God Reveals in The Chosen Season To The Chosen Person

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What a glorious time. It's a time that all the prophets longed to see this hour.

Now, He reveals His Word only in Its season. Martin Luther read the same Bible we did. Wesley read the same Bible Martin Luther did. Pente ostals read the same Bible we read. !esus read the same Bible that the Pharisees read, but they had... "rying to #eep the orn in a early stage when it was ripening, they $ailed to see their hour. Now, %avid has done the same thing here. &od reveals this Word in the season and to whom He hooses to reveal It to. &od hooses who He reveals It to. He hose that be$ore the $oundation o$ the world. 'll o$ His doings were $ore#nown by Him, hidden $rom man( He )ust reveals them as He will. It is His hosen season, His hosen person. 'nd He never did hoose a party or se t( it's a hosen person. How He does it... Who is it that will dare to orre t Him and say, *Now, Lord, +ou made a mista#e by putting this man in the ministry. "his man doesn't believe li#e we believe.* ",+IN&-".-%.-&.%-'-/0,1I20-WI"H.3"-HI/-WILL !044-IN 567897:; Morning

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