Random Short Story

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Where the heck am I? I was still in the town square, but it looked different.

There were no car horns, no exhaust fumes, no neon signs. Even the people looked different: no one was texting or listening to their iPods or talking on their Bluetooths. The only thing that was the same was Aleck. He looked the same, the same intense expression that he always had after we kiss. Okay, amendment, where the heck are we? Oh no, he said, looking around. This was not supposed to happen. Not now. He turned to me, regret clearly etched on his face. Im so, so sorry. I must be dreaming, thats it, Im dreaming, I laughed. Excuse me, I said, turning to a woman who was passing us. Her clothes looked like something from Star Trek mixed with Robin Hood. Excuse me, but where are the cars, the electricity? She turned to face me, her expression a mixture of disbelief and confusion. Electricity? she giggled. Where are you from, Earth? We havent used electricity for thousands of years! Electricity! She shook her head and continued on her way. No electricity? What do they use then? Where on earth are we? I turned to Aleck. Um, nowhere, actually. He came closer to me, putting my hand in his. Were not on earth. And they dont use electricity, they use magic. Welcome to Htrea.

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