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Luke Walker 11/20/13 Triangle Fraternity Everyman As we read everyman it made me think of how truly important material possessions

are. As humans we are naturally greedy always taking more than we give. I believe the purpose of the nationals of Triangle Fraternity putting Everyman in the new member curriculum to show us that goods are not as important as the good deeds that we do for the community. Everyman is summoned by god to make journey to show him this message. Along the way Everyman encounters characters to teach him the message of good. The characters Kindred and Cousin teach Everyman the importance of family. In the case of our Fraternity, this relationship resembles the importance of brotherhood. Everyman was making a journey to heaven and in the end the only character that goes with him is Good-Deeds. This shows as we make our journey through life and eventually to heaven the only matters in Gods eyes are: our love for God, our kindness towards others and the charitable good deeds we have done along the way. This is the goal that our fraternity was based on; to become a close nit family, do good deeds for the community and make each other better men along the way. As we endure our collegiate career it is important to keep the values in mind, for as we make our journey the only true things we have in the end we in the end is our kindness and our Salvation.

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