A3 Reporting Template

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THEME: Concise statement of what this A3 report is about.


Note any contextual or background information necessary to fully understand the issue. Indicate how this problem affects the companys goals or is related to its values.


Insert a diagram that illustrates how the current process works. abel the diagram so that anyone knowledgeable about the process can understand. Note the ma!or problems "we like to put them in storm bursts to set them apart# Include $uantified measures of the extent of the problem % graphical representations are best&


Avg. 4 stockouts / wk (Jun Aug, !!"# ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS:

ist the main problem"s# Ask appropriate 'why() $uestions until you reach the root cause. A rule*of*thumb+ you havent reached the root cause until youve asked 'why() at least , times& ist the answers to each why $uestion Problem first immediate cause cause for the first immediate cause deeper cause to the preceding cause etc.

-o+ ........................... /y+ ........................... 0ate+ .......................... TARGET CONDITION:

Insert a diagram that illustrates how the proposed process will work1 with labels. Note or list the countermeasure"s# that will address the root cause"s# identified. 2redict the expected improvement in the measure of interest "specifically and $uantitatively#


ist the actions which must be done in order to reali3e the -arget Condition1 along with the individual responsible for the action and a due date. Add other items1 such as cost1 that are relevant to the implementation.


Responsibilit y

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Action $ %. &mith Action (. Jones Action ) *. Jordan ,tc. COST: no e-penditures re.uired



Note the plan to measure the effectiveness of the proposed change. Indicate when it will be measured1 and by whom.

eave blank initially After follow*up1 record the results of implementation 4ecord the date of actual follow*up

-o+ ........................... /y+ ........................... 0ate+ ..........................

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