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ut then, Brother Wood, and his brother, and I, went run off down to the place and to fish

again for a day and night. And that afternoon, setting back there, Brother Wood begin to speak about an old woman that used to belong to the Anderson Church of God up here, when they were in their bloom, when how good. Said, how she used to take them little eho!ah Witness boys and lo!e them. B"#I"$"%&'()%*+"%+"A'* "&&%I, -./01/23

14 And Brother Wood said to his brother, #yle. +e said, 5#yle, would it not be great now, if we would go find that old sister and let her know that we6re sa!ed75 ,ow, that word found fa!or with God. After he6d been talking about God for a long time, but that word found fa!or. *hose two eho!ah Witness boys, both of them aged men, wanted to find an old woman and tell her that they were sa!ed8 two brothers. When they said that, the Spirit of God in +is so!ereignty fell on me, setting there in that boat. (h, how I wished I could6!e had !oice some way that I could sink that into the people6s heart. I could not no more control myself than you could fly to the moon, 9ust by that word. And I said, 5Boys, there6s something fi:ing to happen. *here6s a little animal of some sort; it6ll be brought to life. *here6s going to be life connected with it, and you6ll see it right away.5 And I thought, 5,ow, what ha!e I said75 And I begin to think of some things, what made me say that7 ,o !ision, it was 9ust something spoke. What was it7 It wasn6t my intellectuals; I couldn6t e!en think of such a thing. It was down below that. It was in the heart that God had come into. +e was doing the speaking. I didn6t e!en, wasn6t thinking of such a thing. And It spoke. B"#I"$"%&'()%*+"%+"A'* "&&%I, -./01/23

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