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Problems Involving Circles

Problem 1
From the point (7,1) , two tangents can be drawn to the circle 2 + 2 = 25. Write an equation of each tangent line.

Any line containing (7,1) has an eqn. of the form: 1 = 7 + = The dist. bet. the line and center of the circle is r = 5
5= 0 0 7 + 1 2 + (1)2

1 7

2 + 1

5 2 + 1 = 1 7 + = +


= +

Problem 2
A circle of radius 7 has its center in QII on the line y = -x. Write an eqn. of this circle if it is tangent to the line y = 3x/4. Line of Center

Tangent Line

The C is in QII and on y = -x, so C = (-a,a) The circle is tangent to y = 3x/4 and with r = 7. Hence, d of C and TL is 7. 3 4() 7= 32 + (4)2 Solving for a = 5 The eqn. of circle is ( + ) +( ) =

Line of Center

Tangent Line

Problem 3
A circle of radius 5 has its center in QI on the line y = 2x + 1. Write an eqn. of this circle if it is tangent to the line y = -2x + 1.

Problem 4
Write an equation of the line tangent to the circle 2 + 2 = 100 at the point (-6,8).

Problem 5
Find the equation of the circle that passes through the point (9,7) and is tangent to both the y-axis and the line 3x -4y = 24.

Problem 6
The circle is tangent to the line 2x 3y = 3 at the point (2,1) and the center is on the y axis. Find its equation.

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