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Kellie Rattigan ELD 307 9/19/13 Interactive Read-Aloud Lesson Plan Title T!e Relatives "a#e Aut!or "$nt!

ia R$lant Illustrator %te&!en 'a##ell 'rade Level Intended (irst 'rade ) Rationale: T!is lesson !as a &ur&ose o* engaging and encouraging students to #a+e connections ,it! a selected te-t. T!e intention is to #odel to students !o, to activel$ read a te-t rat!er t!an read it ,it!out retaining an$ i#&ortant details. Also/ t!e$ can reali0e t!at reading is *un as ,e #a+e te-t to sel* connections. ) Standards ) ""%%.ELA-Literac$.RL.1.1 As+ and ans,er 1uestions a2out +e$ details in a te-t. ) ""%%.ELA-Literac$.RL.1.3 Descri2e c!aracters/ settings/ and #a3or events in a stor$/ using +e$ details. ) ""%%.ELA-Literac$.RL.1.7 4se illustrations and details in a stor$ to descri2e its c!aracters/ setting/ or events ) Objective %tudents ,ill learn !o, to #a+e te-t to sel* connections to a &articular stor$ 2$ activel$ listening to a read aloud. T!e$ ,ill also 2e a2le to recall +e$ details o* t!e te-t along ,it! 2eing a2le to correctl$ se1uence t!ose details *ro# t!e stor$. ) Procedure ) "all students to car&et 2$ ta2le color. ) 5e*ore Reading 6Pre&are t!e t!in+ing7 We have a very special book today that may remind a lot of you of your own families, the title of our book is called The Relatives ame! " Identi*$ aut!or 8 illustrator ,it! &ro#&ting ) #ntroduce the te$t by focussin% students to relatives topic &Who knows what a relative is' (()es, very %ood( relatives are family members(( Tell me about some relatives you have, cousins' %randparents'* Wow+ you all seem to have such %reat, lar%e families+ ,o some of your relatives live far away' ,o they visit' ) ,irect attention back to the cover pa%e Which one of you can tell me what they think is happenin% just on the cover already' ) Wait for a few different responses )es+ # love the way your brainstormin% and predictin%+ -ets be%in and see what really happens when the relatives came!!! ) Remind students to also focus attention on key details.connections

Kellie Rattigan ELD 307 9/19/13 ) During Reading Read &age 1 8 &ause to as+ - Where is /ir%inia' "ontinue reading to &age 9/: 6!ugging7 - 0ow are our characters feelin% ri%ht now' - This reminds me of a connection # am makin%!!!When my family visited all of the way from 1lorida, # could not escape the hu%s+ ; ; ; Point out girl tr$ing to slee& ,it! all o* t!e snoring and as+ - Why is this %irl sittin% up' Thats ri%ht, there are a lot of noises 2 snorin%+ 0ave any of you ever had to %ive up your bed for someone else visitin%' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ) A*ter reading 3uided Practice: To: E-&lain !o, a lot o* stories ,e read can relate or re#ind us o* our o,n lives/ de#onstrate a &art t!at stuc+ out and t!at I #ade a connection ,it!. >?eaning*ul connections> ?odel ,!at +ind o* connections are not as good 6avoiding rando# ones7. # remember when # was readin% this part,&turn to pa%e* when the %irl couldn4t sleep, # made a connection because my aunt snores /5R) loudly like this &act it out* # couldn4t sleep all ni%ht+ # was trapped on top of my top bunk bed all ni%ht wide awake+ Pause to as+ students to &oint out details in illustration o* all o* t!e activities on *ollo,ing &age. Direct attention to <t!en ,e cra,led 2ac+ into out 2eds t!at *elt too 2ig and too 1uiet.= 0ow are our characters feelin% now' What do you think' &ne$t pa%e* So you smart readers were ri%ht+ They are sad to see their relatives leave!

Kellie Rattigan ELD 307 9/19/13 ,o you see how my connection relates to the story' We as %ood readers like to make meanin%ful connections that really help us remember about what we read+ an someone %ive me an e$ample of a connection that mi%ht not be so helpful' 6i* not/ &rovide one7 Which one of these is the better connection, this part reminds me of when # played %uitar with my uncle.this part reminds me of when # went shoppin% with my mom' With: As+ students ,!at +inds o* t!ings t!e relatives did ,!en t!e$ visited 6gardening/ !ugged/ ate stra,2erries 8 #elons/ &la$ed 2an3o and guitars7 As+ a2out t!e season/!o, did t!e$ get t!ere@/t!ings t!at stood out to t!e# 6e- colored station ,agon7 -A Brite student res&onses on large &a&er/ Re*er 2ac+ to 2oo+ ,!en needed. 6t!e$ can use t!is as a re*erence to re#e#2er +e$ details ,!en t!e$ ,rite t!eir o,n connection7 #ndependent 6pplication: 7y: Cave students return to seats and &rovide &a&er ,it! large area to illustrate and t!en lines to ,rite at t!e 2otto#. As+ students to #a+e a connection ,it! stor$. Brite 8 illustrate. Pass 2oo+ around *or t!e# to re*erence as ,ell as dis&la$ing large &a&er t!at t!e class !el&ed ,it!. 8aterial T!e Relatives "a#e 2$ "$nt!ia R$lant/ large lined &a&er on easel ,it! #ar+er to ,rite details/ &re-#ade ,or+s!eet ,it! 2o- designated *or an illustration and lines *or ,riting/ cra$ons. 6ssessments: D2serve and listen to ans,ers given during t!e lesson. As students are 2ac+ at ta2les listen to conversations a2out connections t!e$Ere #a+ing. Bor+s!eets done inde&endentl$ ,ill also give ideas o* student understanding. Lastl$/ during inde&endent reading ti#e/ !ave students again #a+e connections ,it! anot!er te-t to see i* t!e$ are a2le to #a+e accurate te-t-sel* connections. ,ifferentiation: (or students ,it! s&ecial needs t!e$ could 3ust illustrate t!eir *avorite &art rat!er t!an ,riting and dra,ing. I could !ave a s!ort discussion ,it! t!e# a2out ,!at t!e$ understood *ro# t!e stor$ as a sort o* assess#ent rat!er t!an t!e# ,rite. (or gi*ted students/ as a se&arate assign#ent or so#et!ing else t!e$ can do as+ t!e# to identi*$ +e$ events/details *ro# t!e 2eginning/#iddle/end o* t!e stor$ to gear t!eir *ocus to se1uencing and connections.



Kellie Rattigan ELD 307 9/19/13 T!is lesson ,ill &rovide t!e *oundations o* 2eginning to learn ,!at good readers do. T!is ,ill !el& t!e# ,!ile t!e$Ere inde&endentl$ reading to co#&re!end t!e stor$ rat!er t!an 3ust reading ,!at ,ords are on t!e &age. It is a ver$ 2asic lesson ,it! a stor$ t!at is eas$ to relate to. (ro# !ere t!e$ ,ill 2e a2le to loo+ *or connections and recall +e$ details ,!ile t!e$ read inde&endentl$. A *uture goal ste##ing *ro# t!is lesson is *or t!e students to &ic+ a 2oo+ o* c!oice/ read it/ and ,rite a connection *ro# reading t!at and ,!at t!e$ co#&re!ended.

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