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Box 1.

7a: Intercultural film club

Observation schedule: Describing a film 1 Title of the lm:

2 Name of the director:

3 Year it was made:

4 Original language:

5 Locations in which it is set:

6 Summary of the plot:

7 A surprising or confusing incident in the lm:

8 An interesting cultural difference or similarity:

9 My overall opinion about the lm:

Observation schedule: Describing a film 1 Title of the lm:

2 Name of the director:

3 Year it was made:

4 Original language:

5 Locations in which it is set:

6 Summary of the plot:

7 A surprising or confusing incident in the lm:

8 An interesting cultural difference or similarity:

9 My overall opinion about the lm:

Cambridge University Press 2010 reproduced from Intercultural Language Activities

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