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Colossal starfighter Init +14 (Ty's Pilot check of 19 - 5 Dynamic Class); Ref 12 (10 +12 Armour -10 size)

Fort 25 (10 +15 for str); Flat Footed Ref 12 Combat Options Vehicular Combat, Can Dogfight due to combat thrusters hp 110; DR 15; SR 40 Threshold 75 Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 800 km/h) fly 2 squares (starship scale) Pilot (Ty) Attacks +11 (BAB6 +3Int +2PilotWeapon) Gunner (Hex) Attacks +11 (BAB8 +3Int) Gunner (Jerric) Attacks +11 (BAB8 +3Int) Gunner (Zaess) Attacks +11 (BAB8 +3Int) Gunner (Tim) Attacks +7 (BAB9 +3Int -5 Non Prof) Gunner (Jeff) Attacks +4 (BAB6 +3Int -5 Non Prof) Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (pilot).+5 (astromech droid) Grapple +35 Abilities Str 40, Dex 10, Con -, Int 16 Skills Initiative +14 (Ty), Mechanics + ? (Checkmate) Perception + ? (Jeff), Pilot +14 (Ty), Use Computer + ? (Checkmate astrogation) or + ? (Jeff for sensors), Stealth +9 (Ty) Crew 2 plus 6 Passangers Cargo 50 tonnes; Consumables 2 Months Hyperdrivex3. Navicomputer Stygium Cloaking Device counts as having total concealment so -10 on enemy perception checks and can always make stealth checks regardless of available cover 1 available emplacement point Weapons: Double Laser Cannons (gunner controlled) 4d10+half heroic levelx2 Twin Lined Laser Cannons (Pilot controlled) 5d10+half heroic level Paired Ion Cannons (gunner controlled) 4d10+half heroic levelx2 ion Docking Gun Heavy Blaster Rifle (Pilot controlled) 3d12+half heroic level

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