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Name: Maulini Sikri EVSS IB 2014

Design Lab
Aim: To investigate the effect of one factor involved in the triathlon Research question: Which type of soil, judging by water holding capacity, is best for the runners? Hy othesis: According to a well-established fact, runners will run faster and more efficiently on more dense ground. Therefore, according to this fact, soil with a higher water holding capacity will be better running ground for the runners. Varia!les "e en#ant $aria!le: The dependant variable will be the water holding capacity of each of the samples of soil In#e en#ent $aria!le: The different types of soil used %ontrolle# $aria!les: - uantity of water used !in ml" - uantity of soil used !in gm" -#oom temperature -Temperature of water used -p$ level of water used -apparatus used should be same for all tests -time ta%en for each individual test should be the same

Materials an# &

aratus use#:

- Weighing scale - &istilled Water -'etri &ishes - (patulas - &ropper - )* sheets of filter paper - * funnels - * &ifferent types of soil To prove and find out the * different types of soil conduct the following test: ). -+se soil sieve for this test. Arrange in correct descending order ,. Ta%e *--g of test soil sample and pass through sieves of different mesh si.e !in descending order of their mesh si.e". /. Weigh the amount of soil left in each sieve !of different diameter mesh si.e" 0. &etermine the te1ture of soil with the help of soil te1ture triangle.

'roce#ure: 'lace a sheet of filter paper onto a funnel. 'lace the funnel on top of bea%er Weigh the soil sample using weighing scale. #ecord this for further investigation 2arefully place out 3 gm of the (ample A soil onto a sheet of previously placed filter paper in funnel. 4e1t, pour out )* ml of water onto soil sample. Wash dropper with distilled water and then use for convenience. 5eave said soil sample to drain for )* minutes. 2arefully remove soil sample and weigh. 'lace this measure ne1t to previous measurement. 6easure remaining water and record in table. #epeat this for the rest of the soil samples. 5abel these as !7", !2", !&" and !8".

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