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[Psychiatric legislation for the emergency physician].

[Article in Finnish]

Ojanen J, Mantere O. Source


A psychiatric examination in an emergency care sit ation o!ten in"ol"es ta#ing an attit $e to%ar$s the patient&s right to preser"e her'his !ree$om an$ integrity. (n the name o! h man rights it has )een consi$ere$ important to care! lly control the reasons an$ co rses o! action that are se$ to restrict the constit tional rights o! a h man )eing. *his %ill ine"ita)ly necessitate the a$herence to certain !ormal co rses o! action. *he goal shall )e an attempt to patient+centere$ thin#ing an$ enco ntering the patient as a h man )eing. *reatment possi)ilities in o tpatient care sho l$ )e goo$ eno gh to )e more !re, ently tili-e$ instea$ o! in"ol ntary care.

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