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Facultad de Ing.

de petrleo gas Natural y petroqumica

Alumno: Pinedo Rodrguez Jorge R. Profesor: Ing. edano !urso: "ransporte de #idrocar$uros.


(.)&. It is desired to design a heater treater for a lease with the following production: Oil production = 240 stb/day Water production =160 bbl/day Oil gravity = 0.802 Water gravity= 1.05 E ulsion =10 per cen o! "ater production #lo"ing te perature = 100 $# %reating te perature = 140 $# #lo"ing pressure = 15 psig &peci!ic 'eat o! oil = 0.50 (tu/lb/ $# &peci!ic 'eat o! "ater = 1.0 (tu/lb/ $# %ype o! e ulsion = ediu tig't &ettling ti e = 180 in. d) What is the water heating load on the firebox) *!ual es la carga de agua caliente en el fire$o+,

W= *densidad del agua+.* speci!ic gravity o! "ater+.* ,-production "ater+.42 W1= *8..4+-*1.05+-*20,-160/24+-42 W1= 245.1/6 lb/'r. 0 =W-1p-2%

01= 245.1/6-1- *1403100+ = /804.452 (tu/'r 5pta6 e) What is the total heating load on the firebox? *!ual es la carga total caliente en el fire$o+, W2= * densidad del agua +.* speci!ic gravity o! "ater+.* ,-production "ater+.42 W2= 8..4-0.802-240/24-42 = 280/.2456 lb/'r.

02 =W-1p-2% 02 = 280/.2456 lb/'r.-1-40 = 56184./12 (tu/'r 7or lo tanto el calor total es la su a del petr8leo 9 agua caliente.. 01902 = */804.452 9 56184./12+ (tu/'r = 65//2.545 (tu/'r 5pta..

f) -Determine the heat load required if the heat loss factor is 20 per cent -Determine la carga de calor total requerida si el factor de perdida de calor es el 20 ! - 7ara prevenir las perdidas de calor se le su aria el 20, al calor total del calentador en este caso seria: 100, 9 20 , = 120, Osea : 120,- 65//2.452 = 4/1/1..02 (tu/'r 5pta..

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