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Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.

Interactive Textbook 25 The Cell in ction

xrhaoe wth the ovroomeot
The Cell in ction
Namo Class Dato
After you read this section you shouId be abIe to answer
these questions

How do colls tako in food and got rid of wastos?

What is diffusion?
Where Do CeIIs Cet the MateriaIs Ihey Need!
What would happon to a factory if its powor woro shut
off or its supply of matorials novor arrivod? What would
happon if tho factory couldn't got rid of its garbago? Liko
a factory, an organism must bo ablo to got onorgy and raw
matorials and got rid of wastos. Thoso jobs aro dono by
an organism's colls. Matorials movo in and out of tho coll
across tho coll mombrano. Many matorials, such as wator
and oxygon, can cross tho mombrano by diffusion.
What Is Diffusion!
Tho figuro bolow shows what happons whon dyo is
placod on top of a layor of golatin. Ovor timo, tho dyo
mixos with tho golatin. Why doos this happon?
Evorything, including tho golatin and tho dyo, is mado
of tiny moving particlos. Particlos tond to movo from
placos whoro thoy aro crowdod to placos whoro thoy aro
loss crowdod. Whon thoro aro many of ono typo of
particlo, this is a high concontration. Whon thoro aro
fowor of ono kind of particlo, this is a low concontration.
Tho movomont from aroas of high concontration to aroas
of low concontration is callod diIIuaion.
t hrst, the dye
and the gelatin
are separate
from each
fter a while, the particles in the
dye move into the gelatin. This
process is called diffusion.
NationaI 5cience
Education 5tandards
L5 1a, 1c

Comgare s you read, make
a chart comparing diffusion
and osmosis. In your chart,
show how they are similar
and how they are different.
1. Dene What is diffusion!

2. Identify How do dye
particles move through the
ChAPIk 2
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook 26 The Cell in ction
Namo Class Dato
xchange with the nvironment
Substancos, such as wator, aro mado up of particlos
callod uo|ecv|es. Puro wator has tho highost concontration
of wator moloculos. This moans that 1OO of tho moloculos
aro wator moloculos. If you mix anothor substanco, such as
food coloring, into tho wator, you lowor tho concontration
of wator moloculos. This moans that wator moloculos no
longor mako up 1OO of tho total moloculos.
Tho figuro bolow shows a containor that has boon dividod
by a mombrano. Tho mombrano is seujerueab|ethat is,
only somo substancos can pass through it. Tho mombrano
lots smallor moloculos, such as wator, pass through. Largor
moloculos, such as food coloring, cannot pass through.
Wator moloculos will movo across tho mombrano. Tho
diffusion of wator through a mombrano is callod oamoaia.
Pure water
Water mixed with
food coIoring
A coll mombrano is a typo of somipormoablo mombrano.
This moans that wator can pass through tho coll mombrano,
but most othor substancos cannot. Tho colls of organisms
aro surroundod by and fillod with fluids. Thoso fluids aro
mado mostly of wator. Wator movos in and out of a coll by
,-...e-! J-.--.-_
J. AppIy Concepts Which
of the following has a higher
concentration of water
molecules-200 molecules
of water, or a mixture of
300 molecules of water
and 100 molecules of food
coloring! Explain your answer.

4. ExpIain Why does the
volume of liquid in the
right-hand side of the
container increase with time!
5. Identify How does water
move into and out of cells!
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook 2? The Cell in Action
Namo Class Dato
Exchange with the Environment
How Do 5maII ParticIes Enter and Leave a CeII!
Small particlos, such as sugars, can cross tho coll
mombrano through passagoways callod channe|s. Thoso
channols in tho coll mombrano aro mado of protoins.
Particlos can travol through thoso channols by passivo
transport or by activo transport.
During paaaive IranaporI, particlos movo through tho
coll mombrano without using onorgy from tho coll. During
passivo transport, particlos movo from aroas of high con-
contration to aroas of lowor concontration. Diffusion and
osmosis aro oxamplos of passivo transport.
During acIive IranaporI, tho coll has to uso onorgy to
movo particlos through channols. During activo transport,
particlos usually movo from aroas of low concontration to
aroas of high concontration.
How Do Large ParticIes Enter and Leave a CeII!
Largo particlos cannot movo across a coll mombrano
in tho samo ways as small particlos. Largor particlos must
movo in and out of tho coll by ondocytosis and oxocytosis.
Both procossos roquiro onorgy from tho coll.
EndocyIoaia happons whon a coll surrounds a largo
particlo and onclosos it in a vosiclo. A iesc|e is a sac
formod from a pioco of coll mombrano.
The cell comes
into contact with
a particle.
The cell membrane
begins to wrap
around the particle.
Cnce the particle
is completely sur-
rounded, a vesicle
pinches off.
1 2 J
ExocyIoaia happons whon a coll usos a vosiclo to movo a
particlo from within tho coll to outsido tho coll. Exocytosis is
how colls got rid of largo wasto particlos.
Large particles that
must leave the cell
are packaged in
The vesicle travels to
the cell membrane
and fuses with it.
The cell releases
the particle to the
outside of the cell.
1 2 J
6. Identify What is needed
to move particles from areas
of low concentration to areas
of high concentration!

7. Identify Label the vesicle
in the hgure.
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook 2S The Cell in Action
Namo Class Dato
Sertoo 1 kevew N5E5 L5 1a, 1c
active transgort the movement of substances
across the cell membrane that requires the cell
to use energy
diffusion the movement of particles from
regions of higher density to regions of lower
endocytosis the process by which a cell mem-
brane surrounds a particle and encloses the
particle in a vesicle to bring the particle into
the cell
exocytosis the process in which a cell releases
a particle by enclosing the particle in a vesicle
that then moves to the cell surface and fuses
with the cell membrane
osmosis the diffusion of water through a
semipermeable membrane
gassive transgort the movement of substances
across a cell membrane without the use of
energy by the cell
Compare How is ondocytosis difforont from oxocytosis? How aro thoy similar?
2 ExpIain How is osmosis rolatod to diffusion?
Compare What aro tho difforoncos botwoon activo and passivo transport?
Identify What structuros allow small particlos to cross coll mombranos?
5 AppIy Concepts Draw an arrow in tho figuro bolow to show tho diroction that
wator moloculos will movo in.
water mixed
with sugar
pure water

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