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The line graph illustrates the evolution of fast food consumer habits amongst Australian teenagers between 1975

and 2000. Three types of fast food are plotted in the latter pi!!a" hamburgers and fish and chips. #n overall" the consumption of hamburgers and pi!!a has increased over the period whereas fish and chips have e$perienced a dramatic fall. According to the graph" in 1975 the favourite type of fast food was fish and chips" accounting for 100 meals per year. %amburgers and pi!!a were less popular by far" with 10 and 5 meals eaten per year respectively. &rom 1975 to 1995 there was a significant growth in the number of hamburgers eaten per year" reaching the pea' of 100 meals per year at the end of the period. &rom then on" the consumption of hamburgers remained constant. (imilarly" the consumption of pi!!a also rose considerably between 1975 to 1995" though generally at a lower rate" bringing the total number of pi!!as eaten per year to )5 in 1995. &rom 1995 to 2000" pi!!a consumption also levelled off. *n the contrary" it can clearly be seen from the graph that the number of fish and chips meals decreased over the whole period" with the e$ception of a brief rise in 19)5+ by 2000" the final figure of this type of fast food had plummeted to ,0. As a result of the previous changes the intial situation reversed the most popular fast food among Australian teenagers in 2000 was hamburger with 100 meals a year" while pi!!a ran'ed second with )0 meals a year. -onversely" fish and chips ended the period en.oying only a small share of the mar'et" with only ,0 meals eaten per year.

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