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Daniels 1 Khyne Daniels Miss E.

ENGL 1101-062 26 September 2013 No One Writes Better Than Me: A Personal Literacy Narrative As a child, the soul is at its purest state. It is untouched and unmolested by the outside forces of society. Children live life with an unclear sense of what is right or wrong because it has not been taught to them yet. True writing is the untold story your soul is trying to tell. Put something that relates to my life here. How to transition into telling about my experience??? Alright class, go put your book bags in your cubby so we can get ready for class. After hearing these words from Mrs. Nelon, I run to my 10ft tall, snow-white cubby, and toss my back pack into it. I am so eager to learn and it is showing on my face as I sit down beside my best friends on the rainbow carpet staring at the chalkboard. Todays lesson is going to be on writing paragraphs class. The room is filled with Ooosssss and Ahhhhs from students. As I sit in silence I begin to sing my ABC song. A B C D E F G so on and so forth. How many of you all can write me 5 sentences about what you did this morning? Gazing around the room I see only two little hands raised in the air other than mine. I was a little confused at the time as to why others didnt have their hands raised. Then it hit me, not everyone had the same academic influences as I did at home. My mother would take any opportunity she could to give me a lesson in reading and writing. Her famous words were boy if you cant read or write you cant survive in this world.

Daniels 2 Dunkupppp! I get hit in the back of the noggin with a box of crayons I snap back to reality. Class grab your notebooks and a pencil and write me a story of the things you did this morning. Is this too much detail or not enough? Is this considered fluff or just describing the scene in time I am in? Tell something about how I built a relationship with Mrs. Nelon and how she would always take an extra minute to read my writings throughout the year to ensure I was doing things the best of my ability. Say something about putting together a book at Christmas time telling a story about our best friends and having it published so that each student in the class had a copy. As I transitioned into middle school I vividly remember sitting in Mrs. Gores classroom day after day being forced to write a different type of writing each few weeks giving a broad prospective of the vast types of writing there were in the world. Mrs. Gore was one of my moms most influential teachers growing up so I always had to excel past her expectations she had set for the other students. Mention Abby taking me under her wing and making sure I stayed on top of my papers that were due and adding higher level vocabulary words to my assignments to make them sound better. Add some dialogue about a time where Id forward her my paper after my mom proofread it and let her critique it to make it sound even better. Ive always been a fan of using my resources to my best advantage. Talk about inscriptions journal that we had to complete to pass the class. Filled with all the assignments typed up neatly with no errors and put into page protectors to last. Same thing for two years but never a dull moment in writing, taught me to expand my vocabulary. Winning a contest she unknowingly sent my essay into and making it to the national level.

Daniels 3 Transition into high school and practicing the five-paragraph essay over and over, preparing to pass the writing test and AP exams were all writing was focused on. You will have to write three essays in two hours. You choose which order you write them, but you have to completely explain your point and make sure you are on topic to receive credit. Mrs. Clemmons always tried to intimidate us out about things but this time she was not kidding. If we couldnt pass these tests we could not go onto the next grade. I was taught different writing strategies such as taking five or ten minutes to plan out what you want to say in the beginning rather than getting stuck in the third paragraph and not knowing what to say. The more time we spent practicing writing, the better I felt. Although they were boring and dull, it taught us to manage our time when writing and get our point across without using a lot of fluff. After successfully passing my tenth grade writing test and my AP exams going back and thanking Mrs. Clemmons for being as tough as she was on me because it paid off. She would say, Khyne this isnt good enough tear it up Go write it again and put more of your soul into it. After hearing those words time and time again, it started to stick with me that no matter what the assignment you have to write, it is a necessity to put your voice into it. Say something inspirational to convince the reader that writing is more than just words on a paper, something that explains quote. Every thing I write now, I think back in the memories of my school days that shaped me into the writer I am today. I my not use the most extravagant vocabulary, or construct sentence that are on a complex level, but I put soul into each and every work of writing I put my name on and that is enough satisfaction in itself for me.

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