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Sitapatr School Anuban Weekly Outline

Teacher: Adam Class: EP2 Ladybird Week: 4 Dates: 25-29.11.13

This week we are learning:

Circle Time Review
This week we will review some of the rammar a!d s"eaki! we have do!e over the "ast week. #$hat is it%& #$hat a!imal do yo' like%& #(o yo' like )'i*e%& #+a! yo' r'!%& #Are yo' ha""y%& $e will also be reviewi! *lassroom ob)e*ts a!d family this week.

Sea Animals
Activity Time

This week d'ri! o'r a*tivity time we will *o!ti!'e to lear! abo't ,ea A!imals. $e will start by drawi! a bi "i*t're o! the board a!d aski! st'de!ts what a!imals live i! the sea.

Sea Animals: -ish. seahorse. shark. starfish. whale. )elly fish. t'rtle. dol"hi!. o*to"'s. *rab. lobster. shells Song: #,li""ery fish& #$hat *a! yo' see '!der the sea%&

$e will fi!ish maki! o'r "oster for the wall i! the *lassroom abo't ,ea A!imals 'si! "i*t'res that the st'de!ts have *olo'red i! themselves. /ake "i*t'res of the sea a!imals to de*orate the i!side of the *lassroom.

This week we will review the three letter word families we *overed last week1 -a! 5*a!. "a!. fa!. ma!. va!. ra!6. -at 5bat. *at. fat. mat. rat. hat6 a!d -a" 5sa". *a". ma". !a". ta"6. $e will "ra*ti*e readi! a!d so'!di! o't the word so that st'de!ts will have "le!ty of "ra*ti*e ble!di! so'!ds to ether.

0rammar1 #$hat is this%& #2t is a 3.& #$here does #2t lives i! the...& #The whale is bi & #The fish is small&

New letters!soun"s!vocabulary#
This week we are oi! to *o!ti!'e ble!di! 3 letters words. $e will move o! to !ew word families 4am5dam. ham. ram. )am6 a!d 4a 5ba . ta . ra . wa 6. The st'de!ts have bee! doi! very well so we may be able to do more.

Writing $ractice
$e will *o!ti!'e to do writi! "ra*ti*e i! their !ew books.

Sight Wor"s
$e will *o!ti!'e to work o! o'r first set of si ht words from last week1 he. she. yo'. r'!. am. i!. it a!d is

$arent %ollow &' ! &se(ul Websites ! )omework:

The st'de!ts have all bee! doi! very well so far this semester a!d 2 am very ha""y to see them all do so well. Talk to yo'r *hild abo't the differe!t sea a!imals a!d see how ma!y they *a! remember. ,li""ery fish so! 1 htt"177www.yo't'be.*om7wat*h%v8A9bak:$0h0/

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