Project On BSNL

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1. 2. 3. Acknowledgement INTRODUCTION BSNL SERVICE

4. C !tome" Rel#t$on!%$& '#n#gement 'AR(ETIN) STRATER)* '#"ket$ng O+,ect$-e '#"ket$ng ."oce!! Soc$#l Re!&on!$+$l$t/ 0. CONSU'ER SERVICE Com&l#$nt! 1#ndl$ng Com&l#$nt!2 A C"$t$c#l 3o"m o4 Comm n$c#t$on

5%/ $! Com&l#$nt! 1#ndl$ng Im&o"t#nt6 Com&l#$nt! '#n#gement S/!tem2 '#n#gement7! Role C !tome" Retent$on St"#teg/2 Co!t! #nd S#-$ng! Com&l#$nt 1#ndl$ng St#44

. +l$c$8$ng t%e C !tome" Com&l#$nt '#n#gement S/!tem T%$"d9&#"t/ D$!& te Re!ol t$on B#!$c Ste&! 4o" E44ect$-e Com&l#$nt '#n#gement Com&l#$nt '#n#gement S/!tem Concl !$on! Com&l#$nt '#n#gement S/!tem C%eckl$!t

:. ;. <.


Acknowledge ment
Success of every project depends largely on the SELF & encouragement and guidance of many others. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the people who have een instrumental in the successful completion of this study project.

First of fall I would like to thank the !anagement at "S#L for giving me the opportunity to do my two$month project training in their esteemed organi%ation. Internal &uide' for providing me with valua le advice and endless supply of new ideas and support for this project.

I would like to thank !rs. (u y !am for providing practical exposure for the project and his valua le guidance during the project work.

"harat Sanchar #igam Limited (known as "S#L, India Communications Corporation Limited) is a public sector telecommunication company in India. "harat Sanchar #igam Ltd. formed in *cto er. /000. is 1orld2s 3th largest )elecommunications -ompany providing comprehensive range of telecom services in India4 1ireline. -+!5 mo ile. &S! !o ile. Internet. "road and. -arrier service. !6LS$76#. 7S5). 7oI6 services. I# Services etc. 1ithin a span of five years it has ecome one of the largest pu lic sector unit in India. "S#L has installed 8uality )elecom #etwork in the country and now focusing on improving it. expanding the network. introducing new telecom services with I-) applications in villages and wining customer2s confidence. )oday. it has a out 93.: million line asic telephone capacity. 9 million 1LL capacity. /0.; !illion &S! -apacity. more than :3:</ fixed exchanges. ;<000 ")S. /<3 Satellite Stations. 9<0;=> (km of *F-a le. >:3:0 (km of !icrowave #etwork connecting >0/ +istricts. 3::0 cities?towns and @.@ Lakhs villages. It is India's largest telecommunication company with 24% market share as on March !, 2""#. Its head$uarters are

at %harat &anchar %hawan, 'arish (handra Mathur )ane, *anpath, +ew ,elhi. It has the status o- Mini Ratna, a status assigned to reputed public sector companies in India. %&+) is India's oldest and largest (ommunication & /ro.ider ((&/). (urrently has a customer base o- 0 million as o- *une 2""#. It has -ootprints throughout India e1cept -or the metropolitan cities o- Mumbai and +ew ,elhi which are managed by M2+). 2o look -or details and to collect data -or my pro3ect I worked in %.&.+.) 4--ice to gather -ull in-ormation about the system and working o- whole region and -ound out the -acts about .arious processes adopted by reliance to pay its ad.isors and the time period taken -or this study are 2 months


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'#"ket$ng !t"#teg$e! o4 BSNL

Marketing vision of the BSNL has to be based on overall mission and vision of the organization. The mission of BSNL is i. ii. 2o pro.ide world class &tateAo-Aart technology telecom ser.ices on demand at a--ordable price. 2o pro.ide world class telecom in-rastructure to de.elop country's economy.

And the vision of BSNL is

i. To become the largest telecom Service Provider in Southeast Asia. In d namic environment an thing !ermanent is "#$AN%&'. So (e must revise and revie( so that focus is never lost.

'#"ket$ng O+,ect$-e
The ultimate ob)ective of an marketing activit is to satisf the customers and toda even a ste! ahead i.e. *delighting+ the customers, for (hich customers are offered something be ond their e-!ectations from the service or the !roduct. The ob)ective being to ac.uire and retain the customers, (ho should continuall feel that the are getting more value of the mone , the are de!arting (ith. Marketing is the establishment, develo!ment, maintenance and o!timization of long/term mutuall valuable relationshi!s bet(een consumers and organisation. Successful Marketing focuses on understanding the needs and desires of the customers and is achieved b !lacing these needs at the heart of business b integrating them (ith the organisation strateg , !eo!le, technolog and business !rocesses. At its most basic, Marketing involves customers, organisations and relationshi!s and the combination creates the need for the management. Marketing is about creating a com!etitive advantage b being the best at understanding, communicating, and delivering and develo!ing e-isting customer relationshi!s in addition to creating and kee!ing ne( customers. The conce!t of the !roduct life c cle is giving (a to customer life c cle, focusing on develo!ing !roducts that antici!ate the future needs of e-isting customers and creating services that

e-tend the e-isting customer relationshi! be ond the mere transaction. The customer life c cle (ill focus on lengthening the life s!an of the customer (ith the organisation rather than the endurance of a !articular !roduct. #ustomers have changing needs as their life st les alter/ the develo!ment and !rovision of !roducts and0or services that continuousl seek to satisf those needs is good Marketing. The Marketing (ill focus greater attention on ho( to deliver customer satisfaction and organisation (ill begin to structure itself around customer segments and not !roduct lines. A good Marketing Strateg (ill take the business vision and a!!l it to the customer base. "Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satis ! individ"a# and organi$ationa# o%&ectives.

1nce marketing is understood, (e can define 'ar(eting 'anage'ent )rocess as anal zing marketing o!!ortunities, researching and selecting target markets, designing marketing strategies, !lanning marketing !rograms, and organizing, im!lementing, and controlling the marketing efforts. In sim!le (ords it im!lies a bu er, a seller, bonded b the mutual need, satisf ing offer and a medium0!rocess to e-change the offer.

'#"ket$ng ."oce!!

2e often talk of marketing 3 Sales and often use it interchangeabl (ithout understanding the difference in it. Marketing is ever thing (e do to get and leverage a client relationshi!. '#"ket$ng &"oce!! $! +"o#d #nd $ncl de! #ll o4 t%e 4ollow$ng2 9

D$!co-e"$ng w%#t c !tome"! w#nt.

&"od ct= w$t%

!e"-$ce t%e



."od c$ng # &"od ct 4e#t "e! #nd > #l$t/.


."$c$ng t%e &"od ct co""ectl/. ."omot$ng t%e &"od ct? !&"e#d$ng t%e wo"d #+o t w%/ c !tome"! !%o ld + / $t. Sell$ng #nd del$-e"$ng t%e &"od ct $nto t%e %#nd! o4 t%e c !tome".

Soc$#l Re!&on!$+$l$t/
5e we"e t%e mo!t t" !ted telecom +"#nd $n /e#" 2@@3 A 2@@4. 5e %#-e +een g$-en )olden .e#cock #w#"d 4o" Be!t Co"&o"#te Soc$#l "e!&on!$+$l$t/. 1ow c#n we le-e"#ge t%e!e d$!t$nct$on!4 These achievements need to be highlighted through !ublic relation e-ercise like !ress meet. This (ill hel! us in + $ld$ng o " m#"ket$ng $m#ge. In sales and distribution front though (e have over one/lakh retailers, 5666 franchisees, 7766 #S#s, 78666 e-changes (h are (e not visible like others4 2h can+t (e utilize all !ossible s!ace4 #an+t (e leverage o " 4"#nc%$!ee

#nd STD9.CO !t"engt%!4 #an (e make these outlets as our core strength4 2h our recharge cou!ons, India Tele!hone #ards are in shortage (hen there is no ca!acit constraint4 9oes it im!l that our !lanning for !rinting, inventor management, logistics, and su!!l chain and of course franchisee management is inefficient4 9o (e have targets for these )ust like 9&Ls 3 #ell1ne4 2h can+t (e leverage this huge net(ork for better customer care and im!rove collection efficienc 4 2e must realize that (ith (aiver of securit de!osits, no 1:T schemes, no advance rentals, ad)ustment of landline securit for #ell1ne, (e don+t get fi-ed de!osits to meet our funds re.uirements. &ver thing has to be met from 1!erating revenues. 2e need to im!rove collections, realize bills earl , not on the last da of !a ment and reduce bad debts. 5e need to &"o-$de 24B; c lt "e $n o " o"g#n$8#t$on, though (e have been !roviding o!eration and maintenance on ;<=> basis in the !ast and (e (ill continue to !rovide in future too, but (hat about !rovisioning customer care and marketing on ;<=> basis4


understand your organiBation's managers enter re$uisitions, leads e1plained their speci-ic %lack%erry managers the look at theto their own needs, technology, it's about continuous )alent 5cCuisition

needs -rom a work-orce and .iew their pipelines, re$uirements, they gained awithout sense -reedom tocandidate work remotely, impro.ement. look into their own pipeline, and business perspecti.e and then be and get to the reports they need oownership in the solution, and wait -or computer access take action without re$uiring agile enough to -ocus your instantly. they saw to mo.e the recruiting process recruiting strategy to meet those along. administrati.e in.ol.ement. it in a di--erent light. needs is essential

Several Steps have been taken at BSNL to augment the quality of customer care to international standards Access round the clock help at following toll free numbers Dataone Broadband '1600-424-1600' !"# $all $enter '1%00' &in select states'

!ancharnet (elp Desk '1)%*'

$ell+ne all ,ndia (elp ')400024-6%' All B!#. $ustomer !er/ice $enters &$!$s' now remain open on all se/en da0s from 1200 A3 to 1200 3 without an0 break for all acti/ities2 $he4ue deposit machines ha/e also been installed in man0 cities5 so that customers can make pa0ments 246* at their con/enience2 $ustomers can also make pa0ments b0 che4ue7Demand Draft to B!#. franchisees all o/er the countr02 8ith a /iew to simplif0 and offer customer friendl0 ser/ices5 more than one Bfone connections can be applied on a single application form2 Accordingl05 a single demand note would be issued to the customer in respect of all the connections applied for2 !hifting charges for local as well as all ,ndia shifting of fi9ed telephone &bfone' has been abolished2 agers being gi/en to outdoor staff in a phased manner for speed0 rectification of faults2 3a:orit0 of the local network is built up on :ell0

filled and +;$ for trouble free ser/ice2 ,nternal Distribution oints &D s' being pro/ided in the customer premises to eliminate the faults arising out of o/erhead wires2 <9tensi/e use of digital loop carrier &D.$'78ireless in .ocal .oop &8..' s0stem for impro/ing reliabilit0 of e9ternal plant2 =emote .ine >nits &=.>s'2 =emote subscriber >nits &=!>s' being pro/ided e9tensi/el0 to reduce the long lengths of copper cables2 <stablishing call centers across the nation to pro/ide single window solutions and con/enience to customers2 $ountr0wide #etwork 3anagement ? !ur/eillance !0stem &#3!!' to ensure uninterrupted and efficient flow of telecom traffic2 Application ;orms for new connections ha/e been made free of charge for all ser/ices2 rocedure for restoration of telephones disconnected due to non-pa0ment simplified and powers delegated to !econdar0 !witching Area &!!A' heads2 a0ment of telephone bills being recei/ed on !aturda0 and !unda0 through che4ues in $it0 "elecom +ffices &$"+s'2 3ore than one ublic $all +ffice & $+' permitted at the same premises2 @arious application forms and procedures being simplified for new telephone connections5 shifting and third part0 transfer2


1. Com&l#$nt!2 A C"$t$c#l 3o"m o4

Comm n$c#t$on
Com&l#$nt! $! # goldm$ne o4 $n4o"m#t$on Com&l#$nt! o44e" + !$ne!!e! #n o&&o"t n$t/ to co""ect $mmed$#te &"o+lem!. In #dd$t$on= t%e/ 4"e> entl/ &"o-$de con!t" ct$-e $de#! 4o" $m&"o-$ng &"od ct!= #d#&t$ng m#"ket$ng &"#ct$ce!= &g"#d$ng !e"-$ce!= o" mod$4/$ng &"omot$on#l m#te"$#l #nd &"od ct $n4o"m#t$on. 5%$le occ#!$on#l &"o+lem! w$t% !e"-$ce o4 me"c%#nd$!e #"e= to !ome eCtent= $ne-$t#+le= d$!!#t$!4$ed c !tome"! #"e not. Com&#n$e! c#n le#"n to "eco-e" 4"om m$!t#ke!. A good "eco-e"/ c#n t "n #ng"/= 4" !t"#ted c !tome"! $nto lo/#l one!. Recogn$8$ng t%e $m&o"t#nce o4 "e!&ond$ng 4#$"l/ #nd e44$c$entl/ to + /e" d$!#&&o$ntment $n t%e m#"ket&l#ce= m#n/ + !$ne!!e! %#-e e!t#+l$!%ed e44ect$-e #nd $nno-#t$-e !/!tem! 4o" "e!ol-$ng con! me" com&l#$nt!. 5$t%$n #n/ $nd !t"/= t%o!e com&#n$e! w$t% # &o!$t$-e &%$lo!o&%/ #nd # "e& t#t$on 4o" 4#$" com&l#$nt9m#n#gement %#-e # com&et$t$-e edge. A m#n#gement &%$lo!o&%/ t%#t em+"#ce! c !tome" !#t$!4#ct$on #! # &"$m#"/ go#l o4 + !$ne!!= $n!te#d o4 de4end$ng t%e com&#n/ $n t%e 4#ce o4 com&l#$nt!= c#n c%#nge t%e " le! o4 t%e g#me

4o" com&#n$e!. It !%$4t! t%e em&%#!$! 4"om t%e co!t o4 &le#!$ng # c !tome" to t%e -#l e o4 do$ng !o= #nd t" !t! 4"ont9l$ne em&lo/ee! to !e t%e$" , dgment. B"$t$!% A$"w#/!7 c !tome"9"el#t$on! de&#"tment c#n cl#$m to +e # t" e c%#m&$on o4 t%e c !tome". T%e "etent$on "#te #mong t%o!e w%o com&l#$n to c !tome" "el#t$on! %#! mo"e t%#n do +led= w%$le $t! "et "n on $n-e!tment Dt%e -#l e o4 + !$ne!! !#-ed &l ! $nc"e#!ed lo/#lt/ #nd new + !$ne!! 4"om "e4e""#l! "el#t$-e to t%e de&#"tment7! tot#l co!t!E %#! "$!en 2@@F. B"$t$!% A$"w#/! em&lo/ee! #"e ne-e" %#&&/ to %#-e !e"-$ce 4#$l "e! + t #"e e#ge" to %e#" #+o t t%em w%en t%e/ occ " +ec# !e t%e/ know t%#t $gno"#nce $! #n/t%$ng + t +l$!!.

2. 5%/ $! Com&l#$nt! 1#ndl$ng

)ene"#te Lo/#lt/= )oodw$ll #nd 5o"d9o49'o t% +/ t#lk$ng +#ck w%en t%e/ +el$e-e t%e/ %#-e not "ece$-ed t%e$" mone/7! wo"t%= con! me"! g$-e + !$ne!!e! #n o&&o"t n$t/ to co""ect t%e $mmed$#te &"o+lem #nd "e!to"e goodw$ll. EC&e"$ence !%ow! t%#t con! me"! w%o com&l#$n #+o t &"od ct! #nd !e"-$ce! cont$n e to 4"e> ent t%e + !$ne!!e! #nd + / t%e &"od ct! t%e/ com&l#$n #+o t $4 t%e/ +el$e-e t%e com&l#$nt w#! "e!ol-ed 4#$"l/. Re!e#"c% $nto com&l#$nt +e%#-$o" "e-e#l! t%#t onl/ # 4"#ct$on o4 d$!!#t$!4$ed con! me"!

com&l#$n! to + !$ne!! #nd= t%e"e+/= g$-e! t%e com&#n/ #n o&&o"t n$t/ to co""ect t%e &"o+lem. T%e"e $! e-$dence t%#t !ome con! me"! do not com&l#$n +ec# !e t%e/ #"e !ke&t$c#l #+o t + !$ne!!7! w$ll$ngne!! o" #+$l$t/ to "e!ol-e d$!& te! 4#$"l/. Con! me"! !$m&l/ w$t%d"#w t%e$" &#t"on#ge #nd c"$t$c$8e t%e com&#n/ o" t%e &"od ct to ot%e"!. S c% 4$nd$ng! nde"!co"e t%e $m&o"t#nce to + !$ne!! o4 # com&l#$nt m#n#gement !/!tem t%#t $! well9& +l$c$8ed #nd e#!$l/ #cce!!$+le. An n"eg$!te"ed com&l#$nt m#/ do #! m c% %#"m #! one t%#t $! m$!m#n#ged o" not "e!ol-ed. C#"e4 l com&l#$nt m#n#gement c#n !#-e + !$ne!! nw#nted co!t!. 3o" eC#m&le= neg#t$-e wo"d9 o49mo t% & +l$c$t/ 4"om d$!!#t$!4$ed con! me"! me#n! lo!t "e-en e #nd nece!!$t#te! #dd$t$on#l $n-e!tment $n #d-e"t$!$ng to #tt"#ct "e&l#cement c !tome"!. Com&l#$nt! #nd com&l#$nt t"end! tell + !$ne!! %ow to do $t! ,o+ +ette" +/ #le"t$ng m#n#gement to &"o+lem! t%#t need &"om&t #ttent$on #nd co""ect$on. 3 "t%e"mo"e= t%e/ $nd$c#te long9"#nge o&&o"t n$t$e! 4o" &"od ct $nno-#t$on #nd &"o+lem &"e-ent$on. A well9 &l#nned !/!tem 4o" !c"een$ng #nd "eco"d$ng com&l#$nt d#t# c#n &"o-$de + !$ne!! owne"! #nd m#n#ge"! #n!we"! to ! c% $m&o"t#nt > e!t$on! #! t%e 4ollow$ng2 6 A"e &"od ct! Go-e"!oldG o" Go-e" #d-e"t$!ed6G 6 I! #d-e"t$!$ng cle#"l/ nde"!tood6

6 A"e !#le!&eo&le o-e"8e#lo !6

6 Do &"od ct d$!clo! "e! D! c% #! l#+el$ng= w#""#nt/ $n4o"m#t$on #nd !e"-$ce #g"eement!E need to +e $m&"o-ed6 6 A"e !e"7! m#n #l! cle#"= com&lete #nd e#!/9to9 "e#d6 6 5o ld c%#ng$ng w#""#nt/ co-e"#ge "ed ce com&l#$nt!6 6 Com&l#$nt! #l!o &"o-$de $n4o"m#t$on #+o t &"od ct > #l$t/2 A"e t%e"e o&&o"t n$t$e! 4o" &"od ct $m&"o-ement! o" +ette" > #l$t/ cont"ol6 A"e t%e"e $nd$c#t$on! o4 !#4et/ de4ect! t%#t !%o ld +e "e&o"ted #nd co""ected= o" t%#t , !t$4/ # "ec#ll6 To get t%$! -#l #+le 4eed+#ck= com&l#$nt9"e&o"t$ng m !t gene"#te $n4o"m#t$on !w$4tl/ #nd !/!tem#t$c#ll/ to t%e #&&"o&"$#te m#n#ge"! o" de&#"tment!. In$t$#l !c"een$ng !%o ld t"$gge" $mmed$#te #ct$on= w%en nece!!#"/= #nd !t#t$!t$c#l ! mm#"$e! !%o ld $dent$4/ t"end! #nd long9 "#nge co "!e! o4 #ct$on.

3. Com&l#$nt! '#n#gement S/!tem2

'#n#gement7! Role
Demon!t"#te # comm$tment to com&l#$nt! m#n#gement #tt$t de! #"e "e4lected $n t%e cond ct o4 em&lo/ee! #nd t%e &e"4o"m#nce o4 t%e com&#n/. To&9 le-el comm$tment to e44ect$-e com&l#$nt m#n#gement

e!t#+l$!%e! t%e mot$-e #nd $ncent$-e! 4o" #ll &e"!onnel to !t"$-e 4o" con! me" !#t$!4#ct$on. '#n#gement7! "e!&on!$+$l$t/ +eg$n! w$t% t%e &"e&#"#t$on o4 w"$tten &ol$c$e! #nd &"oced "e! 4o" !&eed/ #nd 4#$" com&l#$nt "e!ol t$on. T%e!e &ol$c$e! #nd &"oced "e! !%o ld +e & t $n w"$t$ng #nd comm n$c#ted to #ll #&&"o&"$#te de&#"tment!= em&%#!$8$ng t%e #cco nt#+$l$t/ o4 $nd$-$d #l em&lo/ee! to "e!ol-e com&l#$nt! co "teo !l/ #nd 4#$"l/. Em&lo/ee! w%o!e &"$m#"/ "e!&on!$+$l$t/ $! !#le! o" !e"-$ce= 4o" eC#m&le= m#/ %#-e d$44$c lt/ "e!ol-$ng com&l#$nt! o+,ect$-el/ $4 t%e/ 4eel t%e$" &e"4o"m#nce "#t$ng co ld +e #d-e"!el/ #44ected. I4 m#n#gement e!t#+l$!%e! cle#" l$ne! o4 # t%o"$t/= con! me" &"o+lem! !%o ld +e !ol-ed > $ckl/ #nd e44ect$-el/. '#n#gement !%o ld "eg l#"l/ "e-$ew #nd= w%en nece!!#"/= 4$nd w#/! to $m&"o-e com&l#$nt9 m#n#gement &"oced "e!= &#/$ng &#"t$c l#" #ttent$on to "e4$n$ng comm n$c#t$on #nd coo"d$n#t$on +etween t%e com&l#$nt9m#n#gement #nd o&e"#t$ng de&#"tment!. .e"$od$c ! "-e/! o4 con! me"! w$ll "e-e#l w%et%e" t%e/ 4eel t%e/ %#-e +een well !e"-ed +/ t%e com&l#$nt9&"oce!!$ng &"oced "e!= #nd w%et%e" t%e/ 4$nd t%e com&#n/7! &ol$c$e! on "e4 nd!= "e&#$"!= eCc%#nge! #nd ot%e" 4o"m! o4 "ed"e!! to +e 4#$".

C !tome" Retent$on St"#teg/2 Co!t! #nd S#-$ng!

Com&l#$nt '#n#gement Ret "n on In-e!tment E-en t%o g% # good c !tome" "etent$on !t"#teg/ $nc "!

co!t= !o doe! # +#dl/ &e"4o"med !e"-$ce. No + !$ne!! c#n #44o"d to lo!e c !tome"!= $4 onl/ +ec# !e $t co!t! m c% mo"e to "e&l#ce # c !tome" t%#n $t doe! to "et#$n one 99 4$-e t$me! mo"e= mo!t $nd !t"/ eC&e"t! #g"ee. A c !tome" "eco-e"/ !e"-$ce #llow! # + !$ne!! to !%$4t $t! co!t 4"om con!t#ntl/ co "t$ng new c !tome"! to c tt$ng c !tome" de4ect$on. Al!o kee& $n m$nd t%#t d$!!#t$!4$ed c !tome"! #lmo!t #lw#/! get !t ck w$t% ce"t#$n co!t!2 t%e mone/ t%e/ !&end 4o" &%one c#ll!= t%e t$me t%e/ !&end m#k$ng t%e$" c#!e!= #nd t%e #gg"#-#t$on t%e/ m !t end "e t%"o g%o t. T%e c !tome" le4t !t"#nded on t%e %$g%w#/ +ec# !e %e" c#" w#! not "e&#$"ed &"o&e"l/ m$g%t m$!! #n $m&o"t#nt meet$ng= %#-e to &#/ 4o" # tow t" ck= #nd !&end t$me w#$t$ng 4o" t%e "e&#$" to +e m#de. '#n/ !e"-$ce com&#n$e! con-en$entl/ o-e"look t%e!e %$dden co!t!= + t t%e c !tome" ! "el/ w$ll not. Com&#n$e! known 4o" eCcellent !e"-$ce w$ll go t%e eCt"# m$le to co-e" #ll t%e co!t! # 4#$l "e $nc "! o"= $4 t%e $ncon-en$ence $! !o g"e#t t%#t t%e com&#n/ c#nnot com&letel/ com&en!#te t%e c !tome"= "e!&ond $n # tone t%#t !$gn#l! t%e com&#n/7! "eg"et.


Com&l#$nt 1#ndl$ng St#44

5%#t '#ke! # )"e#t Com&l#$nt '#n#ge"6 Com&l#$nt m#n#ge"! need to +e &#t$ent= #"t$c l#te= #nd #+le to +#l#nce 4#$"l/ t%e $nte"e!t! o4 t%e com&#n/ w$t% t%o!e o4 t%e con! me". T%e/ #l!o !%o ld +e #+le to comm n$c#te leg$t$m#te con! me" com&l#$nt! to

m#n#gement to %el& dete"m$ne w%et%e" t%e"e $! # need 4o" c%#nge! $n com&#n/ &ol$c$e! o" &"oced "e!. All mem+e"! o4 # com&l#$nt9m#n#gement de&#"tment !%o ld +e 4#m$l$#" w$t% t%e o&e"#t$on! o4 t%e com&#n/ #nd w$t% $t! &"od ct! #nd !e"-$ce!. ."$o" eC&e"$ence $n ot%e" de&#"tment! m#/ +e #n #!!et. T"#$n$ng c#n !t"engt%en $nte"-$ew$ng #nd comm n$c#t$on! !k$ll! #nd %e$g%ten t%e !t#447! #w#"ene!! o4 t%e !&ec$#l need! o4 con! me"! 4"om d$44e"ent c lt "#l= econom$c o" ed c#t$on#l +#ckg"o nd!. Al!o= com&l#$nt9 m#n#gement !t#44 !%o ld +e 4#m$l$#" w$t% con! me" &"otect$on l#w! #nd w$t% t%e o&e"#t$on! o4 t%$"d9&#"t/ d$!& te9"e!ol t$on mec%#n$!m! to w%$c% &#"t$c l#"l/ d$44$c lt com&l#$nt! m#/ need to +e "e4e""ed. 3$n#ll/= c !tome"9"el#t$on! &e"!onnel !%o ld %#-e &"o4e!!$on#l !t#t != #de> #te !#l#"$e! #nd o&&o"t n$t$e! 4o" #d-#ncement con!$!tent w$t% t%e $m&o"t#nce m#n#gement #!!$gn! to t%e 4 nct$on.

. +l$c$8$ng t%e C !tome" Com&l#$nt '#n#gement S/!tem V$!$+le #nd Acce!!$+le Com&l#$nt '#n#gement S/!tem
A com&l#$nt m#n#gement !/!tem m !t +e -$!$+le #nd #cce!!$+le $n o"de" to !e"-e con! me"! #nd #ccom&l$!% com&#n/ go#l!. '#n#gement= !#le!= !e"-$ce #nd & +l$c "el#t$on! &e"!onnel !%o ld #ll coo&e"#te to m#ke t%e com&l#$nt !/!tem #cce!!$+le to con! me"!. 1ow to & +l$c$8e t%e com&l#$nt m#n#gement !/!tem2 on &o!te"! #nd !$gn! $n t%e !#le! #nd !e"-$ce #"e#6 On cont"#ct 4o"m! #nd !#le! !l$&!6 In c%#"ge #cco nt m#$l$ng!6 In t%e !e #nd c#"e m#n #l6 In #d-e"t$!$ng 99 /o " com&#n/7! com&l#$nt !/!tem co ld +e t%e t%eme o4 #n #d-e"t$!$ng c#m&#$gn6 On &"od ct &#ck#g$ng #nd l#+el$ng In!t" ct$ng con! me"! o4 t%e$" "e!&on!$+$l$t$e! c#n %el& #-o$d m$! nde"!t#nd$ng! #nd nnece!!#"/ com&l#$nt!. Incl de #d-$ce $n t%e m#te"$#l t%#t #d-e"t$!e! /o " com&l#$nt !/!tem #nd %#-e !#le! #nd !e"-$ce &e"!onnel enco "#ge con! me"! to do t%e 4ollow$ng2 C#"e4 ll/ "e#d &"omot$on#l m#te"$#l #nd &"od ct l$te"#t "e +e4o"e + /$ng. 6 3ollow $n!t" ct$on! $n t%e !e #nd c#"e m#n #l.

6 Unde"!t#nd t%e te"m! o4 !#le Dw#""#nt$e! #nd g #"#ntee!= cont"#ct!= c"ed$t te"m!= "e4 nd &ol$c$e!= #nd !o onE.

T%$"d9&#"t/ D$!& te Re!ol t$on Conc$l$#t$on= 'ed$#t$on #nd A"+$t"#t$on

I4 com&l#$nt! c#nnot +e "e!ol-ed d$"ectl/ +etween t%e con! me" #nd "et#$le" o" m#n 4#ct "e"= t%e/ !%o ld +e "e4e""ed to t%$"d9&#"t/ d$!& te "e!ol t$on. T%$"d9&#"t/ mec%#n$!m! !e t%e !e"-$ce! o4 n+$#!ed $nd$-$d #l! o" &#nel! to "e!ol-e d$!& te! t%"o g% conc$l$#t$on= med$#t$on #nd #"+$t"#t$on. Conc$l$#t$on2 A ne t"#l conc$l$#to" +"$ng! t%e &#"t$e! toget%e" #nd enco "#ge! t%em to 4$nd # m t #ll/ #cce&t#+le "e!ol t$on to t%e d$!& te. 'ed$#t$on2 A ne t"#l med$#to" +ecome! #ct$-el/ $n-ol-ed $n negot$#t$on! +etween t%e &#"t$e!. T%e med$#to" c#n

&"o&o!e # "e!ol t$on= + t c#nnot d$ct#te # !ettlement o4 t%e d$!& te. A"+$t"#t$on2 An $nde&endent $nd$-$d #l o" &#nel %e#"! t%e 4#ct! on +ot% !$de! o4 # d$!& te #nd "e#c%e! # dec$!$on. U! #ll/ +ot% &#"t$e! %#-e &"e-$o !l/ #g"eed to #+$de +/ t%e dec$!$on= + t $n !ome !/!tem!= onl/ t%e + !$ne!! #g"ee! $n #d-#nce to #+$de +/ t%e o tcome o4 t%e #"+$t"#t$on. T%$"d9&#"t/ d$!& te "e!ol t$on $! #d-#nt#geo ! to + !$ne!! +ec# !e $t en#+le! eC&ed$t$o != econom$c#l #nd 4#$" com&l#$nt "e!ol t$on w$t%o t go-e"nment "eg l#t$on o" leg#l #ct$on. In 4#ct= go-e"nment #genc$e! enco "#ge t%e !e o4 t%$"d9&#"t/ mec%#n$!m! w%en com&l#$nt! c#nnot +e "e!ol-ed d$"ectl/ +etween + /e" #nd !elle". ."o&onent! o4 t%$"d9 &#"t/ !/!tem! &o$nt o t t%#t t%e$" !e c#n %el& m#ke m#n 4#ct "e"! #nd "et#$le"! mo"e "e!&on!$-e to con! me" &"o+lem!. B/ ! +m$tt$ng d$!& te! to # ne t"#l dec$!$on9m#ke"= # + !$ne!! c#n demon!t"#te goodw$ll t%"o g% $t! w$ll$ngne!! to !eek n+$#!ed !ol t$on! to con! me" com&l#$nt!. A !m#ll &e"cent#ge o4 con! me"! #nd + !$ne!!e! !eek mo"e 4o"m#l t%$"d9 &#"t/ com&l#$nt "e!ol t$on $n !m#ll cl#$m! co "t!. U!e o4 t%e co "t! c#n +e c m+e"!ome #nd co!tl/ 4o" +ot% !$de! #nd c#n ! #ll/ +e #-o$ded $4 # good 4#$t% e44o"t $! m#de to "e!ol-e d$!& te! #t t%e com&#n/ le-el o" t%"o g% $n4o"m#l d$!& te "e!ol t$on.

B#!$c Ste&! 4o" E44ect$-e Com&l#$nt '#n#gement

$. De!$gn#te # Loc#t$on to Rece$-e Com&l#$nt! Con! me"! need to know w%e"e #nd %ow to 4$le com&l#$nt! o" m#ke $n> $"$e!. Select # &l#ce to "ece$-e com&l#$nt! t%#t $! -$!$+le #nd #cce!!$+le to con! me"!6 . +l$c$8e t%e com&l#$nt !/!tem to enco "#ge con! me"! to -o$ce t%e$" d$!!#t$!4#ct$on #nd to m#ke t%e good $ntent$on! o4 t%e com&#n/ #&&#"ent.


De-elo& # S/!tem 4o" Reco"d9kee&$ng ."e&#"e 4o"m! 4o" "eco"d$ng= c#tego"$8$ng #nd 4$l$ng com&l#$nt "eco"d!. De!$gn t%e !/!tem to &e"4o"m 4 nct$on! ! c% #! t%e 4ollow$ng2

6 Comm n$c#t$ng com&l#$nt d#t# to to& m#n#gement6 .e"m$tt$ng !w$4t $dent$4$c#t$on #nd "e!&on!e w%en com&l#$nt! need to +e "e&o"ted to ot%e" de&#"tment! o" com&#n$e! $n t%e d$!t"$+ t$on netwo"k= o" to l#w en4o"cement o" "eg l#to"/ #genc$e!? &"o-$d$ng m#"ket "e!e#"c% t%"o g% com&l#$nt t"end!? #nd 6 En#+l$ng m#n#gement to mon$to" t%e e44$c$enc/ #nd e44ect$-ene!! o4 t%e com&l#$nt9 m#n#gement !/!tem.


."oce!! #nd Reco"d Com&l#$nt!6 Log $n t%e com&l#$nt #nd #n/ "ele-#nt d#t#.

6 C#tego"$8e $t 4o" "e!ol t$on #nd "eco"d9kee&$ng. C#tego"$e! m !t +e cle#"l/ de4$ned #nd eCcl !$-e o4 one #not%e". 6 A!!$gn t%e com&l#$nt to one &e"!on 4o" %#ndl$ng. 6 3o"w#"d t%e com&l#$nt to #not%e" le-el o4 # t%o"$t/= $4 #&&"o&"$#te.


Acknowledge Com&l#$nt Con! me"! do not "eg$!te" com&l#$nt! w$t% onl/ # c#! #l $nte"e!t $n t%e$" d$!&o!$t$on. Com&l#$n$ng $n-ol-e! !ome $ncon-en$ence #nd= &o!!$+l/= eC&en!e. Lo/#l c !tome"! w$t% !t"ong 4eel$ng! #"e o4ten $n-ol-ed.

6 .e"!on#l$8e t%e "e!&on!e. 6 T#lk to t%e c !tome"= $4 &o!!$+le= +/ &%one o" $n &e"!on. 6 U!e lette"! w%en nece!!#"/= + t #-o$d $m&e"!on#l 4o"m lette"!. 6 T#ke eCt"# t$me= $4 needed= to %el& con! me"! w$t% !&ec$#l need!= ! c% #! l#ng #ge +#""$e"!.


In-e!t$g#te #nd An#l/8e t%e Com&l#$nt

6 Be 4#$". 6 )et +ot% !$de! o4 t%e !to"/. 6 (ee& "eco"d! $n t%e com&l#$nt 4$le o4 #ll meet$ng!= con-e"!#t$on! o" 4$nd$ng!.


Re!ol-e t%e ."o+lem $n # '#nne" Con!$!tent w$t% Com&#n/ .ol$c/

6 3o"w#"d t%e com&l#$nt to t%e #&&"o&"$#te le-el o4 # t%o"$t/ 4o" "e!ol t$on. 6 (ee& t%e con! me" $n4o"med t%"o g% &"og"e!! "e&o"t!. 6 Not$4/ t%e con! me" &"om&tl/ o4 # &"o&o!ed !ettlement. -$$. 3ollow9U&6 3$nd o t $4 t%e con! me" $! !#t$!4$ed w$t% t%e "e!ol t$on. 5#! $t c#""$ed o t6

6 Re4e" t%e com&l#$nt to # t%$"d9&#"t/ d$!& te9 "e!ol t$on mec%#n$!m= $4 nece!!#"/. 6 Coo&e"#te w$t% t%e t%$"d9&#"t/.


."e&#"e #nd 3$le # Re&o"t on t%e D$!&o!$t$on o4 t%e Com&l#$nt= #nd .e"$od$c#ll/ An#l/8e #nd S mm#"$8e Com&l#$nt!

6 C$"c l#te com&l#$nt !t#t$!t$c! #nd #ct$on &"o&o!#l! to #&&"o&"$#te de&#"tment!. 6 De-elo& #n #ct$on &l#n 4o" com&l#$nt &"e-ent$on. 6 '#ke ! "e t%e con! me" -$ew&o$nt $! g$-en #&&"o&"$#te con!$de"#t$on $n com&#n/ dec$!$on m#k$ng.

Com&l#$nt '#n#gement S/!tem Concl !$on!

Com&l#$nt m#n#gement !/!tem! #nd com&#n/ &ol$c$e! on "e4 nd!= eCc%#nge! #nd &"od ct !e"-$ce -#"/ w$del/ de&end$ng on t%e n#t "e o4 t%e &"od ct o" !e"-$ce= t%e te"m! o4 & "c%#!e= con! me" !e &#tte"n!= #nd !o on. T%e"e $! no !$ngle 4o"m l# t%#t w$ll &"o-$de n$-e"!#l "el$e4 4o" d$!9!#t$!4$ed con! me"!. T%e comm$tment #nd cont$n $ng $n-ol-ement o4 com&#n/ m#n#gement $! c"$t$c#l to ! cce!!4 l com&l#$nt "e!ol t$on #nd to t%e o&t$m m !e o4 com&l#$nt! #! # m#n#gement tool. '#n#ge"! w$ll %el& d$!co-e" new w#/! to $m&"o-e +ot% t%e com&l#$nt9m#n#gement !/!tem #nd t%e 4#$"ne!! o4 "emed$e! o44e"ed to con! me"!.

Com&l#$nt '#n#gement S/!tem C%eckl$!t

E-#l #te /o " com&l#$nt m#n#gement !/!tem In &l#nn$ng # !/!tem 4o" com&l#$nt m#n#gement o" e-#l #t$ng t%e one /o %#-e $n &l#ce= con!$de" t%e 4ollow$ng > e!t$on!2 6 Doe! /o " com&#n/ de&end on "e&e#t c !tome"!6 6 Do /o %#-e w"$tten &"oced "e! 4o" /o " com&l#$nt9 m#n#gement !/!tem6

6 I! !t#44 t%"o g%o t t%e com&#n/ well #w#"e o4 t%e &"oced "e! #nd t%e $m&o"t#nce o4 /o " com&l#$nt9 m#n#gement !/!tem6 6 Doe! to& m#n#gement d$"ectl/ o-e"!ee /o " com&l#$nt9%#ndl$ng &"oced "e!6 6 Do $ncent$-e! eC$!t to "e$n4o"ce !t#44 comm$tment to con! me" !#t$!4#ct$on6 6 I! /o " com&l#$nt !/!tem e#!$l/ #cce!!$+le to con! me"!6 6 Do /o & +l$c$8e /o " com&l#$nt !/!tem to con! me"!6 I4 /e!= %ow6 ."$nted med$# D&o!te"!= #d-e"t$!$ng= mont%l/ !t#tement!E 6 Comm n$c#t$on! +/ !#le! &e"!onnel6 6 I! /o " com&l#$nt !/!tem o"g#n$8ed !o t%#t2 o 4"ont9l$ne em&lo/ee! %#-e cle#" "e!&on!$+$l$t$e! 4o" "e!ol-$ng com&l#$nt! $n one de&#"tment o" loc#t$on6 O l#"ge" o" mo"e !e"$o ! com&l#$nt! #"e "e4e""ed to de!$gn#ted !en$o" m#n#ge"!6 6 A"e /o &"o-$d$ng #de> #te t"#$n$ng 4o" /o " com&l#$nt9m#n#gement !t#446 6 Doe! t%e c !tome"9"el#t$on! !t#44 4eel t%e/ %#-e e> #l !t#t "e w$t% ot%e" &"o4e!!$on#l! $n t%e com&#n/6 6 Do /o &e"$od$c#ll/ ! "-e/ /o " c !tome"! to !ee $4 t%e/ #"e !#t$!4$ed w$t% /o " com&l#$nt9m#n#gement !/!tem6 Do /o enco "#ge 4eed+#ck6

6 Do /o "eg l#"l/ "e-$ew /o " com&l#$nt9m#n#gement !/!tem #nd m#ke nece!!#"/ $m&"o-ement!6 6 Do /o t$l$8e /o " !/!tem o4 com&l#$nt m#n#gement 4o" mo"e t%#n !ettl$ng $nd$-$d #l com&l#$nt!6 3o" eC#m&le= do /o !e $t 4o" > #l$t/ cont"ol #nd &"o+lem &"e-ent$on6 6 Doe! /o " com&l#$nt !/!tem !w$4tl/ gene"#te !/!tem#t$c $n4o"m#t$on #+o t c# !e! o4 com&l#$nt! #nd com&l#$nt t"end!6 6 Doe! t%$! d#t# meet /o " m#n#gement need!6 6 Do /o c$"c l#te to to& m#n#gement &e"$od$c "e&o"t! o4 d#t# 4"om com&l#$nt "eco"d! w$t% ! gge!t$on! 4o" #ct$on to &"e-ent "ec ""$ng &"o+lem!6 6 C#n /o $dent$4/ #"e#! $n t%e com&#n/ $n w%$c% /o " com&l#$nt9m#n#gement !/!tem $! %#-$ng #n e44ect6 1#! $t +een &o!$t$-e o" neg#t$-e6 6 Do /o coo"d$n#te /o " com&l#$nt9m#n#gement !/!tem w$t% ot%e"! $n t%e d$!t"$+ t$on c%#$n 4o" /o " &"od ct! o" !e"-$ce!6 Do /o %#-e # d$"ect l$ne o4 comm n$c#t$on w$t% t%em6 6 Do /o %#-e #n #de> #te nde"!t#nd$ng o4 %ow t%e!e eCte"n#l o"g#n$8#t$on! #"e #44ect$ng /o " "el#t$on!%$& w$t% con! me"!6 6 Do /o wo"k coo&e"#t$-el/ w$t% loc#l #nd go-e"nment#l con! me" #genc$e!6

6 Do /o !e t%$"d9&#"t/ d$!& te9"e!ol t$on mec%#n$!m! 4o" t%o!e &"o+lem! not "e!ol-ed $n9%o !e D$.e. med$#t$on o" #"+$t"#t$onE6




;F ?AIBT&L@ 0F ?1T$&BS@


Hence, from this report it is clear that BSNL is the best service provider in Asia. BSNL provides world class State-of-art technology telecom services to its customers on demand at competitive prices world class telecom infrastructure in its area of operation and to contribute to the growth of the country s economy.

B$+l$og"#&% /
5$k$&ed$# B!nlDwe+!$teE

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