Amrita Bhasin Resume

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Amrita Bhasin

Tel: (647) 995-9256 Email: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Objective Seeking a re ar!ing " challenging #o$ition a$ a cabin cre member to #ro%i!e e&cellent c'$tomer $er%ice " ho$#italit( $kill$ " im#lementing $trong kno le!ge on #a$$enger $a)et(. Jobs Cibc Bank *ea! +'$tomer Ser%ice ,e#re$entati%e Se#tember 2-./-0re$ent +'$tomer Ser%ice ,e#re$entati%e Se#tember 2-..- Se#tember 2-./ Tim Hortons S'#er%i$or 1o%ember 2-.-- 2'g'$t 2-.2 Store 3ront an! 4ri%e-thr' ca$hier 5arch 2-.--6ctober 2-.Paid Co-op Eaton *all 7nn " +on)erence +enter ,ece#tion8 *o'$ekee#ing8 To'r 9'i!e 5a( 2-.-- 2'g'$t 2-.Unpaid Co-op E&ten!e! Sta( 4el'&e *otel 2$$i$te! the 4irector o) Sale$ 5a( 2-.-- 6ctober 2-.3ront !e$k (check-in$8 check-o't$8 room to'r$) Hospitality Experience Seneca +ollege :'ncheon 2#ril 2-.. 2ro'n! the orl! in 45 5in'te$ 0lanne!8 markete! an! organi;e! ith the l'ncheon e%ent. The !a( o) the e%ent a$ the ho$te$$ Seneca 2-.. +areer 3air 3ebr'ar( 2-.. 6rgani;e! the regi$tration !e#artment an! ran the regi$tration team the !a( o) the e%ent Education Seneca +ollege-To'ri$m " Tra%el: 3light Ser%ice$ 2 (ear 4i#loma 0rogram- antici#ate! $'cce$$)'l com#letion $#ring 2-.4 Se#tember 2-.2- 0re$ent 9ra!'ate )rom Seneca +ollege-*o$#italit( 5anagement: *otel an! ,e$ta'rant 2 (ear 4i#loma #rogram Se#tember 2--9- 2#ril 2-.. Languages - Engli$h - 0'n<abi - *in!i Certificates - Smart Ser%e +erti)icate - 3oo! *an!ler$ +erti)icate - 3ir$t 2i! an! +0, Training +erti)icate - 4ine like a 4i#lomat +erti)icate - T7+6 +erti)icate !ills - E&cellent comm'nication $kill$ - E&cellent c'$tomer $er%ice $kill$ - Enth'$ia$tic moti%ate! $el)-$tarter ith a $trong !e$ire to learn - 0ro)e$$ional a##earance8 attit'!e an! !emeanor - 6rgani;e! " creati%e - 2ble to gra$# ne conce#t$ )airl( ='ickl( - 2!a#table to change - 3le&ible Computer !ills - 2ble to '$e com#'ter an! com#'ter e='i#ment an! $o)t are - 5icro$o)t o))ice 2-.- >in!o $ ?i$ta " 5ac $o)t are
"eferences Available #pon "e$uest

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