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Creation of Data Source:

Source Code: Connection con=null; Class.forName(sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver ; con=Driver!ana"er."etConnection(Jdbc:odbc:DATASOURCENAME ;

Mapping DataSource in OpenDatabaseConnectivity

#. StartControl $anel%dministrative &oolsData Sources (OD'C (Dialo" bo( a))ears

*. +serDSN or S,stemDSN (Select an,one -. Clic. %dd 'utton /. Dialo" bo( named Create Ne0 Data Source a))ears

1. Select Driver Name (!icrosoft %ccess Driver 23.mdb4

5. clic. finis6. 7. Dialo" bo( named OD'C !icrosoft %ccess setu) a))ears 8. &,)e DATASOURCENAME in Data Source Name &e(t 'o(.

9. Clic. Select 'utton.

#:. Dialo" bo( named Select Database a))ears.

##. Select Drives for C or D or ; or <. #*. Select director, for t6e filename databasefilena e! db!"find


s access file location#

#-. <ile Name automaticall, a))ears in t6e te(t area. #/. Clic. O= button #1. No0 DataSource source !a))in" )rocess 0as com)leted.

Starting Apac$e To cat%!& 'eb Server

#. *. -. /. 1. Clic. Start$ro"ram <iles%)ac6e &omcat confi"ure &omcat Dialo" bo( named %)ac6e &omcat $ro)erties a))ear Clic. on t6e start button $ro"ress 'ar s6o0s t6e status of startin" of 0eb Server. &o Sto) t6e &omcat 0eb Server clic. on t6e sto) 'utton.

5. >o to t6e ?nter;()lorer t,)e t6e follo0in" for accessin" t6e @esoursces

7. $ttp:((local$ost:)&)&A

8." 06et6er tomcat is started. 9. $aste ,our )roject in Bocation of C:C$ro"ram <ilesC%)ac6e Soft0are <oundationC&omcat 1.1C0eba))sCpro*ectfolder #:. for accessin" )roject

$ttp:((local$ost:)&)&(pac+agena e(filena e!*sp

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