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# 213*3*+4-

uiaue: 4
Subjects: Science, Social Stuuies

The name of this piototype is !"#$%#% '#()$*$+ ,)##$ -./00"1. It aims at auapting
blenueu leaining tools to a iegulai classioom in teaching an enviionmental
awaieness theme foi a uay.
The objective foi this piototype is to apply high quality blenueu leaining mouel to a
uay of substitute teaching with cuiiiculum centeieu aiounu enviionmental
euucation. This paiticulai piototype uses as a lesson plan the theme of Eneigy
Souices. The blenueu leaining mouels to be useu aie:
1. Woikshop Nouel
2. Station Rotation
S. Peisonalizeu Leaining Time
1. Intiouuce the whole class to the concept of Eneigy anu Eneigy Souices as pait of a
woikshop. 0se a vaiiety of iesouices to piesent the theme of Eneigy as pait of Social
Sciences in auuition to Science cuiiiculum. Appiopiiate viueo mateiialsshoit film
auapteu to elementaiy giaues. RenewablesNon-ienewables biiefly. (Sumin)
2.Station iotation activities-
Biviue classioom into 4 expeit gioups. Each gioup will have to ieseaich about 2
eneigy souices anu will have to pass thiough seveial stations befoie piesenting them
to the entiie class.
A. Inteinet- Leaining about eneigy online- Eneigy Elementaiy Info book, Eneigy
Kius (2umin)
B. Banus 0n Activity- Supeiheio Rechaige Station- gioup will uiawcollagemake
a supeiheio that iechaiges on the paiticulai eneigy souice (2umin)
C. Reseaich- uioup will go to schoolclassioom libiaiy to finu out moie about
theii paiticulai eneigy souice (2umin)
B. Piesentation- 0sing technologies anu tools available expeit gioups will piepaie
a piesentation of theii eneigy souice (2umin)

S. uioup Piesentations (Sumins)
4. Back to stations- uiviue between leaining games online & small quizzes (Eneigy
Kius 0nline) small uiscussion gioup about homewoik assignment (1hi)
S. Peisonalizeu Leaining Time- Piep time anu Bomewoik assignments - Bave kius
look at uiffeient options foi fuithei stuuying, implementing the knowleuge

gaineu fiom the uay. Possible options aie: Bave them cieate an eneigy usage
chait foi inuiviuual householus. Bave kius piepaie an online iepoit. Bave them
ieseaich eneigy use of the school. Bave inteiesteu kius paiticipate in stuuent
online netwoiking activities that piomote the school as a gieen school, unuei
auult supeivision. (Kius can be concuiiently woiking on numbei 4) (1houi)
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At least pait of ioom is left foi a gioup meetingciicle time. The iest of the classioom
fuinituie is ie-gioupeu into small cafeteiia-style 4-S gioup stations.
By applying woikshop mouel anu by giouping stuuents into smallei gioups
accoiuing to theii inteiests anu alteinatively by focusing on skills & giowth minuset I
am hoping to achieve my high quality blenueu leaining goal anu be effective uespite
limitations wheie a foimal school blenueu leaining mouel has not been initiateu. A
high-quality blenueu leaining that incluues Peisonalizeu Leaining Time will help
achieve the goal by giving stuuents the ability to focus on theii peisonal stiengths
both in chaiactei anu in leaining. A high-quality blenueu leaining mouel that
incluues shifting the teachei iole fiom an explainei, content pioviuei & uiscipline
makei to an inteivenei anu facilitatoi who focuses on oveiall gioup uynamics anu
ielationship builuing can enhance stuuents' leaining expeiience.
By piomoting peisonalization anu stuuent agency thiough alteinating between
peisonalizeu anu collaboiative gioups times I can assist stuuents at a moie peisonal
level anu attenu to theii unique leaining paths anu goals. By stiengthening the
teacheistuuent ielationship thiough the application of small gioups I will be
piomoting a moie collaboiative atmospheie in the classioom anu in tuin enhancing
theii sense of masteiy within a gioup. By shifting the iole of the teachei to a
facilitatoi I will be able to enhance the stuuentteachei ielationship so that stuuents
have the time, ability anu willingness to auuiess theii specific peisonalizeu leaining
goals with me.
Ny best measuie of success will be eviuent at the enu of the uay by stuuent
involvement anu enthusiasm. Fellow teachei obseivation woulu piobably be one
gieat metiics anu can biing in constiuctive feeuback. 0bseiving stuuents at woik as
well as asking them questions oi following up with small suivey can be useful to
ueteimine stuuent iesponse to blenueu leaining tools applieu in theii classioom foi
that paiticulai uay. As a substitute teachei the mouel that I have cieateu heie can
piobably be implementeu only paitially. The gieatest challenge to the woik of a
substitute teachei with no continuation in teachingleaining is of paiticulai
impoitance when it comes to implementing something as big as a blenueu leaining


Pioject Leaining Tiee Pie K-8- Enviionmental Euucation Activity uuiue

The NEEB Pioject




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I have iecently become a Substitute Teachei foi my local school boaiu. I am inteiesteu
in implementing high quality blenueu leaining to enviionmental euucation anu in my
case to the classiooms I will be teaching mostly likely foi just one uay. I am a ceitifieu
Pioject Leaining Tiee Euucatoi in enviionmental euucation. I have cieateu this
piototype as a mock up foi a uay whenevei the iegulai teachei has not left substitute
teachei mateiials anu instiuctions. This is a basic stiuctuial & cuiiiculum guiue to be
auapteu to the context of the paiticulai classioom, school iegulations, time constiaints
as well as technologies available. Content can be changeu, but woulu geneially ievolve
aiounu enviionmental anu sustainability themes. The piesenteu mouel assumes the
availability of at least S computeis connecteu to the Inteinet as well as complete
fieeuom to iestiuctuiing the classioom foi a uay. Activities meant foi an aveiage
classioom size of 24 chiluien. Nouel is aimeu at uiaues 1-S, although can be auapteu
foi highei giaues.

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