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IMPORTANT - Carefully read all the terms and conditions of this agreement before installing this software package.

Installing this package indicates your acceptance of theses terms and conditions. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, contact LINDO ystems Inc., !O "o# $%&'($, Chicago, IL, )*)$%, for instructions on return of this package for a refund. LINDO Systems License Agreement ub+ect to the following terms and conditions, LINDO ystems Inc. ,LINDO- hereby grants to you a non-e#clusi.e license to use the LINDO ystems Inc. software program ,the / O012345/- contained on the enclosed media and related documentation. Software License License 5#cept as set forth below, LINDO grants to you the right to use the O012345 on any single computer. 6ou may also install a copy for your e#clusi.e use on either a home computer or portable computer. 6ou may store or install a copy of the O012345 on a storage, such as a network, used only to install or run the O012345 an internal network7, you must ac8uire and dedicate a license for each indi.idual who will use the O012345. If the license is installed on a network or other system that physically allows shared access to the O012345, you agree to pro.ide technical or procedural methods to pre.ent use of the O012345 by indi.iduals not specifically licensed to use the O012345 pursuant to this 3greement. Transfer 1he O012345 may be transferred to a single recipient on a permanent basis pro.ided you retain no copies of the O012345 nor documentation ,including backup or copies- and the recipient agrees to the terms and conditions of this license agreement. 3t the time of the transfer of the O012345, you must transfer all media and documentation including any updated media and documentation. Copyright 1he O012345 and its related documentation are copyrighted and protected by 9 copyright laws and international treaty pro.isions. 6ou may not use, copy, modify, or transfer the O012345 or related documentation e#cept as e#pressly pro.ided in the license agreement or with written permission of LINDO ystems Inc. Restrictions Against Distribution 6ou may not distribute, lease, sublease, rent, or sublicense the O012345 or related documentation without written permission of LINDO ystems, Inc. Limite !arranty LINDO ystems Inc. warrants that the enclosed media and the copy of the related documentation to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from receipt of your payment. Due to the inherent comple#ity of computer programs and mathematical models, the O012345 and your mathematical models may not be completely free of errors. 6ou are ad.ised to .erify your answers before basing decisions on them. N"IT#"R LINDO S$ST"MS INC% NOR AN$ON" ASSOCIAT"D !IT# T#" CR"ATION& PROD'CTION& OR DISTRI('TION O) T#" SO)T!AR" MA*"S AN$ OT#"R "+PR"SS"D !ARRANTI"S R",ARDIN, T#" M"DIA OR DOC'M"NTATION AND MA*"S NO !ARRANTI"S AT ALL& "IT#"R "+PR"SS"D OR IMPLI"D& R",ARDIN, T#" SO)T!AR"& INCL'DIN, ('T NOT LIMIT"D TO IMPLI"D !ARRANTI"S O) M"RC#ANTA(ILIT$& )ITN"SS )OR A PARTIC'LAR P'RPOS" OR OT#"R!IS"% Reme y LINDO:s entire liability and your e#clusi.e remedy for breach of this Limited 2arrant shall be, at LINDO:s Option, either return of the price paid or replacement of defecti.e media or documentation. In no e.ent shall LINDO ystems Inc. be liable for any damages including but not limited to loss of profit, data, or direct, indirect, special or conse8uential damages, e.en if LINDO has been specifically ad.ised of the possibility of such damages. ,enera1his agreement you specific rights, and you may also ha.e other rights that .ary from state to state. 1his License 3greement is go.erned by, and shall be construed in accordance with, the laws of the tate of Illinois.

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