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Creating Symbols - Making a Map

Central Idea: A variety of signs and symbols facilitate local and global communication Student Name: Trung Nguyen Jake NGUYEN

Understanding Global Symbols

All symbols are correctly identified by at least 3 members of the class All symbols accurately represent desired feature and would be globally recognised. Legend is easy-to-find and contains a complete set of symbols, including a compass rose.

Most symbols are correctly identified by at least 3 members of the class Most symbols accurately represent desired feature and would be globally recognised. Legend contains a complete set of symbols, including a compass rose.

Some symbols are correctly identified by at least 3 members of the class Some symbols accurately represent desired feature and would be globally recognised.

Symbols are not correctly identified by at least 3 members of the class The symbols do not accurately represent desired feature and would not be globally recognised.

Symbol Design

Map Legend/Key

Legend contains an Legend is absent or almost complete set lacks several symbols. of symbols, including a compass rose.

Most of the Some of the The labels/features Labels & Features - All of the labels/features can be labels/features can be labels/features can be cannot be read easily. Neatness read easily. read easily. read easily.

Colour Choices

Student always uses colour appropriate for features (e.g. blue for water; black for labels, etc.) on map. All of the items are labelled and located correctly. Student can describe many different situations where different methods of communications are needed. E.g. sign language for the deaf. Student can explain clearly why it is important symbols are globally recognisable. 4 = Outstanding

Student usually uses colour appropriate for features (e.g. blue for water; black for labels, etc.).

Student sometimes Student does not use uses colour colour appropriately. appropriate for features (e.g. blue for water; black for labels, etc.).

Labels - Accuracy Reasons for the development of communication systems

Most of the items are Some of the items are The items are not labelled and located labelled and located labelled and located correctly. correctly. correctly. Student can describe some different situations where different methods of communications are needed. E.g. sign language for the deaf. Student can explain why it is important symbols are globally recognisable. 3=High With support student Student cannot

can describe different situations where different methods of communications are needed.
With support student can explain why it is important symbols are globally recognisable 2 = Sound

describe different situations where different methods of communications are needed.

Student is not sure why it is important symbols are globally recognisable 1 = Basic

Globally recognisable

You created a clear map with well-drawn symbols. Be careful when creating the rid references. Well done Jake!

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