you can a""ly for a 8ob at an online radio station, or even create one yourself <ormally websites will give you a /Trial1, to see what your DJing s$ills are li$e. %f you are "lanning on creating your own website, % recommend htt"233www.9-tenhost.com for your webhosting and shout cast servers and domains. Than$s for viewing this guide, and s"read it around amongst your friends wishing to learn about Sam Broadcaster DJ Shortiie, 5Brady6.

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