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Scenario Highlights

Accounts Receivable manages the billing of customers that owe money to the organization for goods and services, and is an integral part of sales management.

Function List
This scenario deals with posting accounting data for customers in accounts receivable. From there, the data is sorted by customer, and made available to other areas such as the sales and distribution system. When you post data in accounts receivable, the system creates a document and transfers the entered data to the general ledger. General ledger !rofit and "oss# accounts, and customer accounts are then updated according to the transaction concerned for e$ample, receivable, down payment, credit memo#. The following functions are provided to support this building bloc%&

!ost down payment re'uest !ost down payment manually !ost customer invoice !ost a credit note with invoice reference !osting payments using the payment program !osting manual payment Automatic clearing of open items in customer accounts (anual clearing of open items in customer accounts (anual ban% statement processing Reprocessing an account statement )unning Account balance interest calculation *ne+time+accounts postings ,etting a credit limit -redit control reporting

Key Points

Accounts receivable is also an integral part of sales management. All postings in accounts receivable are also recorded directly in the general ledger. The payment program can carry out direct debiting and down payments automatically.

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