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Inventions can be used to make connections to past civilizations



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When was anesthetic first made?

The Chinese used Anesthetic for surgery for wounded soldiers because before Anesthetic wounded soldiers would have to be amputated.

ancient Chinese anesthetic In ancient China a man called Ban Q!e invented anesthetic that put patients to sleep for 2 days. Persian anesthetic Persian anesthetic was inhaled not drugged or injected a sponge was put against a patients nose and he would smell it, it would put him straight to sleep. modern anesthetic Modern anesthetic is normally injected into patients also now we can choose how long a patient needs to be asleep for.

Anesthetic save life because it stops death of pain and has been in use since AD 250-300. Also it has been a medical break through for surgeons around the world. Anesthetic has made the discovery of cocaine, heroine and many more drugs. It has caused many people lose there live from drug overdose, drug addict and depression.

Why do we need anesthetic?

INVENTION Anestheticc

The problem was that when wounded soldiers went into surgery they'd have to be amputated because opening the wound and treating it would kill the soldier from pain overload!

Anesthetic was first used in AD 250-300 by a Chinese surgeon named Ban Q!e. Ban Q!e first used his Anesthetic by drugging to men with it and then giving them the surgery they needed. They stayed asleep for 2 days! The affect Anesthetic has on humans is that it puts them into to deep sleep shaking and shouting wont wake them up it also makes you feel no pain.

Middle ages
In the Middle ages there was surgery to. They used Anesthetic for surgery just like the ancient Chinese.

The Persians where the first civilization to use inhaled Anesthetic they did it by putting a sponge by the patients nose. The sponge was imbued with aromatics and narcotics.

Before Anesthetic people would be worried to go into battle because they knew if they where injured they would either have to be left behind, amputated or in extreme cases death! Anesthetic had discovered cocaine and heroine (as said in box one) it has introduced drug smuggling and has made an increase in crime rate and many have died from being caught smuggling.
Inventions can have + and impacts

What does anesthetic look like?

I can explain how inventions solve problems and discuss my Guy Martin Tuesday, 26 November,invention 2013 2:25:22 PM Hong Kong Standard Time

I can explain how inventions are connected to past civilizations

Inventions can evolve into something else

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