Revolutionizing India's Smart Grids With IT

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Revolutionizing Indias smart grids with IT

To meet the dramatic rate of increase in electricity deficit, the country requires massive investments in infrastructure Experts | by Mathew Thomas BANGALORE, INDIA: As India aggressively progresses on the road to strengthening its position as an emerging economy, its power demands have been rising phenomenally. While it struggles to make up for the existing deficit of about 10 per cent, India also faces the challenge of providing access to electricity to over 400 million people. Understanding the power situation To meet the dramatic rate of increase in electricity deficit, the country requires massive investments in infrastructure. Simultaneously, we must fix the holes that are responsible for electricity leakages at various levels. The Indian power sector makes technical and commercial losses to the tune of 28 per cent of the total electricity produced.) This is now a social and economic development imperative. The annual report 2009-2010 of the Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of Power, Govt. of India indicates that India has an installed power generation capacity 169,749 mega watts as of December 31, 2010. Additionally, there is a substantial amount of captive production capacity amounting to around 15,000 mega watts in the industrial sector, according to official data The country generated a total of 746 million mega watts in FY 2009-2010 to meet the demand of 831 million mega watts; and this power is distributed across the country through five regional grids, 31 state grids and over 100 area-wise grids. Finding the right' answer Ideally, the first step should be to strengthen and smarten the current electricity system. The best way to do it would be by building new lines, substations and power plants. However, considering the hyper demand for electricity, coupled with the huge technical and commercial loss that the sector makes, superior grid reliability is more than mandatory. To achieve this, the system should be fortified with intelligence by integrating it with information and communication technology solutions (ICT) solutions to plug leakages and improve efficiencies. A smart electricity grid in place will open avenues for new applications that will have far-reaching impact. But what is a smart grid? A smart grid is the

integration of information and communications technology into electric transmission and distribution networks. The smart grid delivers electricity to consumers end usage of electricity. Also, to enable efficient use of the grid by identifying and correcting supply-demand imbalances instantaneously, thereby reducing costs and improving reliability and quality of service .

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