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By Sarah Capers ITEC 2010

November 11, 2013


What is yoga? Yoga History

Yoga Paths
Benefits of Yoga Precautions


What is Yoga?
Yoga is physical and spiritual discipline designed to help lead person to
enlightenment, or a permanent state of peace and happiness.

The term yoga is actually Sanskrit for to yoke or to unite. Of the eight limbs of yoga (including virtues, breathing, and inward
concentration) asanas, or postures, is the most widely known aspect.

Yoga is believed to have started in India over 5000
year ago.

The earliest written record of yoga is in The Vedas,

one of the oldest texts in existence today.

Although yoga is not a religion, many religions value

yogas spiritual benefits. Religions that include yoga in their practices include Buddhism and Hinduism. mid 1800s.

It wasnt introduced to the Western world until the

Since the beginning of yoga, many different philosphies have come into existence, with different beliefs and different focuses. These include

Bhakti (yoga of devotion)

Jnana (yoga of wisdom) Karma (yoga of selfless action)

Raja (royal yoga)

Mantra (yoga of sound) Hatha (forceful yoga)

(The Many) Benefits of Yoga

Helps lower blood pressure Improves mood and depression Improves quality of life in the elderly Increases energy Improves flexibility Improves balance

Lowers blood glucose Improves asthma Reduces stress Can reduce pain from chronic conditions

Improves strength

Helps with insomnia Reduces risk for heart disease

You should always consult with your doctor
before beginning any exercise practice, especially if you have any preexisting health conditions.

It is best to train with a trained yoga professional

to make sure form is correct and safe.

Never overstretch of extend yourself! Listen to

your body. Avoid anything that causes pain in the joints or vertebrae.

The ancient practice of yoga is a great path to spirituality, self improvement, and physical fitness. It has a rich history an there are many different paths to choose from. Although the benefits are numerous, it is important to be careful with any type of physical exercise to avoid injury. Namaste!

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