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GATE ME - !!" #ead t$e %ollowin& instructions care%ully' (. T$is )uestion paper contains *! o+,ecti-e )uestions. ..( to ../! carry One mar0 eac$ and ../( to ..*! carry Two mar0s eac$. . Answer all t$e )uestions. /. .uestions must +e answered on special mac$ine &rada+le O+,ecti-e #esponse S$eet 1O#S2 +y dar0enin& t$e appropriate +u++le 1mar0ed A, 3, 4, 52 a&ainst t$e )uestion num+er on t$e le%t $and side o% t$e O#S, usin& 63 pencil. Eac$ )uestion $as only one correct answer. 7n case you wis$ to c$an&e an answer, erase t$e old answer completely usin& a &ood so%t eraser. ". T$ere will +e 8EGAT79E mar0in&. 7n ..( to ../!, !. : mar0 will +e deducted %or eac$ wron& answer and in ../( to ..*!, !.: mar0 will +e deducted %or eac$ wron& answer. More t$an one answer mar0ed a&ainst a )uestion will +e deemed as an incorrect response and will +e ne&ati-ely mar0ed. :. ;rite your re&istration num+er, name and name o% t$e 4entre at t$e speci%ied locations on t$e ri&$t $al% o% t$e O#S. <. =sin& 63 pencil, dar0en t$e appropriate +u>u%r eac$ di&it o% your re&istration num+er and t$e letters correspondin& to your paper code. ?. 8o c$arts or ta+les are pro-ided in t$e e@amination $all. A. =se t$e +lan0 pa&es &i-en at t$e end o% t$e )uestion paper %or rou&$ wor0. *. 4$oose t$e closest numerical answer amon& t$e c$oice &i-en. (!. Blease c$ec0 all pa&es and report, i% t$ere is any discrepancy. ..(-/! 4arry One Mar0 Eac$ (. 7% @Ca1*Dsin*2and yCa1(>cos*2,t$en will +e e)ual to 1a2 sin 1+2 cos 142 tan 1d2 cot . T$e an&le +etween two unit-ma&nitude coplanar -ectors B1!.A<, !.:!!,!2 and .1!. :*, !.*:<, !2 will +e 1a2 !! 1+2 /!! 1c2 ":! 1d2 <!E /. T$e sum o% t$e ei&en -alues o% t$e matri@ &i-en +elow is (:( /(( 1a2 : 1+2 ? 1c2 * 1d2 (A ". T$e %i&ure s$ows a pin-,ointed plane truss loaded at t$e point M +y $an&in& a mass o% (!! 0&. T$e mem+er F8 o% t$e truss is su+,ected to a load o% 1a2 ! 8ewton T G F M 1+2 "*! 8ewtons in compression 1c2 *A( 8ewtons in compression 1d2 *A( 8ewtons in tension 8

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:. 7n terms o% BoissionIs ratio 1-2 t$e ratio o% Joun&Is Modulus 1E2 to S$ear Modulus 1G2 o% elastic materials is 1a2 1( D -2 1+2 1( - -2 1c2 1(D-2 1d2 1(--2 <. Two matin& spur &ears $a-e "! and ( ! teet$ respecti-ely. T$e pinion rotates at ( !! rpm and transmits a tor)ue o% ! 8.m. T$e tor)ue transmitted +y t$e &ear is 1a2 <.< 8m 1+2 ! 8m 1c2 "! 8m 1d2 <! 8m ?. T$e %i&ure +elow s$ows t$e state o% stress at a certain point in a stressed +ody. T$e ma&nitudes o% normal stresses in t$e @ and y direction are (!! MBa respecti-ely. T$e radius o% Mo$rIs stress circle G@ representin& t$is state o% stress is 1a2 ( ! 1+2 A! 1c2 <! 1d2 "!

*. A -i+ratin& mac$ine is isolated %rom t$e %loor usin& sprin&s. 7% t$e ratio o% e@citation %re)uency o% -i+ration o% mac$ine to t$e natural %re)uency o% t$e isolation system is e)ual to !.:, t$e transmissi+ility o% ratio o% isolation is (!. A tor)ue o% (! 8m is transmitted t$rou&$ a stepped s$a%t as s$own in %i&ure. T$e torsional sti%%nesses o% indi-idual sections o% len&t$s M8, 8O and OB are ! 8mHrad, /! 8mHrad and <! 8m respecti-ely. T$e an&ular de%lection +etween t$e ends M and B o% t$e s$a%t is 1a2 !.: rad 1+2 (.! rad 1c2 :.! rad 1d2 (!.! rad ((. 7n terms o% t$eoretical stress concentration %actor 1Gr2 and %ati&ue stress concentration %actor 1G%2, t$e notc$ sensiti-ity K)I is e@pressed as 1a2 1G% >(2 1G-i2 1+2 LM >(2 1G D(2 1c2 1KMi >(2 1G%-(2 1d2 1G% D(2 1G-(2

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( . T$e S-8 cur-e %or steel +ecomes asymptotic nearly at 1a2 i!/ cycles 1+2 i!" cycles 1c2 (!< cycles 1d2 i!* cycles (/. 7n t$e window air conditioner, t$e e@pansion de-ice used is 1a2 capillary tu+e 1c2 automatic e@pansion -al-e 1+2 t$ermostatic e@pansion -al-e 1d2 %loat -al-e (". 5urin& c$emical de$umidi%ication process o% air 1a2 dry +ul+ temperature and speci%ic $umidity decrease 1+2 dry +ul+ temperature increases and speci%ic $umidity decreases 1c2 dry +ul+ temperature decreases and speci%ic $umidity increases 1d2 dry +ul+ temperature and speci%ic $umidity increase (:. At t$e time o% startin&, idlin& and low speed operation, t$e car+uretor supplies a mi@ture w$ic$ can +e termed as 1a2 lean 1+2 sli&$tly leaner t$an stoic$iometric 1c2 stoic$imetric 1d2 ric$ (<. One dimensional unsteady state $eat trans%er e)uation %or a sp$ere wit$ $eat &eneration at t$e rate o% K)I can +e written as ( 1 ) ( /T ( NT ) ( N 1a2 >>7 r> 7 D > C > 1+2 >i->i r 7 D > C >> rrI NrO 0 a /t r rO 0 aNt 1c2 1d2 r 0 at Nr 0 at (?. An incompressi+le %luid 10inematic--iscosity, ?."@(! m 7s, speci%ic &ra-ity, !.AA2 is $eld +etween two parallel plates. 7% t$e top late is mo-ed wit$ a -elocity o% !.: mHs w$ile t$e +ottom one is $eld stationary, t$e %luid attains a linear -elocity pro%ile in t$e &ap o% !.: mm +etween t$ese platesP t$e s$ear stress in Bascals on t$e sur%ace o% top plate is 1a2 !.<:( @lO 1+2 !.<:( 1c2 <.:( 1d2 !.<:( @(!/ (A. En-ironment %riendly re%ri&erant #(/"a is used in t$e new &eneration domestic re%ri&erators. 7ts c$emical %ormula is 1a2 46 4l F 1+2 4 4l/ F/ 1c2 4 4l F" 1d2 4 6 F" (*. A %luid %low is represented +y t$e -elocity %ield 9 C a@ DiD ay,, w$ere a is a constant. T$e e)uation o% streamline passin& t$rou&$ a point 1(, 2 is 1a2@- yC!

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1+2 @DyC! 1c2 @-yC! 1d2@D yC! !. A &as contained in a cylinder is compressed, t$e wor0 re)uired %or compression +ein& :!!! 0N. 5urin& t$e process, $eat interaction o% !! 0N causes t$e surroundin&s to t$e $eated. T$e c$an&e in internal ener&y o% t$e &as durin& t$e process is 1a2 -?!!! 0N 1+2 >/!!! 0N 1c2 D/!!! 0N 1d2 D ?!!! 0N (. T$e compression ratio o% a &as power plant cycle correspondin& to ma@imum wor0 output %or t$e &i-en temperature limits o% Tmin and Tma@ will +e 1a2 m m 1+2ma@ 1c2 1d2 . 7n an interc$an&ea+le assem+ly, s$a%ts o% siQe :.!!! !.!(!! mm mate wit$ D! .! ! $oles o% siQe :.!!! !!!! mm. T$e ma@imum possi+le clearance in t$e assem+ly will +e 1a2 (! microns 1+2 ! microns 1c2 /! microns 1d2 <! microns /. 5urin& t$e e@ecution o% a 484 part pro&ram +loc0 8! ! G! R":.! J :.! #:.! t$e type o% tool motion will +e 1a2 circular 7nterpolation - cloc0wise 1+2 circular 7nterpolation - countercloc0wise 1c2 linear 7nterpolation 1d2 rapid %eed ". T$e mec$anism o% material remo-al in E5M process is 1a2 Meltin& and E-aporation 1+2 Meltin& and 4orrosion 1c2 Erosion and 4a-itation 1d2 4a-itation and E-aporation :. Two ( mm t$ic0 steel s$eets are to +e spot welded at a current o% :!!! A. Assumin& e%%ecti-e resistance to +e !! micro-o$ms and current %low time o% !. second, $eat &enerated durin& t$e process will +e 1a2 !. Noule 1+2 ( Noule 1c2 : Noule 1d2 (!!! Noules <. 7n BE#T analysis a critical acti-ity $as 1a2 ma@imum Float 1+2 Qero Float 1c2 ma@imum 4ost 1d2 minimum 4ost ?. For a product, t$e %orecast and t$e actual sales %or 5ecem+er !! were : and ! respecti-ely. 7% t$e e@ponential smoot$in& constant 1a2 is ta0en as !. , t$e %orecast sales %or

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Nanuary !!/ would +e 1a2 ( 1+2 / 1c2 " 1d2 ? A. T$ere are two products B and . wit$ t$e %ollowin& c$aracteristics Mean %low rate o% t$e li)uid is 1a2 A.!! litresHsec 1c2 A.(< litresHsec 1+2 A.!*< litresHsec 1d2 A. < litresHsec *. Broduct B . 5emand 1=nits2 (!! Order 4ost 1#sHorder2 :! 6oldin& 4ost 1#s.HunitHyear2 "

. "!! :! ( *. T$e economic order )uantity 1EO.2 o% products B and . will +e in t$e ratio 1a2 ('( 1+2 (' 1c2 ('" 1d2('A Misrun is a castin& de%ect w$ic$ occurs due to 1a2 -ery $i&$ pourin& temperature o% t$e metal 1+2 insu%%icient %luidity o% t$e molten metal 1c2 a+sorption o% &ases +y t$e li)uid metal 1d2 improper ali&nment o% t$e mould %las0s /!. T$e percenta&e o% car+on in &ray cast iron is in t$e ran&e o% 1a2 !. : to !.?: percent 1+2 (. : to (.?: percent 1c2 / to " percent 1d2 A to (! percent .. / (-*! 4arry Two Mar0s Eac$ T$e %ollowin& data a+out t$e %low o% li)uid was o+ser-ed in a continuous c$emical process plant Flow rate 1litresHsec2 Fre)uency ?.: to ?.? ( ?.? to ?.* : ?.* to A.( /: A.( to A./ (? A./ to A.: ( A.: to A.? (!

/". T$e -alues o% a %unction %1@2 are ta+ulated +elow @ %1@2 !( ( ( / (! =sin& 8ewtonIs %orward di%%erence %ormula, t$e cu+ic polynomial t$at can +e %itted to t$e a+o-e data, is 1a2 @/D?@ ><@D 1+2 @ >?@ D<@> 1c2 @/ >?@ ><@ D(

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1d2 @ >?@ D<@D( /:. T$e -olume o% an o+,ect e@pressed in sp$erical co-ordinates is &i-en +y -C i' S S r sin TdrTdTd* T$e -alue o% t$e inte&ral is 1a2 1+2 1c2 1d2 /<. For w$ic$ -alue o% @ will +e matri@ &i-en +elow +ecome sin&ularU A @O "! ( <! 1a2 " 1+2 < 1c2 A 1d2 ( /?. A uni%orrn sti%% rod o% len&t$ /!! mrn and $a-in& a wei&$t o% /!! 8 is pi-oted at one end and connected to a sprin& at t$e ot$er end. For 0eepin& t$e rod -ertical ins a sta+le position t$e rninirnurn -alue o% sprin& constant G needed is VV 1a2 /!! 8Hrn 1+2 "!! 8Hrn (:! mm 1c2 :!! 8Hrn 1d2 (!!! 8Hm

1a2 /A. T$e T$e

/! rnHs %i&ure instan t +elow cente r

1+2 s$ows a planar " %or t$e &i-en

<!" rnHs 1c2 mec$anism con%i&uration is

*!< rnHs wit$ sin&le locate d

1d2 ( !A mHs de&ree o% %reedom. at a position

"!. A mass M, o% ! 0& is attac$ed to t$e %ree end o% a steel cantile-er +eam o% len&t$ (!!! mm $a-in& a cross-section o% : @ : mm. Assume t$e mass o% t$e cantile-er to +e ne&li&i+le

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and Eseei C !!GBa. 7% t$e lateral -i+ration o% t$is system is critically damped usin& a -iscous damper, t$e dampin& constant o% t$e damper is 1a2 ( :! 8sHm 1+2 < : 8sHm 1c2 /( .:! 8sHm 1d2 (:<. : 8sHm "(. 7n a +olted ,oint two mem+ers are connected wit$ an a@ial ti&$tenin& %orce o% !! 8. i% t$e +olt used $as metric t$reads o% " mm pitc$, t$e tor)ue re)uired %or ac$ie-in& t$e ti&$tenin& %orce is 1a2 !.? 8m 1+2 (." 8m 1c2 .A 8m "/. An e,ector mec$anism consists o% a $elical compression sprin& $a-in& a sprin& constant o% G C *A( @ i!/ 8Hm. it is pre-compressed +y (!! mm %rom its %ree state. 7% it is used to e,ect a mass o% (!! 0& $eld on it, t$e mass will mo-e up t$rou&$ a distance o% 1a2 (!! mm > MASS 1+2 :!! mm HHHH WECCQC W 1d2 (!!! mm V SB#78G (! 0& "". A ri&id +ody s$own in t$e Fi& +elow $as a mass o% (! 0&. 7t rotates wit$ !! mm a uni%orm an&ular !! -elocity KwI. A +alancin& mass o% ! 0& is VV attac$ed as s$own in Fi&. 1+2. T$e percenta&e 7 (!! mm increase in mass moment o% inertia as a result o% t$is addition is ! 0&

1a2 :X 1+2 :!E$ 1c2 (!!E$ 1d2 !!E$ ":. T$e %i&ure s$ows a pair o% pin- ,ointed &ripper ton&s $oldin& an o+,ect wei&$in& !!! 8. t$e coe%%icient o% %riction 1pt2 at t$e &rippin& sur%ace is !.(RR is t$e line o% action o% t$e input %orce and JJ is t$e line o% application o% &rippin& %orce. 7% t$e pin- ,oint is assumed to +e %rictionless, t$e ma&nitude o% %orce F re)uired to $old t$e wei&$t is 1a2 (!!! 8 1+2 !!! 8 1c2 :!! 8 1d2 :!!! 8

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"<. A solid circular s$a%t o% <! mm diameter transmits a tor)ue o% (<!! 8.m. T$e -alue o% ma@imum s$ear stress de-elop is 1a2 /?.? MBa 1+2 "?.? MBa 1c2 :?.? MBa 1d2 <?.? MBa "?. For a %luid %low t$rou&$ a di-er&ent pipe o% len&t$ F $a-in& inlet and outlet radii and #( and # respecti-ely and a constant %low rate o% ., assumin& t$e -elocity to +e a@ial and uni%orm at any cross section, t$e acceleration at t$e e@it is 1a2 .1#(># 2 ,rF# / 1+2 . 1#(># 2,rF# / 1c2 . 1#(># 2 ,r F# : 1d2 . 1# >#(2,r F# : "A. A closed cylinder $a-in& a radius # and $ei&$t 6 is %illed wit$ oil density p. 7% t$e cylinder is rotated a+out its a@is at an an&ular -elocity o% 4o. t$e t$rust at t$e +ottom o% t$e cylinder is 5 B 1a2 ,r# p&6 1+2 ,r# 1c2 # 1pa # D p&62 1d2 # SB4O"# D p&6

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"*. For air %low o-er a %lat plate, -elocity 1=2 and +oundary layer t$ic0ness 1A2 can +e e@pressed respecti-ely, as = V/y ((Yy/<".<"@ =a :I <NI 7% t$e %ree stream -elocity is mHs, and air $as 0inematic -iscosity o% (.:@(!: m Hs and density o% (. / 0&Hm/, t$e wall s$ear stress at @ C im, is 1a2 ./< @ (! 8Hm 1+2 "/.< @ i! 8Hm 1c2 "./< @ (!/8Hm 1d2 .(A @ i! 8Hm :!. A centri%u&al pump is re)uired to pump water to an open water tan0 situated " 0m away %rom t$e location o% t$e pump t$rou&$ a pipe o% diameter !. m $a-in& 5arcyIs %riction %actor o% !.!(. T$e a-era&e speed o% water in t$e pipe is mHs. i% it is maintain a constant $ead o% : m in t$e tan0, ne&lectin& ot$er minor losses, t$e a+solute disc$ar&e pressure at t$e pump e@it is 1a2 !.""* +ar 1+2 :.:!/ +ar 1c2 "".*(( +ar 1d2 ::. !/ +ar :(. A $eat en&ine $a-in& an e%%iciency o% ?!X is used to dri-e a re%ri&erator $a-in& a coe%%icient o% per%ormance o% :. T$e ener&y a+sor+ed %rom low temperature reser-oir +y t$e re%ri&erator %or eac$ 0N o% ener&y a+sor+ed %rom $i&$ temperature source +y t$e en&ine is 1a2 !.("0Z 1+2 !.?( 0Z 1c2 /.: 0N 1d2 ?.( 0Z : . A solar collector recei-in& solar radiation at t$e rate o% !.< 0;Hm trans%orms it to t$e internal ener&y o% a %luid at an o-erall e%%iciency o% :!X. T$e %luid $eated to /:! G is used to run a $eat en&ine w$ic$ re,ects $eat at /(/ G. 7% t$e $eat en&ine is to deli-er .: 0; power, t$e minimum area o% t$e solar collector re)uired would +e 1a2 A.// m 1+2 (<.<< m 1c2 /*.<A m 1d2 ?*./< m :/. T$e pressure &au&es G( and G installed on t$e system s$ow pressures o% BG( C :.!! +ar and BG C (.!! +ar. T$e -alue o% un0nown pressure B is

1a2 (.!( +ar 1+2 .!( +ar 1c2 :.!! +ar

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1d2 ?.!( +ar :". A steel +illet o% !!! 0& mass is to +e cooled %rom ( :! G to ":! G. T$e $eat released durin& t$is process is to +e used as a source o% ener&y. T$e am+ient temperature is /!/ G and speci%ic $eat o% steel is !.: 0NH0& G. t$e a-aila+le ener&y o% t$is +illet is 1a2 (.!( +ar 1+2 .!( +ar 1c2 :.!! +ar 1d2 ?.!( +ar ::. A stainless steel tu+ 10A C (* ;HmG2 o% cm 75 and : cm O5 is insulated wit$ / cm t$ic0 as+estos 10a C !. ;HmG2. 7% t$e temperature di%%erence +etween t$e innermost and utermost sur%aces is <!!E4, t$e $eat trans%er rate per unit len&t$ is 1a2 !.*" ;Hm 1+2 *."" ;Hm 1c2 *"".? ;Hm 1d2 *""?. ( ;Hm :<. A sp$erical t$ermocouple ,unction o% diameter !.?!< mm is to +e used %or t$e easurement o% temperature o% a &as stream. T$e con-ecti-e $eat trans%er co-e%%icient on t$e +ead sur%ace is "!! ;Hm G. T$ermop$ysical properties o% t$ermocouple material are 0 C ! ;HmG, 4 C "!! NH0& G and p C A:!!0&Hrn/. 7% t$e t$ermocouple initially at /!E4 is placed in a $ot stream o% /!!E4, t$e time ta0en +y t$e +ead to reac$ *AE4, is 1a2 ./: s 1+2 ".* s 1c2 (".? s 1d2 *." s :?. 7n a condenser, water enters a /!E4 and %lows at t$e rate (:!! 0&H$r. T$e condensin& steam is at a temperature o% ( !E4 and coolin& water lea-es t$e condenser at A!E4. Speci%ic $eat o% water is ".(A? 0NH0& G. 7% t$e o-erall $eat trans%er coe%%icient is !!! ;Hm G, t$e $eat trans%er area is 1a2 !.?!? m 1+2 ?.!? m 1c2 ?!.? m 1d2 ("(." m :A. 5urin& a Morse test on a " cylinder en&ine, t$e %ollowin& measurements o% +ra0e power were ta0en at constant speed. All cylinders %irin& /!/? 0; 8um+er ( cylinder not %irin& (! 0; 8um+er cylinder not %irin& (! 0; 8um+er / cylinder not %irin& (!! 0; 8um+er " cylinder not %irin& !*A 0; T$e mec$anical e%%iciency o% t$e en&ine is 1a2 *(.:/E$ 1+2 A:.!?E$ 1c2 A(.!?E$ 1d2 <(. E$ :*. An en&ine wor0in& on air standard Otto cycle $as a cylinder diameter o% (! cm and stro0e len&t$ o% (: cm. T$e ratio o% speci%ic $eats %or air is (.". 7% t$e clearance -olume is (*<./ cc andt$e $eat supplied per 0& o% air per cycle is (A!! 0NH0&, t$e wor0 output per cycle per 0& o%

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air is 1a2 A?*.( 0N 1+2 A*!. 0N 1c2 A*:./ 0N 1d2 *?/.: 0N <!. At a $ydro electric power plant site, a-aila+le $ead and %low rate are ".: m and (!.( m/Hs respecti-ely. 7% t$e tur+ine to +e installed is re)uired to run at ".! re-olution per second 1rps2 wit$ an o-erall e%%iciency o% *!X, t$e suita+le type o% tur+ine %or t$is site is 1a2 Francis 1+2 Gaplan 1c2 Belton 1d2 Bropeller <(. 5ew point temperature o% air at one atmosp$eric pressure 1(.!(/ +ar2 is (AE4. T$e air dry +ul+ temperature is /!E4. T$e saturation pressure o% water at (AE4 and /!E4 are !.! !< +ar and !.!" "( +ar respecti-ely. T$e speci%ic $eat o% air and water -apour respecti-ely are (.!!: and (.AA 0NH0& G and t$e latent $eat o% -aporiQation o% water at !E4 is :!! 0NH0&. T$e speci%ic $umidity 10&H0& o% dry air2 and ent$alpy 10NH0& o% dry air2 o% t$is moist air respecti-ely, are 1a2 !.!(!:(, : .<" 1+2 !.!( *(, </.(: 1c2 !.!("A(, ?A.<! 1d2 !.!(:/ , A(."! < .-olume ratio o% t$e compressor is !.!/. Speci%ic $eat ratio o% t$e Ot$er properties at -arious states are &i-en in t$e %i&ure. To realiQe Tons o% re%ri&eration, t$e 1a2 <./: @ i!/ m/Hs 1c2 </: @ i! m/Hs 1+2 </.: @ i!/ m/Hs 1d2 ".AA @ i! m/Hs </. GO and 8o-GO plu& &a&es are to +e desi&ned %or a $ole !.!!!D!.!(! mm. Ga&e tolerances can +e ta0en as (OX o% t$e $ole tolerance. Followin& 7SO system o% &a&e desi&n, siQes o% GO and 8O-GO &a&e will +e respecti-ely 1a2 !.!(! mm and !.!:! mm 1+2 !.!(" mm and !.!"< mm 1c2 !.!!< mm and !.!:" mm 1d2 !.!(" mm and !.!:" mm <". A standard mac$ine tool and an automatic mac$ine tool are +ein& compared %or t$e production o% a component. Followin& data re%ers to t$e two mac$ines.

Standard Mac$ine Tool Setup time Mac$inin& time per piece Mac$ine rate /! mm. mm. #s. !! per $our

Automatic Mac$ine Tool $ours : mm #s.A!! per $our

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T$e will 1a2

+rea0e-en +e economical to "

production use, 1+2 :

+atc$ siQe a+o-e w$ic$ t$e automatic mac$ine tool will +e 1c2 " 1d2 :

<:. (! mm diameter $oles are to +e punc$ed in a steel s$eet o% / mm t$ic0ness. S$ear stren&t$ o% t$e material is "!! 8Hmm and penetration is "!E0. S$ear pro-ided on t$e punc$ is mm. T$e +lan0in& %orce durin& t$e operation will +e 1a2 .< 08 1+2 /?.? 08 1c2 <(.< 08 1d2 *"./ 08 <<. T$rou&$ $oles o% (! mm diameter are to +e drilled in a steel plate o% ! mm t$ic0ness. 5rill spindle speed is /!! rpm, %eed !. mmHre- and drill point an&le is ( !E. Assumin& drill o-ertra-el o% mm, t$e time %or producin& a $ole will +e 1a2 " seconds 1+2 : seconds 1c2 (!! seconds 1d2 ((! seconds <?. 7n a -5 4A5 pac0a&e, cloc0wise circular arc o% radius, :, speci%ied %rom B 1(:,(!2 to B 1(!,(:2 will $a-e its center at 1a2 1(!, (!2 1+2 1(:, (!2 1c2 1(:, (:2 1d2 1(!, (:2 <A. Gray cast iron +loc0s !! @ (!! @ (! mm are to +e cast in sand moulds. S$rin0a&e allowance %or pattern ma0in& is lX, T$e ratio o% t$e -olume o% pattern to t$at o% t$e castin& will +e 1a2 !.*? 1+2 !.** 1c2 (.!(

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1d2 (.!/ <*. 7n an ort$o&onal cuttin& test on mild steel, t$e %ollowin& data were o+tained 4uttin& speed "! mHmin 5ept$ o% cut !./ mm Tool ra0e an&le D :E 4$ip t$ic0ness (.: mm 4uttin& %orce ' *!! 8 T$rust %orce ":! 8 =sin& Merc$antIs analysis, t$e Friction an&le durin& t$e mac$inin& will +e 1a2 <.<E 1+2 /(.:E 1c2 ":E 1d2 </."E ?!. 7n a rollin& process, s$eet o% : mm t$ic0ness is rolled to ! mm t$ic0ness. #oll is o% diameter <!! mm and it rotates at (!! rpm. T$e roll strip contact len&t$ will +e 1a2 : mm 1+2 /* mm 1c2 ?A mm 1d2 ( ! mm ?(. 7n a mac$inin& operation, dou+lin& t$e cuttin& speed reduces t$e tool li%e to t$ o% t$e ori&inal -alue. T$e e@ponent n in TaylorIs tool li%e e)uation 9T C4,is ? . A solderin& operation was wor0-sampled o-er two days 1(< $ours2 durin& w$ic$ an employee soldered (!A ,oints. Actual wor0in& time was *!E$ o% t$e total time and t$e per%ormance ratin& was estimated to +e ( ! percent. 7% t$e contract pro-ides allowance o% ! percent o% t$e total time a-aila+le, t$e standard time %or t$e operation would +e 1a2 A mi 1+2 A.* mm 1c2 (! mi 1d2 ( mm. ?/. An electronic e)uipment manu%acturer $as decided to add a component su+assem+ly operation t$at can produce A! units durin& a re&ular A-$our s$i%t. T$is operation consists o% t$ree acti-ities as +elow Acti-ity Standard time 1mm.2 M. Mec$anical assem+ly ( E. Electric wirin& (< T. Test / For line +alancin& t$e num+er o% wor0 stations re)uired %or t$e acti-ities M, E and T would respecti-ely +e 1a2 , /, ( 1+2 /, ,( 1c2 , ", 1d2 , (, / ?". A maintenance ser-ice %acility $as Boisson arri-al rates, ne&ati-e e@ponential ser-ice time and operates on a K%irst come %irst ser-edI )ueue discipline. 3rea0downs occur on an a-era&e o% / per day wit$ a ran&e o% Qero to ei&$t. T$e maintenance crew can ser-ice an a-era&e o% <

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mac$ines per day wit$ a ran&e o% Qero to se-en. T$e mean waitin& time %or an item to +e ser-iced would +e (( 1a2 day 1+2 day 1c2 ( day 1d2 / days ?:. A company $as an annual demand o% (!!! units, orderin& cost o% #s.(!!Horder and carryin& cost o% #s.(!!Hunit >year. 7% t$e stoc0-out costs are estimated to +e nearly #s."!! eac$ time t$e company runs out-o%-stoc0, t$e sa%ety stoc0 ,usti%ied +y t$e carryin& cost will +e 1a2 " 1+2 ! 1c2 "! 1d2 (!! ?<. A company produces two types o% toys' B and .. Broduction time o% . is twice t$at o% B and t$e company $as a ma@imum o% !!! time units per day. T$e supply o% raw material is ,ust su%%icient to produce (:!! toys 1o% any type2 per day. Toy type . re)uires an electric switc$ w$ic$ is a-aila+le [ <!! pieces per day only. T$e company ma0es a pro%it o% #s./ and #s.: on type B and . respecti-ely. For ma@imiQation o% pro%its, t$e daily production )uantities o% B and . toys s$ould respecti-ely +e 1a2 (!!, :!! 1c2 A!!, <!! ??. Matc$ t$e %ollowin& Type o% &ears B. 3e-el &ears .. ;orm &ears #. 6errin&+one &ears S. 6ypoid &ears 1a2 B-" .- # ( S / 1+2 B- .-/ #-( S-" 1c2 B-/ .- #-" S-( 1d2 B-i .-/ #-" S?A. B. Scott > #ussel mec$anism .. Gene-a mec$anism #. O%%-set slider-cran0 mec$anism S. Scotc$ Jo0e mec$anism 1a2 B- .-/ #-( S-" 1+2 B-/ .- #-" 1c2 B-" .-( #- S-/ 1d2 B-" .-/ #-( S( . . / . " . 7ntermittent motion .uic0 return motion Simple $armonic motion Strai&$t line motion

Arran&ement o% s$a%ts (. 8on-parallel o%%-set s$a%ts . 8on-parallel intersectin& s$a%ts /. 8on-parallel, non-intersectin& s$a%ts ". Barallel s$a%ts

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A!. Matc$ t$e %ollowin& B. #eciprocatin& pump .. A@ial %low pump

/. ". :. <.

Bositi-e displacement 5ra%t tu+e 6i&$ %low rate, low pressure ratio 4entri%u&al pump impeller

A(. Matc$ t$e %ollowin&' Feature to +e inspected B. Bitc$ and An&le errors o% screw t$read .. Flatness error o% a sur%ace plate #. Ali&nment error o% a mac$ine slideway S. Bro%ile o% a cam 1a2 B-< .- #-" S-< 1+2 B-S .- #-( 1c2 B-< .-" #-( S-/ 1d2 B-i .-" #-"

". Spirit Fe-el :. Sine +ar <. Tool ma0erIs Microscope

A . Typical mac$inin& operations are to +e per%ormed on materials +y usin& t$e processes listed +elow. 4$oose Operation-process com+inations Operation B. 5e+urrin& 1internal sur%ace2 .. 5ie sin0in& #. Fine $ole drillin& in t$in s$eets S. Tool s$arpenin& Brocess (. Blasma Arc Mac$inin& . A+rasi-e Flow Mac$inin& /. Electric 5isc$ar&e Mac$inin& ". =ltrasonic Mac$inin& :. Faser +eam Mac$inin& <. Electroc$emical Grindin& 1a2 B-i .-: #-/ S-" 1+2 B-i .-" #-( 1c2 B-: .-( #- S-< 1d2 B- .-/ #-: A/. From t$e lists &i-en +elow, c$oose t$e most appropriate set o% $eat treatment process and t$e correspondin& process c$racteristics Brocess 4$aracteristics B. Temperin& (. Austenite is con-erted into +ainite .. Austemperin& . Austenite is con-erted into martensite #. Martemperin& /. 4ementite is con-erted into &lo+ular structure ". 3ot$ $ardness and +rittleness are reduced :. 4ar+on is a+sor+ed into t$e metal 1a2 B-/ .-( #-: 1+2 B-" 1c2 B-" .-( #- 1d2 B-i A". Matc$ t$e %ollowin& Brod uct

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Brocess (. 7n,ection moldin& . 6ot rollin& /. 7mpact e@trusion ". Trans%er moldin& :. 3low moldin& <. 4oinin& 1a2 B-i .-" #-< S-/ 1+2 B-" .-: #- S-/ 1c2 B-i .-: #-/ S1d2 B-S .-( #- S5ata %or ..A:-A< are &i-en +elow. Sol-e t$e pro+lems and c$oose correct answers. A steel +eam o% +readt$ ( ! mm and $ei&$t ?:! mm is loaded as s$own in t$e %i&ure. Assume Eseei C !!GBa. (. ( ! G8Hm (:m A:. T$e +eam is su+,ected to a ma@imum +endin& moment o% 1a2 //?: 08m 142 <?:! 08m 1+2 "?:! 08m 1d2 A?:! 08m A<. T$e -alue o% ma@imum de%lection o% t$e +eam is 1a2 */.?: mm 1c2 ?/.?: mm 1+2 A/.?: mm 1d2 </.?: mm 5ata %or ..A?-AA are &i-en +elow. Sol-e t$e pro+lems and c$oose correct A compactin& mac$ine s$own in t$e %i&ure +elow is used to create a desired t$rust %orce +y usin& a rac0 and pinion arran&ement. T$e input &ear is mounted on t$e motor s$a%t. T$e &ears $a-e in-olutes teet$ o% mm module.

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A?. 7% t$e dri-e e%%iciency is A!X, t$e tor)ue re)uired on t$e input s$a%t to create (!!! 8 output t$rust is 1a2 ! 8m 1+2 : 8m 1c2 / 8m 1d2 :! 8m AA. 7% t$e pressure an&le o% t$e rac0 is t$e rac0 and t$e &ear teet$ is 1a2 :! 8 1+2 /" 8 1c2 :/ 8 1d2 <!! 8 !!, t$e %orce actin& alon& t$e line o% action +etween

5ata %or .. A* and *! are &i-en 4onsider a steam power plant usin& a re$eat cycle as s$own. Steam lea-es t$e +oiler and enters t$e tur+ine at " MBa, /:!E4 1$/ C /!*: 0NH0&2. A%ter e@pansion in t$e tur+ine to "!! 0Ba 1$" C <!* 0NH0&2, t$e steam is re$eated to /:!E4 1$: C /(?! 0NH0&2, and t$en e@panded in a low pressure tur+ine to (! 0Ba 1$< C (<: 0NH0&2. T$e speci%ic -olume o% li)uid $andled +y t$e pump can +e assumed to +e +elow. Sol-e t$e pro+lem and c$oose correct $/C/!*: 0NH0& A*. T$e t$ermal e%%iciency o% t$e plant ne&lectin& pump wor0 is 1a2 (:.AE$ 1+2 "(.(E$ 1c2 "A.:E$

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1d2 :A.<E$ *!. T$e ent$alpy at t$e pump disc$ar&e 1$ 2 is 1a2 !.// 0NH0& 1+2 /.// 0NH0& 1c2 ".! 0NH0& 1d2 //./ 0NH0&

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