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A MANUAL FOR PREPARATION OF PROJECT REPORT 1. GENERAL : The manual is intended to provide broad guidelines to the M.E. / M.Sc.

/ M.Tech. / M.C.A. / M.B.A. candidates in the preparation of the project report. In general the project report shall report in an organised and scholarl! fashion an account of original research "or# of the candidate leading to the discover! of ne" facts or techni$ues or correlation of facts alread! #no"n %anal!tical e&periments hard"are oriented etc.' 2. SIZE OF PROJECT REPORT : The si(e of project report should not e&ceed )* pages of t!ped matter rec#oned from the first page of Chapter + to the last page. 3. ARRANGEMENT OF CONTENTS OF PROJECT REPORT : The se$uence in "hich the project report material should be arranged and bound should be as follo"s, +. -. .. /. 0. ). 2. 4. 7. +*. ++. Title page Bonafide Certificate Abstract Ac#no"ledgement Table of Contents 1ist of Tables 1ist of 3igures 1ist of S!mbols Abbreviations or 5omenclature %6ptional' Chapters Appendices 8eferences The Tables and 3igures shall be introduced in the appropriate places. 4. PAGE DIMENSIONS AND MARGIN : The dimensions of the final bound copies of the project report should be -7*mm & -*0mm. Standard A/ si(e %-72mm & -+*mm' paper ma! be used for preparing the copies.

The project report %at the time of submission' should have the follo"ing page margins ,

Top edge Bottom edge 1eft side 8ight side

, , , ,

.* to .0 mm -0 to .* mm .0 to /* mm -* to -0 mm

Tables and figures should conform to the margin specifications. 1arge si(e figures should be photographicall! or other"ise reduced to the appropriate si(e before insertion. 5. MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION : The candidates shall suppl! a t!ped cop! of the manuscript to the guide for the purpose of approval. In the preparation of the manuscript care should be ta#en to ensure that all te&tual matter is t!ped to the e&tent possible in the same format as ma! be re$uired for the final project report. 9ence some of the information re$uired for the final t!ping of the project report is included also in this section. The headings of all items - to ++ listed section / should be t!ped in capital letters "ithout punctuation and centred 0*mm belo" the top of the page. The te&t should commence / spaces belo" this heading. The page numbering for all items + to 4 should be done using lo"er case 8oman numerals and the pages thereafter should be numbered using Arabic numerals. Title p !e : A specimen cop! of the title page for M.E. / M.Tech./M.B.A./ M.C.A. / M.Sc. project report are given in Appendi& +. "#$ %i&e Ce'ti%i( te : ;sing double spacing for t!ping the Bonafide Certificate should be in this format , Certified that this project report titled<<<<<<<<<<is the bonafide "or# of Mr./ Ms<<<<<<<<<<<<.."ho carried out the research under m! supervision. Certified further that to the best of m! #no"ledge the "or# reported herein does not form part of an! other project report or dissertation on the basis of "hich a degree or a"ard "as conferred on an earlier occasion on this or an! other candidate. %Certificate to be countersigned b! the 96=.'

0.+ 0.-


A)*t' (t : Abstract should be an essa! t!pe of narrative not e&ceeding )** "ords outlining the problem the methodolog! used for tac#ling it and a summar! of the findings. A(+$#,le&!e-e$t : It should be brief and should not e&ceed one page "hen t!ped double spacing. T )le #% (#$te$t* : The table of contents should list all material follo"ing it as "ell as an! material "hich precedes it. The title page bonafide Certificate and ac#no"ledgement "ill not find a place among the items listed in the table of contents but the page numbers of "hich are in lo"er case 8oman letters. 6ne and a half spacing should be adopted for t!ping the matter under this head. Li*t #% T )le* : The list should use e&actl! the same captions as the! appear above the tables in the te&t. 6ne and a half spacing should be adopted for t!ping the matter under this head. Li*t #% Fi!.'e* : The list should use e&actl! the same captions as the! appear belo" the figures in the te&t. 6ne and a half spacing should be adopted for t!ping the matter under this head. Li*t #% S/-)#l*0 A))'e1i ti#$* $& N#-e$(l t.'e : 6ne and a half spacing should be adopted for t!ping the matter under this head. Standard s!mbols abbreviations etc. should be used. C2 pte'* : The chapters ma! be broadl! divided into . parts %i' Introductor! chapter %ii' Chapters developing the main theme of the project report %iii' 8esults =iscussion and Conclusion. The main te&t "ill be divided into several chapters and each chapter ma! be further divided into several divisions and sub>division. Each chapter should be given an appropriate title. Tables and figures in a chapter should be placed in the immediate vicinit! of the reference "here the! are cited. 3ootnotes should be used sparingl!. The! should be t!ped single space and placed directl! underneath in the ver! same page "hich refers to the material the! annotate. Appe$&i(e* : Appendices are provided to give supplementar! information "hich if included in the main te&t ma! serve as a distraction and cloud the central theme under discussion. Appendices should be numbered using Arabic numerals e.g. Appendi& + Appendi& - etc.

0./. 0.0.







Appendices Tables and 8eferences appearing in appendices should be numbered and referred to at appropriate places just as in the case of chapters.

Li*t #% Re%e'e$(e* : An! "or# of other researcher is used either directl! or indirectl! the origin of the material thus referred to at appropriate places in the project report should be indicated. A paper a monograph or a boo# ma! be designated b! the name of the first author follo"ed b! the !ear of publication placed inside brac#ets at the appropriate places in the project report should be indicated. A paper a monograph or a boo# ma! be designated b! the name of the first author follo"ed b! the !ear of publication placed inside brac#ets at the appropriate place of reference. The citation ma! assume an! one of the follo"ing forms. E3 -ple* #% (it ti#$ %i' %ii' %iii' An improved algorithm has been adopted in literature %Ts!chi!a +74*' ?an#ins and @alts %+7)4' have dealt at length this principle. The problems of mechanical manipulators has been studied b! Shin et al %+74/' and certain limitations of the method used has been pointed out b! Shin et al %+74/ a'.

The listed should be t!ped / space belo" the heading A8E3E8E5CESB in alphabetical order in single spacing left>justified. The reference material should be listed in the alphabetical order of the first author. The name of the author/authors should be immediatel! follo"ed b! the !ear and other details. A t!pical illustrative list given belo" relates to the citation e&amples $uoted above. REFERENCES +. -. Ariponnammal S. and 5atarajan S. %+77/' CTransport Dhonomena of Sm Se +>& As&E Dramana : ?ournal of Dh!sics Fol. /- 5o.0 pp./-+>/-0 Barnard 8.@. and Gellogg C. %+74*' CApplications of Convolution operators to Droblems in univalent function theor!. Michigan Mach. ?. Fol -2 pp 4+> 7/ ?an#ins H.M. and @alts =.H. %+7)4' Spectral Anal!sis and its ApplicationsE 9older =a! Sanfrancisco. Shin G.H. and Mc#a! 5.=. %+74/' C6pen loop minimum time control of mechanical manupulations and its applicationsE Droc. Amer. Contr. Conf. San =iego CA pp. +-.+>+-.).

.. /.


T )le* $& Fi!.'e* : B! the "ord Table is meant tabulated data in the bod! of the project report as "ell as in the appendices. All other material used in the bod! of the

project report and appendices such as charts graphs maps photographs and diagrams ma! be designated as figures. A table or figure including caption should be accommodated "ithin the prescribed margin limits and appear on the page follo"ing the page "here their first reference is made. Tables and figures on half page or less in length ma! appear on the same page along "ith the te&t. 9o"ever the! should be separated from the te&t both above and belo" b! triple spacing. All tables and figures should be prepared on the same paper or material used for the preparation of the rest of the project report. 3or preparing captions numerals s!mbols or characters in the case of tables or figures the Computer should be used. T"o or more small tables or figures ma! be grouped if necessar! in a single page. @henever possible the entire photograph%s' ma! be reproduced on a full sheet of photographic paper. Dhotographs if an! should be included in the colour &ero& form onl!. More than one photograph can be included in a page. Samples of 3abric 1eather etc. if absolutel! necessar! ma! be attached evenl! in a page and fi&ed/pasted suitabl! and should be treated as figures.


T5PING INSTRUCTIONS This section includes additional information for final t!ping of the project report. Some information given earlier under CManuscript preparationE shall also be referred.

Ge$e' l

3ont , Times 5e" 8oman 3ont Si(e , Content +-

9eading +/ The impressions on the t!ped copies should be blac# in colour. ;niformit! in the font of letters in the same project report shall be observed. A sub>heading at the bottom of a page must have atleast t"o full lines belo" it or else it should be carried over to the ne&t page. The last "ord of an! page should not be split using a h!phen. 6ne and a half spacing should be used for t!ping the general te&t. Single spacing should be used for t!ping, %i' %ii' %iii' %iv' %v' 1ong Tables 1ong $uotations 3oot notes Multiline captions 8eferences

All $uotations e&ceeding one line should be t!ped in an indented space : the indentation being +0mm from either margins. =ouble spacing should be used for t!ping the Bonafide Certificate and Ac#no"ledgement. 6.2. C2 pte'* The format for t!ping chapter headings divisions headings and sub division headings are e&plained through the follo"ing illustrative e&amples. Chapter heading =ivision heading =ivision heading Sub>division heading , C7APTER 1

, 1.1 OUTLINE OF PROJECT REPORT , 1.1.2. 8i'ele** Se$*#' Net,#'+*

The "ord C9ADTE8 "ithout punctuation should be centered 0*mm do"n from the top of the page. T"o spaces belo" the title of the chapter should be t!ped centrall! in capital letters. The te&t should commence / spaces belo" this title the first letter of the te&t starting -*mm inside from the left hand margin.

The division and sub>division captions along "ith their numberings should be left> justified. The t!ped material directl! belo" division or sub>division heading should commence - spaces belo" it and should be offset -*mm from the left hand margin. @ithin a division or sub>division paragraphs are permitted. Even paragraph should commence . spaces belo" the last line of the preceding paragraph the first letter in the paragraph being offset from the left hand margin b! -*mm.

9. 9.1.

NUM"ERING INSTRUCTIONS P !e N.-)e'i$! All pages numbers %"hether it be in 8oman or Arabic numbers' should be t!ped "ithout punctuation on the upper right hand corner -*mm from top "ith the last digit in line "ith the right hand margin. The preliminar! pages of the project report %such as Title page Ac#no"ledgement Table of Contents etc.' should be numbered in lo"er case 8oman numerals. The title page "ill be numbered as %i' but this should not be t!ped. The page immediatel! follo"ing the title page shall be numbered %ii' and it should appear at the top right hand corner as alread! specified. Dages of main te&t starting "ith Chapter + should be consecutivel! numbered using Arabic numerals.


N.-)e'i$! #% C2 pte'*0 Di1i*i#$* $& S.):Di1i*i#$* The numbering of chapters divisions and sub>divisions should be done using Arabic numerals onl! and further decimal notation should be used for numbering the divisions and sub>divisions "ithin a chapter. 3or e&ample sub>division / under division . belonging to chapter - should be numbered as -.../. The caption for the sub>division should immediatel! follo" the number assigned to it.

Ever! chapter beginning "ith the first chapter should be seriall! numbered using Arabic numerals. Appendices included should also be numbered in an identical manner starting "ith Appendi& +.


N.-)e'i$! #% T )le* $& Fi!.'e* Tables and 3igures appearing an!"here in the project report should bear appropriate numbers. The rule for assigning such numbers is illustrated through an e&ample. Thus if as figure in Chapter . happens to be the fourth then assign ../ to that figure. Identical rules appl! for tables e&cept that the "ord 3igures is replaced b! the "ord

Table. If figures %or tables' appear in appendices then figure . in Appendi& - "ill be designated as 3igure A -... If a table to be continued into the ne&t page this ma! be done but no line should be dra"n underneath an unfinished table. The top line of the table continued into the ne&t page should for e&ample read Table -.+ %continued' placed centrall! and underlined. 9.3. N.-)e'i$! #% E;. ti#$* E$uations appearing in each Chapter or Appendi& should be numbered seriall! the numbering commencing a fresh for each Chapter or Appendi&. Thus for e&ample an e$uation appearing in Chapter - if it happens to be the eighth e$uation in that Chapter should be numbered %-.4' thus,

C%s' >>>>> 8%s' I

H+ H>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> + J H+ H- 9 %-.4'

@hile referring to this e$uation in the bod! of the project report it should be referred to as E$uation %-.4'.


"INDING SPECIFICATIONS Droject report submitted for M.E. / M.Tech. / M.Sc./ M.C.A. / M.B.A. should be bound using fle&ible cover of thic# "hite art paper. The spine for the bound volume should be of blac# Calico of -*mm "idth. The cover should be printed in blac# letters and the te&t for printing should be identical to "hat has been prescribed for the title page.



Submitted )/

====== A Re!i*te' N#.: >12345469<

In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of







Certified that this project report titled<<<<<<<<<<......... is the bonafide "or# of Mr./ Ms<<<<<<<<<<<<.. "ho carried out the research under m! supervision. Certified further that to the best of m! #no"ledge the "or# reported herein does not form part of an! other project report or dissertation on the basis of "hich a degree or a"ard "as conferred on an earlier occasion on this or an! other candidate.

5AME 7EAD OF T7E DEPARTMENT =epartment of Electronics K Communication Engineering. =hanala#shmi Srinivasan College of Engineering Coimbatore : )/+ +*0.

5AME SUPER@ISOR Assistant Drofessor =epartment of Electronics KCommunication Engineering. =hanala#shmi Srinivasan College of Engineering Coimbatore : )/+ +*0.

The candidate "ith the ;niversit! 8egistration number LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL "as e&amined b! us in the project Fiva>Foce e&amination held onLLLLLLLLLLLLL.

I$te'$ l E3 -i$e'

E3te'$ l E3 -i$e'

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