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The English Alphabet "

pronunciation A = ej B = bi C = si D = di E=i F = ef G = dji H = ejch I = eye J = djej K = kej L = el M = em N = en O = oh P = pi Q = kju R = are S = ess T = ti U = you V = vi W = double you X = ecks Y = why Z = zed (British), zi (US), International Alphabet Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliette Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whisky X-ray Yankee Zulu Proper Names (UK) Alfred Benjamin Charles David Edward Fredrik George Harry Isaac Jack King London Mary Nellie Oliver Peter Queen Robert Samuel Tommy Uncle Victory William X-ray Yesterday Zebra

Swedish letters need to be described: an A with a circle/ring over it an A with two dots over it an O with two dots over it

G = capital dji Good for indicating a new name. E.g. My name is John Smith. Thats capital djej, oh, ejch, ess, em, eye, tee, ejch. g = lower case dji Not often necessary to say. Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton Hillary = first name Diane = middle name Rodham = maiden name Clinton = last name / surname / family name / married name

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