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November 4, 2013

Dear Fourth Grade Parents, This paper should reflect the students ability to research and write about a subject that interests him with a minimum of help from his parents. The body of the paper is not to be copied text from resources. For some of the students, this is a first step in researching and writing and may be difficult. Please assist your child only as necessary. I hope that this assignment will provide a learning process that will faithfully serve your childs love of learning and researching all his life. Please know that I am assisting them in the classroom and have many resources available on the side table. Please dont hesitate to call upon me for any reason. I am happy to help in any way. The students are marbling paper in art class to use as covers for their papers. I will provide folders for each child. Please initial at the bottom of the page, indicating that you are aware of this project and return to me by February 4th. Please assist your child in selecting a topic and meeting deadlines. Thank you for all you do at home to promote excellence in all that we do in the curriculum.

Colonial America Christian History Paper

Masters Academy Fourth Grade
The time to begin writing an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction. By that time you begin to clearly and logically perceive what it is you really want to say. ~Mark Twain Purpose: Learn how to research and write a paper with guidance. Study a specific area of interest in Americas colonial period. understand. Do not use words in this paper that you do not understand! 5. Hand-drawn illustrations and maps 6. Bibliography: Alphabetized list of books, articles, and resources used to research and write the paper Text: Due Dates: Selection of topic due to Mrs. Gillette: Prewrite (outline form) due to Mrs. Gillette: Published paper due to Mrs. Gillette: 1. Introductory paragraph to the period of Colonial America 2. Paragraph introducing the reader to your subject 3. Describe how your subject came to the colonies with a brief history of its development and growth in Europe. 4. Describe your subject. 5. Tell how the continent of North America affected the development and growth of your subject in the colonies. 6. Include the individuals God used in your subject. 7. Describe the influence of your subject on the growth of the colonies. 8. Did it help lay a foundation or hinder Gods purposes for a new nation? 9. What particular character qualities would be needed? 10. Concluding paragraph

Requirements: 1. Cursive handwriting in pencil only; no computers or type writers to be used. 2. Title page to include: a. Title of paper b. Your name, grade, due date c. Subject and teacher 3. Text of paper should be written on one side of notebook paper: minimum of five (5) pages of text. 4. Vocabulary page defining any word you had to consult a dictionary to

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