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September 30, 2011

Dear ______________, Warm greetings in Jesus Name! On February 2012, Chi ! "#ange ism Fe $%ship &C"F' $( the )hi ippines %i be *e ebrating its +0th anni#ersary, -his is in *$n.un*ti$n %ith $ur 2/ th Nati$na C$n(eren*e, an annua gathering $( %$r0ers nati$n%i!e %hi*h %i be he ! in Da#a$ City, Signi(i*ant y, this is the p a*e %here C"F %as (irst starte! in the *$untry, 1n ine %ith this *e ebrati$n, %e are *$ming up %ith a s$u#enir pr$gram t$ high ight 2$!s mar#e $us %$r0 in C"F )hi ippines thr$ugh the years, 3s (rien! $r partner $( C"F, may %e in#ite y$u t$ p a*e an a!#ertisement $( y$ur ministry $r business *$mpany, $r simp y a pers$na greeting (r$m y$ur (ami y ($r the $**asi$n, 1( %e are *$ming t$ y$u ($r the (irst time, %e *$nsi!er it a spe*ia pri#i ege t$ in#ite y$u t$ parti*ipate in a %$rth%hi e partnership ($r the sa0e $( the itt e *hi !ren, -han0 y$u s$ mu*h an! %e are $$0ing ($r%ar! t$ y$ur (a#$urab e resp$nse, 4ay the 5$r! %$n!er(u y b ess y$u,

Sin*ere y y$urs ($r the itt e $nes,

Name $( S$ i*it$r

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