DRAGONtouchof The Human Body

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DRAGON'S TOUCH weaknesses of the human anatomy Part I Strikes to the Head and Ne k This !

o"ume #and the ones to fo""ow$ on entrates on the %& ma'or (ressure (oints of the )ody* Of ourse+ there are ,uite a few more+ )ut these are the )asi s* A"" of the (oints are "assified into - ata.ories / Numeri a" I 0)rain1sku"" II 0sense or.ans III0"ife su((ort+ ardiores(iratory+ ma'or or.ans 3 tra ts or.ani I4 0mus u"ar fun tions 3 ner!es 4 0me hani a" fun tions+ ske"eta"+ dama.e arti"a.es 3 'oints A"(ha)eti a" A0immo)i"ity from (ain 20immo)i"ity from stru tura" or or.ani dama.e C0Un ons iousness from ner!e or dama.e D0death from (hysio"o.i a"

The !entra" trans!erse ("ane onsists of the fa e+ the front+ to(+ 3 sides of the head+ the ne k+ 3 the u((er torso+ in "udin. the o""ar)one* There are 56 (ressure (oints in this area as fo""ows/ 5* -* &* %* 6* 7* 8* 9* :* 5;* 55* 5-* 5&* 5%* 56* orona" suture I0C tri.emina" ner!e 3 fronta" )one I0D tem("e 3 fossa tem(ora"is I0D eyes II02 ears II02 mastoid II0A se(ta" arti"a.e II0A or II0D anterior nasa" s(ine I0A tem(oromandi)u"ar 'oint 40A ti( of mandi)"e I0C sterno "eidomastoid re.ion III0D anterior ne k re.ion III0D )ra hia" ("e<us 3 tra(e=ius mus "e I40C su(rasterna" not h III0D "a!i "e 402

5/ This re.ion "ays on to( of the head+ more towards the forehead* It is a"so known as the soft s(ot on )a)ies* It is the s(a e )etween the sku"" )ones that is o!ered with a mem)rane that "ose u( usua""y )y 59 months+ )ut the orona" stru ture is sti"" weaker than the rest of the sku""* Dire t"y


)eneath this is the sensory (ortion of the )rain 3 under that the

a!ity* A downward strike of a)out %6 de.rees de(endin. on the ou"d ause on ussion+ tem(orary )"indness+ un ons iousness+ )rain hemorrha.e+ e!en death #!ery (owerfu" )"ow$* for e -/ This re.ion is "o ated 'ust )e"ow the entermost (oint of the forehead The ner!e is on the outside of the sku"" thus when the )one is stru k it wi"" tra( the ner!e* This ou"d resu"t in 'arrin. the ere)ra" hemis(heres+ on ussion+ un ons iousness+ im(aired !ision+ 3 (ara"ysis* If and on"y if ma<imum im(a t is a(("ied+ death ou"d resu"t from )rain hemorrha.e* &/ I'm sure we a"" know where the tem("e is )ut for those of you that don't know it is "o ated on a hori=onta" ("ane a ross from the to( of the ear* It is the re essed (art on ea h side of the head* It is a tua""y the )one ti( of the s(henoid* The tri.emina" ner!e runs throu.h the the tem("e* This ner!e ontro"s se!era" fa ia" fun tions* A"so (assin. throu.h is the midd"e menin.ea" artery whi h is the "ar.est )ran h su(("in. dura matter* A dire t hit ou"d )reak the ti( off the s(henoid ausin. it to enter the )rain* The menin.ea" ou"d )urst* Conta t to the tri.emina" ou"d resu"t in "oss of ontro" of fa ia" fun tions* Com(ression of the )rain+ hemorrha.e+ on ussion+ sho k+ 3 death are "ike"y resu"ts of strikin. the tem("e with a hori=onta" )"ow dire ted towards the o((osite tem("e* %/ The eyes are "o ated***uh I think you know* The eyes are !ery sensiti!e e!en to the s"i.htest tou h* They are he"d in )y fas ia )u")i #a soft mem)rane$ and eye mus "es* This makes them easy to (o( out* They are a"so !ery soft+ and if a )"ow rea hed the !itreous )ody # enter of eye$ the eye)a"" wou"d o""a(se* Other than ausin. tem(orary or (ermanent "oss of si.ht a dee( thrust ou"d (un ture the )rain ausin. death* 6/ These are "o ated on ea h side of the head* Air is easi"y tra((ed in the e<terna" a ousti meatus #the tunne" from the outer ear to the inner ear$ and for ed into the eardrum ausin. it to )ust* This in turn ru(tures the

hammer or ma""eus within the midd"e ear* Dama.es wou"d ause se!ere (ain+ "oss of hearin.+ )"eedin. from the mouth and ear+ and )"eedin. into the throat !ia the interna" auditory tu)e* A"so+ the inner ear is the enter of e,ui"i)rium #)a"an e$ for the ere)e""um* a for efu" strike ou"d "ea!e the !i tim s(raw"ed on the .round with no )a"an e> The )"ow shou"d )e de"i!ered hori=onta""y dri!in. into the ear* 7/ The mastoid is "o ated dire t"y )ehind the ear"o)e* It is the re essed area where the sku"" meets the ne k* It is fi""ed with air (o kets whi h are used to ommuni ate with the midd"e ear* A thrust shou"d not )e used? rather a(("y (ressure with a nu k"e or thum)nai" in an u(ward dire tion* Pro"on.ed (ressure ou"d ause dama.e to the auditory system* 8/ @nown more ommon"y as the nose the se(ta" arti"a.e is the had su)stan e that makes u( the nose* Two strikes are used here for different measures II0A / a hori=onta" strike ausin. )reaka.e of the se(ta" arti"a.e and nasa" )one whi h ru(tures the an.u"ar !ein (rodu in. a "ot of )"ood a"on. with .reat (ain+ howe!er+ not enou.h to sto( some atta kers II0D / an u(ward %6 de.ree strike for in. the se(ta" arti"a.e throu.h the interna" nasa" a!ity and rista .a""i #a sma"" )one formation )etween the nasa" a!ity 3 the )rain$ into the )rain* Death wou"d )e instantaneous )e ause of om(ression of the )rain* 9/ This is "o ated )eneath the nose and a)o!e the "i(s* It is the area )etween the - "ines runnin. from the nose to u((er "i(* Aany of the fa ia" ner!es run throu.h this area* A dire t hit wou"d ause the sensory fi)ers to re"ay the sho k to the (ons+ ausin. di==iness* A hit wou"d a"so ause dama.e to the ma<i""a )one whi h ho"ds the .ums 3 teeth* This ou"d ause e<tensi!e )"eedin. (osi)"y s arin. the !i tim a)out the )"ood "oss* A strai.ht )"ow in needed to a hie!e this aimin. towards the )a k of the head* :/ This is the 'oint that ho"ds the 'aw )one in ("a e* It onne ts with the sku"" in front of the ear* The 'oint is rea""y made u( of - se(arate 'oints+ thus dis"o ation an )e uni"atera" or )i"atera"* Bith a %6 de.ree downward strike #(refera)"y with the mouth o(en$ wi"" dis"o ate the

mandi)"e #'aw )one$* An easier way to )reak the )one is to strike the 'oint itse"f or anywhere on the 'aw )one rea""y whi"e the head is turned to one side or the other* This redu es the a)sor)tion of the )"ow )y the ne k* This method re,uires the "east amount of for e* 5;/ The madi)"e is the 'aw )one and of ourse the ti( is "o ated on the !ery end of the hin* 2o<ers use this (oint for a ,ui k @*O* Hittin. this area sends a sho k snesor to the ere)e""um ausin. un ons iousness* Hit this (oint with an u(ward )"ow* 55/ This is the area at the fronta" sides of the ne k* The sterno "eidomastoid mus "es run from )ehind the ear down to the "a!i "e )ones* 2eneath these mus "es "ie the 'u.u"ar !ein and artoid artery whi h su(("y )"ood to the heart 3 )rain* This are is !ery sensiti!e* Try (okin. yourse"f there* A medium strike resu"ts in di==iness* A more for efu" )"ow ou"d )"ister+ swe""+ o""a(se+ or )urst 5 or )oth of the )"ood "ines* This ou"d easi"y ause death )e ause of "a k of o<y.en to the heart or )rain* A strike shou"d )e done on an u(s"o(in. ("ane at %6 de.rees on either side of the hin in the ne k area* 5-/ Referred to as the wind(i(e or throat? is "o ated in the enter (ortion of the ne k* This is a tu)u"ar (assa.e runnin. from the mouth to the stoma h 3 "un.s* Bhen a strai.ht on )"ow is de"i!ered the thyroid arti"a.e #Adam's a(("e#the "um( in your throat$$ and the hya"ine arti"a.e #ho"d the wind(i(e in a y"inder sha(e$ are (ushed throu.h the "aryn< and1or tra hea resu"tin. in )"ood drownin. or (artia" or om("ete o)stru tion of the !ita" air (assa.es* The arti"a.es a t as uttin. de!i es* 5&/ The mus "e is the one that runs from the )ase of the ne k to shou"der* It raises u( on most (eo("e* The )ra hia" ("e<us is a ner!e whi h su(("ies info a)out the shou"der 3 arm down to the wrist* It throu.h the tra(e=ius* Strikin. the tra(e=ius #from either front or with a downward %6 de.ree motion ou"d (ara"y=e the arm 3 shou"der tem(orari"y* the enter runs )a k$

Bith a ma<imun )"ow un ons iousness 3 (ara"ysis

ou"d )e attained*

5%/ This "ies )etween the o""ar)ones? it onne ts them* A )"ow here ou"d dis"od.e the o""ar)ones from the sternum+ o""a(sin. the shou"ders* 2ut there are )etter tar.ets )ehind the sternum* Su h as the aorta+ the su(erior !ena a!a #ma'or )"ood "ines to the )rain$+ and the tra hea a"" these (ass dire t"y )ehind the sternum* A for efu" )"ow wou"d fo""ow these rea tions / dis"od.e )oth "a!i "es from the sternum+ the sternum wou"d s("it+ the - "a!i "es 3 sternum wou"d )e for ed a.ainst or (un ture the aorta and !ena a!a+ the arti"a.es 3 )ones wou"d then )e for ed a.ainst or (un ture the tra hea* The strike shou"d )e de"i!ered at a downward %6 de.ree an."e* The su(rasterna" not h is a AACOR death tar.et* 56/ This is the )one on ea h side of the )ody that runs from the shou"der to the enter of the hest* It su((orts the shou"der so )reakin. a "a!i "e # o""ar)one$ wou"d resu"t in the o""a(se of the shou"der* It is (ossi)"e for the )roken )one to (un ture a "un. or (ossi)"y the heart or one of the thin.s mentioned in D5%* A sim("e )reak wou"d immo)i"i=e the !i tim due to stru tura" dama.e 3 (ain* An inward 3 down motion shou"d )e used when atta kin. a"so at %6 de.rees* That on "udes Part I* I ho(e you ha!e "earned from this "esson in human anatomy* P"ease use this information wise"y for I take no res(onsi)i"ities in the misuse of these fa ts* This was intended for informationa" (ur(oses on"y* That mean I don't rea""y e<(e t you to .o out and )eat the he"" out of someone #un"ess they need it>$*

Today's !a"ua)"e "esson is on the !u"nera)"e s(ots of the human )ody* Ty(i a""y the human )ody is di!ided into three ki""in. re.ions* The head and ne k+ the trunk+ and the "im)s* 2e"ow is a "istin. of the most !u"nera)"e (arts in ea h re.ion* Head and Ne k 0000000000000 Trunk 00000 Eim)s 00000

a* )* * d* e* f* .* h* i* '*

eyes nose adam's a(("e tem("e side of ne k na(e u((er "i( ears )ase of throat hin

a* )* * d* e* f* .* h*

.roin so"ar ("e<us s(ine kidney o""ar )one f"oatin. ri)s stoma h arm(it

a* )* * d* e* f* .*

inste( of foot ank"e knee shou"der e")ow wrist fin.ers

A"" the s(ots a)o!e are e<treme"y sensiti!e to ki""in. )"ows* A word of aution these s(ots shou"d on"y )e atta ked if you are intent on doin. serious )odi"y dama.e* He""> if your readin. this then you want to fu k someone o!er anyway* A"so+ when (ra ti in. )"ows to these areas with a trainin. (artner )e sure to strike "i.ht"y unti" you master the maneu!ers* In future arti "es we wi"" dis uss in detai" the e<a t methods of strikin. the !u"nera)"e areas* Eook for our ne<t fi"e on Head and Ne k @i""in. Te hni,ues* S(e ia" thanks to Poor Aans Cames 2ond for (ro!idin. us with hours of amusement* ount"ess

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