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Leader ship


The action of leading a group of people or an organization, or the ability to do this. Leadership has been described as a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task.

Why leadership??
If a ship needs a navigator, then a team needs a leader. Leadership is a process of directing, planning and also getting things done through people. It is important to have leadership as it tends to get everything going on a good track.

What are leadership skills?

Honesty Ability to Delegate Communication Sense of Humour Confidence Commitment Positive Attitude Intuition

Self Leadership - Leadership characterized by compassion, calmness, clarity, curiosity, confidence, courage, creativity, and connectedness. Family Leadership -- The purpose of a family is to support the growth and development of its members. Empowering Others Overcoming Obstacles Accomplishment



Good Leaders Understand the Circle of Life

Good Leaders Use Transformational Leadership

Good Leaders Display Motivational Leadership

Bad Leaders Only Accept Power, Not People

Bad Leaders Have No Vision

Good Leaders Work in a Process of Development

Good Leaders Know the Responsibilities and Duties

Good Leaders Discover Their Identity and Potential

Good Leaders Exude Integrity

Good leaders become the role model for others

Simba starts his life as many young people do: heasdstrong and unaware of the consequences of his actions.

With the family and friends help, simba discovers inner strength and the place in the world.

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