Eld 375 Math Lesson 1 Word2

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Kellie Rattigan ELD 375-01 Dr. Bulgar October 22, 2013 Math Le on !lan Grade Intended: Kin"ergarten Standard#$$%%.Math.$ontent.K.MD.B.3 $la i&' ob(ect into gi)en categorie * count the nu+ber o& ob(ect in each categor' an" ort the categorie b' count Rationale: ,hi le on &ocu e on the orting an" tall'ing the nu+ber o& grou- that are orte". ,he ob(ecti)e con i"ere" in the le on align .ith tan"ar"# $$%%.Math.$ontent.K.MD.B.3. ,he' .ill be +atching )ariou /ac0-o-lantern -u+-0in &ace an" then count an" recor" the nu+ber o& &ace -er grou-. 1 cho e thi t'-e o& le on becau e it &it into the curriculu+ at thi ti+e. 2 &or their learning -rogre ion, tu"ent .ill be learning about -attern ne3t unit o thi o&&er a goo" o--ortunit' to gain o+e nee"e" 0ill to recogni4e i+ilaritie an" "etail . Objective: B' the en" o& thi le on tu"ent .ill be able to accuratel' &or+ grou- o& /ac0-olantern &ace ba e" on i+ilar &eature .ith their grou- an" then organi4e the nu+ber o& each 5b' tall'ing6 in a .or0 heet chart -ro)i"e". ,he' .ill be orting, counting, an" then "eci"ing .hich &ace ha" the +o t -u+-0in a connecte" to the tan"ar"# $$%%.Math.$ontent.K.MD.B.3. Lesson Progression: 7 1n or"er to intro"uce the le on an" engage +' tu"ent , 1 .ill be rea"ing a 8uic0 tor' to the+ title", Pumpkin Eye b' Deni e 9le+ing. ,hi rh'+ing boo0 allo. &or tu"ent -artici-ation a .ell a ca-turing their attention .ith the color&ul illu tration . 2l o, the boo0 &eature /ac0o-lantern .hich i the holi"a' the+e to the le on. 7 2&ter the rea"-alou", 1 .ill recall an" a 0 tu"ent to recogni4e the )ariou &ace each o& the -u+-0in ha" 5a 0 tu"ent to recall -eci&ic &ace the' notice"6. ,hen intro"uce that the le on:acti)it' .ill be &ocu e" on orting /ac0-o-lantern an" tall'ing:recor"ing ho. +an' o& each the' ha" in their grou-; bag. 7 ,heir -rior 0no.le"ge gi)e the+ an in&or+e" i"ea o& ho. to ort the &ace , ho.e)er 1 .ill +o"el to the+ ho. the ta 0 houl" be "one on an ea el. ,he le on .ill -rogre accor"ing to the &ollo.ing te- # 1.6 <ather tu"ent to the car-et, itting in circle -ot . 1 .ill it in the circle .ith +' baggie o& )ariou /ac0-o-lantern &ace that 1;)e create", cut out, an" ran"o+l' -lace" in bag 5no bag ha a+e a+ount o& a certain &ace6. 2.6 2&ter -rea"ing the -u+-0in o tu"ent can )ie., 1 .ill a 0 the+ to hel- +e ort the+ b' &acial e3-re ion. 3.6 On the ea el, 1 .ill re-licate the table that .ill be on the tu"ent ; .or0 heet an" a 0 tu"ent to hel- +e tall' the nu+ber in each grou- that 1 ha)e orte".

=.6 9inall', 1 .ill &acilitate a hort "i cu ion on .hich &ace ha" the +o t -u+-0in in the bag an" .hich ha" the lea t. 5Were t ere !aces t at ad more in t e bag t an ot ers"# 5.6 %tu"ent are alrea"' grou-e" b' table nu+ber 5about = to 5 tu"ent in a grou-6 an" >,able ?el-er @ .ill be a 0e" to retrie)e a bag o& -u+-0in &or their table a .ell a .or0 heet &or each +e+ber o& the grou-. A.6 %tu"ent .ill be in tructe" to co+-lete the ta 0 a 1 ha" +o"ele" &or the+. 7 ?o. the tu"ent re -on" "uring the +o"eling .ill in&luence ho. +uch ti+e 1 -en" e3-laining the ta 0 that the' .ill nee" to "o. 1 a+ +o t concerne" .ith their abilit' to ta0e the grou- the' ha)e orte" an" recor" it in their chart in tall' +ar0 &or+. %tu"ent .ill nee" to -a' attention clo e to "etail on the -u+-0in &ace in or"er to correctl' ort the grou- . 7 During the acti)it', 1 .ill be .al0ing aroun" hel-ing grou- an" 0ee-ing the+ on ta 0. 2 0in"ergartener , the' are ea il' ta0en o&& ta 0 b' each other, there&ore clo e +onitoring i ine)itable,ho.e)er, 1 .ill onl' inter)ene in tu"ent collaboration i& ab olutel' nece ar'. 7 $losing: Bring tu"ent bac0 to car-et. 2 0 .hich -u+-0in &ace each grou- ha" the +o t o&, an" a a cla , .e can +a0e a bar chart to ho. another .a' to organi4e "ata an" intro"uce a to-ic that can &urther be tu"ie" throughout the 'ear. 1& 1 "eci"e to not u e the bar chart 5i& tu"ent &oun" tallie "i&&icult 1 .ill 8uic0l' "eci"e not to -ur ue the bar chart6, 1 .ill u e the "i cu ion about .hat each grou- &oun" in their orting a a clo ing to the le on in tea". %o+e 8ue tion &or "i cu ion# W at ot er t ings can %e sort" In % at ot er %ays could you sort pumpkins i! t ey did not ave !aces carved into t em" W at %ay %as easiest !or your group to sort" Ot er $onsiderations 7 Material # 7 ea el 5either .hiteboar" or -a-er6 7 = -la tic bag o& a orte" cut out con truction -a-er /ac0-o-lantern .ith 3-5 "i&&erent &ace 5inclu"e an e3tra to +o"el .ith6 7 .or0 heet that inclu"e a table:chart &or tu"ent to tall' each -u+-0in &ace B 1 create" thi le on a an e3ten ion o& a orting acti)it' that 1 ob er)e" .ith button in +' current 0in"ergarten -lace+ent, there&ore 1 "o not ha)e a ource. 1 a"(u te" a ne. le on &ro+ an i"ea 1 a. an" +a"e it connect to ?allo.een. 1 a""e" the tall' chart becau e +' tu"ent are e3-o e" to it "ail' .ith a .eather chart, o 1 "eci"e" to incor-orate it into the orting acti)it' to +a0e it a little +ore challenging. B 2 &or cla roo+ +anage+ent, 1 "eci"e" to "o a +o"ele" le on all together o e)er' tu"ent recei)e" the a+e in&or+ation &ro+ +e. 1 .ante" to u e +all grou- &or thi ta 0 becau e +' cla ha tu"ent ranging &ro+ tho e on a &ir t gra"e le)el &or +ath to )er' lo. abilit' le)el. 1 .ant tu"ent to be able to e3-lore the to-ic together an" .or0 collaborati)el'.


B 1 belie)e that tu"ent .ill re -on" )er' e3cite" to the rea"-alou" becau e the' lo)e to -artici-ate an" act li0e the';re rea"ing .ith +e. %ince 1 ha)e &our ELL tu"ent , it i i+-ortant that the' re+ain engage" e)en i& the' cannot recogni4e +an' letter or .or" . B 1 .ill be .al0ing aroun" to en ure that all tu"ent are .or0ing together e8uall' becau e "ue to the range o& abilit' le)el , +' tu"ent ten" to loo0 to their -eer &or an .er i& the' "o not 0no.. B 1;)e -ro)i"e" the .or0 heet .ith a -h' ical chart &or tu"ent that ha)e a har" ti+e )i uali4ing the a+ount o& -u+-0in in each grou- i+-l' b' taring at the+. ,he' .ill be able to count an" recor" the+ an" b' u ing the chart a a tool, recall &act about .hat the' ha)e &oun". Cariou .a' to re-re ent the nu+ber o& -u+-0in .ill hel- tu"ent co+-rehen" ea ier. B ,he actual -u+-0in cut out are the +ani-ulati)e the' .ill be u ing to hel- the+ count out each -u+-0in &or each grou- &or han" on learning tu"ent . 2ll o& +' tu"ent .ill be able to co+-lete thi ta 0 .ith the gi)en .or0 heet. Perspective B ,hi le on allo. tu"ent o& 0in"ergarten age to collect an" anal'4e "ata. ,he "ata .ill helthe+ an .er the t.o general 8ue tion at the en" o& the .or0 heet an" enable tu"ent to -artici-ate in clo ing "i cu ion on the car-et. 2ll o& their olution .ill ba e" "irectl' on the "ata the';)e collecte" b' orting their -u+-0in . B ,he le on i "e igne" &or tu"ent to .or0 in +all grou- rather than a .hole grouin truction tran itione" into an in"i)i"ual a ign+ent. 1 .ill not be inter)ening .ith +all grou- unle nee"e" becau e 1 .ill be +o"eling ho. to "o the ta 0 .ith the cla be&orehan". ,he tu"ent houl" be +a0ing connection an" anal'4ing "ata on their o.n .ith their -eer . 'ssessment B ,he co+-letion o& the .or0 heet .ill "e+on trate their abilit' to tall' the &ace an" un"er tan" the i+-ortance to recor"ing "ata. B ,hrough ob er)ation 1 .ill be +a0ing .hile the';re collaborating, 1 .ill be able to ee i& tu"ent un"er tan" ho. to ort accor"ing to "etail an" the a--l' that to the chart.

(S')PLE WOR*S+EE,- real one %ill include more !aces#

.')E ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Pumpkin #1

Pumpkin #2

Pumpkin #3

7 W ic Pumpkin 0ace ad t e greatest number in your bag"

7 W ic Pumpkin 0ace ad t e least number in your bag"

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