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Opening Scene

Establishing shot
No music. Ambient Sound

Train Station 6 seconds

POV shot

Mid Shot Business man walks around corner Music Identical 4 seconds Long Shot Gangster in tunnel Face covered by shadow Music Builds 3 Seconds

Filming people outside Stood still Looking around Music begins 4 seconds Long Shot
Business man leaving station

Mid-Long Shot
Business man walks away

Music slightly louder 4 seconds Mid Shot Business man walking Music Identical 4 seconds Mid Shot/over shoulder
Gangster walking in alley

Music Identical Mid Shot Gangster hurries past Face hidden Music builds 3 seconds Mid shot
Business man walks past Music Identical 4 seconds

Filmed from back Music builds 3 seconds

Mid-long shot Gangster walks down steps Music builds 3 seconds

Long shot Both walk towards each other Music builds 3 seconds Over shoulder shot Gangster confronts business man Music peaks 3 seconds Close up Gangster stabs business man Music slows 3 -5 seconds Mid shot Gangster takes briefcase Music softens 4 seconds Long shot Gangster walks off Fades to next scene Music identical 4-6 seconds

Long shot Business man walks to location Music Identical 4 seconds

Mid shot Business man walks around corner Music builds 3 seconds
Object of Significance

Business man looks at watch Music builds 2 seconds

Mid shot Gangster sees business man Music builds 3 seconds

Long Shot Gangster walks in to alley sees boss 4 seconds Mid shot Gangster talks to boss 6 seconds Close up of Object of Significance Briefcase exchange 2 seconds Mid shot Gangster talks to boss 7 seconds Long shot Gangster walks away 6 seconds Camera loses focus Title of film appears

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