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1. Creators Name (author, painter, sculptor, etc.): Anonymous 100 C.E.

2: Creations Title: Hindu Women: The Laws of Manu 3. What does the title suggest to you? Because this reading is found in Identity, Privilege, and Inequalities; I can assume the title suggests that Hindu women have different laws or standards, privileges, and customs when compared to Hindu men or other women in different cultures or religions. 4. In your own words give a brief description/summary of the work (your object here will be to describe the work to someone who doesnt know it). Should be 150-200 words This readings is a literal list of laws or expectations for a Hindu women. Because their religion is strict, the expectations are considered laws laws of God. These laws are based on womens relationship with men. That women should not be independent, and always depend on men; whether its their father, husband, or son. Whoever she is married to, she should obey; and only live to please men even after her husband passed his away. She should not cohabit with any other man. If a Hindu women obeys these laws, she will be rewarded from God and when she dies, her reward is that she can be with her husband again. 5. What questions do you have about the work? This reading makes me questions what laws women in other religions have to obey? I wonder if there is a religions that doesnt put men above women? I also wonder if these laws are still as strict to this day?

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