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#93 Umbel Street Roxas District, Quezon City, Philippines Mobile umber ! "9#$%&'(%99 )*mail +,,ress ! na-alar-ie./mail0com

Position: Warehouse Assistant Objectives:

1o 2ill in a position 3hich is relate, to my course that 3ill pro-i,e an actual orientation o2 business operations, 4ualitati-e exposures, a,-ancements an, pro2essional challen/es0

Wor E!"erience:
#o$"uter Laborator% &aci'itator (O)*+ +ssemble, an, repaire, o-er &" computers in laboratories0 5nstalle, 6in,o3s an, 7inux on computers0 Re2ormatte, a numbers o2 computers 2or -arious ,epartments0 8acilitate, the use o2 the computer laboratories0 ,ervice #re- at )o''ibee Roces ()an )u'% ./00+

E1ucationa' 2ac roun1:

March ./04 ,*I #o''e3e 5ue6on Avenue #33 Quezon +-enue, Quezon City Diploma in Computer )lectronics 1echnolo/y ,*I #o''e3e 5ue6on Avenue #33 Quezon +-enue, Quezon City Diploma in 5n2ormation 1echnolo/y

October ./0/

Persona' 2ac 3roun1:

Date o2 9irth ! Place o2 9irth! ationality ! :en,er ! Ci-il Status ! ;ei/ht ! 6ei/ht ! Reli/ion ! March ', #99( Quezon City 8ilipino Male Sin/le %<& #"% lbs Roman Catholic

, i''s:
Pro2icient in the use o2 the -arious Microso2t =22ice applications0 +ble to han,le 3arehouse responsibilities +,ept in repairin/, 2ormattin/ an, installin/ pro/rams in computers0 Computer System an, et3or> Con2i/uration0 +,obe Photoshop0

#o$"uter 7ar1-are ,ervicin3 Licensure E!a$ination (*E,8A+

Date ! +pril #", ("#3 Place ! +sian Colle/e ?+CS+1@ Cubao, Quezon City 7icense umber ! #3#3#&"(""A33$

=n 1he Bob 1rainin/ ?=B1@ S15 Colle/e Quezon +-enue0 Career )nhancement Pro/ram0 ?S15 Colle/e Quezon +-enue@ 1echnical ),ucation an, S>ills De-elopment +uthority ?1)SD+@ Computer ;ar,3are Ser-icin/0

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