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Career Plan

Designing the next algorithm with my information and technology team, which would change the way computers protect against malicious virus, is my career path. Implementing the tools need to design the website for a companys new product is just one of the duties that comes with the job. The career path chosen for me is in a field intertwined with obstacles and rewards in the field of I nformation technology. As of this moment I am junior attending Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University studying Information and Technology with a concentrations in Network Security and Health Care Information. I know upon finishing this track I will be able to step foot into any company and shine with confidence. Core class for example: C sharp, C++, Java, Discrete 1, and Calculus ect.. is the backbone supporting me. The extracurricular activates related to my major and outside of as well will round my people skills and bound my general knowledge. One of my long and short term goals is to expand my knowledge in Computer Network Security and Healthcare Information, and one way I will do this is by becoming certified. While still aiming to graduate the summer of 2014 there are plenty of objectives needing completion .The next step is to take the A+ exam in the spring of my junior, and then acquire the Network + certification soon after. The first two will then open me up to the third citification which is the Security +, acquiring all three will improve my career outlook. While still in college finding a level 1 or 2 technician position at Century Link is the goal for my junior year in college. Over the summer I will either take an internship at Humana, Verizon, or hopefully Microsoft. There I will

put to use my programming and team work skills while having a firsthand look into the technology field. If for any chances I did not obtain an internship I will continue to work at my job and continue to practice my technical skills. A long term goal of minds is to join an organization in the technology field that attempts to help change the world one technological project at a time. I found giving back when youre in a position to do so is a civil duty and the Intuition of Internal Education will be the channel for me to do so. When graduating from college finding a job will be my main objective and I will be open for anything under the shining sun, but that too broad. I would also want to work overseas, preferably in Tokyo, Japan or Moscow, Russia, after two years in my profession. Doing this I will expand my companys image and hopefully learn a second language. Going to graduate school for my degree in computer science will be my goal to achieve before entering my mid twenties .Before I turn forty I would have attempted to make a startup a company. It would be a consulting firm on one hand and on the other hand a on campus computer repair shop for local university.

Career Outlook Security Technology Analyst

Develop and maintain our networks, hardware, and softwareto ensure our systems run smoothly and efficiently, keep the forefront of innovation in healthcare, and retaining a competitive edge. After a year I would switch positions within the company.

.Net Develop/ C# Application Engineer

In this position I would be held accountable for meeting expectation and knowledge of SQL Server, Web front end technologies and service. Engage in new relationships and networks to gather views to contribute to information towards new ideals and values. Within the two years of working in this position I would go through my company to acquire my master in Computer Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A year later after finishing my Master in Computer Science the cooperation I work for may want to expand or have it work sought out from a company overseas to form a business partnership. That will give me the chance to be that ambassador and go overseas to represent my corporation. One year overseas I return back home and take a lead position in the companys hierarchy.

Computer and Information Systems Manager

In this position the responsibilities for planning and implementing any computer-related
activities for an organization falls upon my shoulders. Planning software patches and scheduling upgrades for the hardware and software the companies produces. Interacting closely with the programmers and the clients will manage a huge project will give me pride to see it be completed on time and on budget. This position will not only present me the option to perfect my leadership and management skills. After three years and have completed at least four major projects I will set of to start up my own business as computer repair shop on the local university campuses. It would be run by students with computer related majors. This would provide most students with hands on approach to the hardware side of technology while in a real world situation. Once signs of success start to show on the first project the

second part of the goal will be implemented which is the consulting firm part. This would lend any help that a small company may need like for instance data management, systems configuration, or file transfer. The career path I saw for myself is just a summary of the dreams and goals I see myself accomplishing within the cores of my profession so I will shoot for the stars..until I touch one.

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